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Culvercreek hunt club

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. You aren't correct on this. If the land is not "legally" posted the only thing you can do is ask them to leave. Then they need to be sent a formal communication like a certified letter stating the land is posted and they have to permission. THEN if they are caught again you can press charges immediately.
  2. Me too unless I know I am going to run the tank dry. The stuff is a killer in small engines unless you use a conditioner for it, and that isn't cheap. The non ethanol will cost more but has more power and mileage and is much easier on engine components, especially carbs. Use this to find stations in your area that carry NON ethanol gas. http://pure-gas.org/
  3. It is a law without reason to some extent. You can go in a shotgun only are ad use a 300 Win Mag in a 15" barreled Encore to deer hunt or could take it out other than deer season and shoot woodchucks all day.
  4. If that was directed to me, the answer is no. But I ask because you had the comment about how "simple" it is. I was just pointing out that many hunters don't have access to land to do it. Even some leases aren't conducive to it.
  5. I have no idea what the answer to this question is but I hope someone does. in the states where baiting is legal, how does the fact a deer (or an other animal) is taken over bait effect it's entry into the books?
  6. So do the guys down' in the city try this in Central Park? Let's face it. Not every hunter in NY has access to property that they can place plots on.
  7. http://www.thermacell.com/mosquito-repellent/specials/mosquito-repellent-refills-fall-pack
  8. Virgil, I think many times it is the Boy that cried Wolf syndrome. There are so many lame brain ideas that get presented with little or suspect backing that everything now gets treated the same.
  9. You think ammo is in short supply now, watch what happens then. a lot of what I use is non-lead (but not all)and I keep hearing the "it doesn't cost that much we can afford 4 shots" on this thread. Tells me how much practice some actually do. how many rounds do you think some shoot when they are in trap or skeet leagues? range practice? Hunting? I am all for a cleaner environment but let's not make it sound like it is pocket change. There are cost and it will be felt by anyone that pulls a trigger, the scope of that effect will vary.
  10. That is Federal and if I recall was switched in the early 90's. There are also specific areas in the state like Montezuma and Iroquois that require not lead shot for all hunting (not just waterfowl). I remember hearing last year that the Fed's (EPA?)made a push to ban all lead ammo. Am I mixing that up with another topic?
  11. First, Welcome. On the Safe Act. How much talk was there prior to it's actual passage? Not much chatter at all. I have the highest regard for the DEC and what they can accomplish given their limi9ted resource, but I would be curious how they are "working" to do this. Their head is a Cuomo appointee and will not go against any part of the safe act. Any change will required legislative or judicial measures, both of which the DEC is lacking. As for the Moderators, they are members, monitor the site and try to keep it organized and monitor for rule compliance. It has nothing to do with how they must form their opinions and express them.
  12. great round for varmits up to deer sized game. You give up the heaver bullets that are available with the 30-06 but it is flat shooting and less kick (in equal rifles of action and weights). if you don't reload I would check around for availability of ammo before you make a decision.
  13. Phil, Agree on your explanation but let me throw in a couple varables. to echieve the same mass with a less dense material you need mor of it. Since the caliber of the rifle fixes the diameter that only lease one way, longer projectile. Aerodynamically they do not react the same. cross wind will have a greater influence on the larger profile of the same mass. So that was my question. Given the variables you mention does anyone know of a comparison that was done independently of the bullets out there? (too lazy to google...lol)
  14. Stubby....I think in a few days he is going to wish he swallowed that head first..LOL
  15. I understand the difference In The mechanics in how the two eat but envision the size of the mouth of that gator. With crushed ribs I would imagine the widest part of that doe would have been the pelvis? I could see that gator swallowing a soccer ball girth sized object. Plus a gator spin a and tears flesh is they have to and can't swill ow whole.
  16. Did you listen to Bundy's full comment? No doubt in my mind he is a racist but that doesn't remove the value of some of his comments. He was speaking to having self worth, motivation and a strong sense of family unit. He had some valid points and did a piss poor job conveying them. Enven during the time of slavery when the families were broken up and sold off the black community on the plantations acted af a family unit. I don't see that on a whole today. The incidence rate of black on black crime is out of control and it isn't the plantation owners that are breeaking up the family unit today. It is cultural suicide.
  17. Not sure, The deer can run smaller down there and they have found them in the Pythons too.
  18. How does the actual ballistis compare to a lead bullet of the same weight? Energy at longer yardage? I know you have had great luck with them
  19. Just because an organization a not for profit, there is still a lot of money being made by individuals. I mean this to many if them. Not specifically the planned parenthood. A lot of pocket lining is under that cloak.
  20. H4895 for 308 because is is capable of reduced loads. It is for the encore pistol. The 30/30 I haven't worked up the load yet but I am thinking of using the same H335 that I use in the 223. The 335 seems to be available. Gonna load the Hornady flex tipped bullets for that.
  21. Weird.....rumor I heard was that you liked it better in the can.
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