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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Have you seen the sneaky Pete holsters? Guy I work with just got one and it sure seems like the way to go. looks just like a cell or PDA case.
  2. Wasn't implying you did. It was just a comment for anyone that would be getting into pocket carry that might not know.
  3. select a pocket holster wisely. I wouldn't suggest carrying one without a holster.
  4. Because they are not destructive and a detriment to other species and habitat. I would have to put them more in the category of the wild pigs. They were introduced the same way (released/ escaped captives)
  5. In the report the DEC and other agencies would treat them as a target of opportunity for the adults and the nests. If they ran across them during their normal activities they would take them. Land owners would have the same options. Then they are considering a season.
  6. I have read it and the key is that the activity serves no other legitimate purpose other than disrupt the hunting/fishing activity. Some one walking up and down their property line banging garbage can lids together would fit that bill. Someone walking their dog, target shooting, or mowing their trails wouldn't. Complaints can be made at any time about anything. Enforcement is another animal entirely. The one property I hunt is posted. I have permission and the same lady with the garbage can lids would call the police every time she saw me go in. after 3 trips from the sheriffs to talk to me and see that I had permission they finally had to have a talk with her. Their position was the complaints and there having to follow up with me could actually constitute hunter harassment because it served no other purpose than the disrupt my hunt with their follow up. And since each time she was advised I had permission. She was calling just to be disruptive. I have no idea if they could have made that stick or not but it sure got her to stop the crap.
  7. Actually not that page you linked but the report in PDF that is on the page. It doesn't sound like they want to dump the war chest on this program. What they want in a nutshell is the ability to be able to control the population. Currently they do not have the ability to do anything with them except on specific Govt properties
  8. Did you read the DEC's report? I can see reason to worry about an invasive species that will increase at a 13% rate if it is unchecked.
  9. Who is nuts? The DEC for wanting the ability to regulate the population of an introduced species or the people commenting on this article?
  10. It is the same thing that happens with fishing. While on shore you try to cast as far out as possible. when you are in a boat you cast right up against shore....lol. A change to 50 yards won't effect any of the current properties I hunt but there are a couple that I would try to get in on if it is changed.
  11. I will check the ,06 dies. I neck size them. I looked at the 270 that I FL size.
  12. Grow. I believe there is the normal activities and there is hunter harassment. I have had hunts buggered up by both. It is pretty obvious when the harassment occurs.
  13. I can check when I get home. It will be for other calibers though. I don't do 243. The top of the lee dies squeeze the neck in both FL and neck sizing. The decapping rod in My sets is not straight. As the rod is removed, after which ever sizing operation you are doing the wide shoulder part of the rod widens the case mouth out to proper dimensions. If the rod measures .243 then you would do better with a smaller rod. I wouldn't take issue with any of mine if that was the case because I factory crimp all my calibers. It isn't an issue then.
  14. Shawn, The actual sizing for the neck with the Lee Dies takes place as it is withdrawn. I read the sell smaller rods undersized by.002". If it was me I would just load in a drill chuck and use a very fine honing stone or emery cloth. You would only have to do this on the wide shoulder of the rod
  15. Here is a thought. remove the decapping rod and check the width with your micrometer. the neck is stretched out to dimension on the withdrawl. Also, are you lubricating the inside of the necks? I have heard it can cause some problems if it drawn back out dry. If you are using the Lee Lubricant you should only need to lube inside on about every 10 cases.
  16. Are you sure everything is adjusted per the directions? I have never had an issue with their dies.
  17. The statement he made that I think shows that even the background checks will do very little if anything, was about never in his career having to take a gun off a criminal that was registered to the criminal. In MD all pistols are registered, much like NY.
  18. I did. Didn't seem from your post that the confusion was resolved.
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