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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Easiest to remember this way, the only time you can carry a pistol while deer hunting is when a pistol would be legal for that season.
  2. When making it were you able to confirm, by a thermometer use, the internal temp of the sausage was reached?
  3. The part of that poll that I don't like is they are only allowed to select their most important preference. I am actually a bit surprised at the popularity of the "no change"
  4. Thanks for clearing up the PR funding, Mike. I thought a portion of the license sales was direct to PR. Didn't know it was only one avenue that could be used as a matching funds.
  5. Mike, do those 11 states that don't allow Sunday Firearms hunting sell licenses on a day to day basis or for the season? I wouldn't think the Sundays would effect PR moneys because the license would still be sold.
  6. That is one reason why I believe all do take should be handled by the lottery system. If you property doesn't support taking do then don't enter, or enter for an area that will support it. It should be equal opportunity to take a doe for all hunters not just bow/ML. I land owner could have the population to justify taking doe in an area that get no or few permits and he can't unless they bow/ML hunt. And I do think you should no before you apply for a permit if you are going to try to fill them. There are several guys I know that apply that would never shoot a doe. They just don't want others to be able to fill them either. So I guess the readers digest version is I agree with you . We need individual responsibility but there should also be good management tools in place and ones that instill confidence in the system and the ones managing it.
  7. let me ask a question on the map. why would an AR unit not still have an objective?
  8. I think your phrasing was fine. I think people just look to get different things out of a season, and are willing to put different efforts in. What make the experience for one will be different for another. Personally I have never hunted whitetail out of NY state except for a couple times to PA so I don't think it is fair for me to voice where I believe they are on the scale. I can only gauge the laws and regulations here and how they measure up for me and what I believe would be best for the sport, here. I would be the vast majority of deer hunters have no or limited first hand experience with out of state hunting. Just based on the regulations and what I know of them. I can't put us in the upper 50%. Number one in my book is wildlife biologists should be running the show and they aren't. I also think there are other things that could have been approached before actions like shortening the season of a vast expansion of AR's. Number one being the damned antlerless only and either sex with the bow/ML. Number two being the removal of the nuisance tag system. show the hunting public that they can make good decisions that aren't going to backfire and turn the sport on its head and they may have the confidence and support to back other changes. I don't have that confidence in our current management, especially if we are relying on a survey to set policy.
  9. The definition of that is varied in the groups you mentioned. It appears, from what we see even here, that the end goal is vastly different for us.
  10. My family's and groups tradition will be impacted severely if they shorten the gun seasons. The social aspect of that season is far more important to me that some "better hunting" dream. I hunt all seasons in both zones but SZ gun is where I grew up hunting and many of the group don't or can't hunt in other seasons. If they pander and shorten the season, I will really have to evaluate the worth of keeping a hunting lease in the SZ.
  11. where is that news paper when you really wanna see if someone has a pistol permit...lol. I would do cartwheels if he had one and he got his guns confiscated.
  12. I was explaining what he said when you said you didn't understand it. In your case, what is different that is making it feel that way?
  13. Call me old fashion but I don't care about their feelings. I'd prefer to see their view obstructed by bars I realize it is unlikely but that is just another result of our broken system.
  14. Let me try this. Basically if you had a 308 and an '06 in the exact same rifle platform with the same rifle weight and the same stock configurations and shooting the same grain bullet weight, the difference in felt recoil would be zero.
  15. Could be. What does it ask about. Would love to see it scanned and posted
  16. OK, let me ask this and I am going off topic a bit and tie in AR's. The results of AR's should be for a more balance age structure? More mature bucks and less does to breed all or the majority of does in the first cycle. (I have read this many times in these threads). I am going to concede the point and agree mature bucks are crappier meat. And now the point that their sparring and fighting leads to it because of the workout. I would think that a population with more equally dominant or near equal would lead to more fighting and more aggressive matches. No? a population of 1.5's is not going to go toe to toe with a mature buck in an all out brawl. Not for very long anyway. So are we sacrificing the meat quality of what will be taken with AR's? Does this mean it really is all bout the horns since the meat sucks?
  17. For those of you with no smoker or stuffer, I came across this when looking for a good base recipe a few years back. It allows you to make sausage in your oven. And no casing to peel...lol Form 2" diameter logs with the cured venison. Cover the logs in foil, shiny side in and lightly coated with Pam, and poke a few holes in several places to allow drainage. Place covered rolls on a rack over a drip pan and bake in the oven Cook for an hour and a half at 350. Internal tem of at least 160. take out of oven and uncover. soak up any reaming fats and rewrap and allow to cool.
  18. The magic chemical is sodium nitrite (6.25%) and added at 1 tsp per every 5 lbs of meat for the listed ingredients. I see that Morton's has 6.25% so theoretically it should be fine. But it also has sodium nitrate and sugar. There could be a taste variance but I can't imagine much. the preserving chemical is there so it should be fine. I would add it at the recommended rate on the instructions and maybe back off of some of the Kosher salt until you get the taste as you like it. One thing we do when working up a recipe /modifying one we found, is fry up (with no oil or butter) a half dollar patty to test. Remember, you can always add but once you add it you are stuck. start low and move up. It won't have the same exact taste but enough so you can pick out a lacking ingredient or an over powering one.
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