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Culvercreek hunt club

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. And in the mean time, rally against any one of the idiots that voted for this and try to get them out. if for no other reason than a warning of what can happen to them.
  2. Freaking idiots. Best move I made was getting into reloading and making sure I can do every caliber I own. (22LR excepted) Wonder how long before they make the move on components? Bubba, Can you PM me what you are using for the casting operation?
  3. http://senecawhitedeer.org/ YAY!!! I can paste again!!
  4. So how would a guy like me show paperwork of registration for my Encore in .223? No way can they require that ( In know I know. People didn't think they would do this either..,.lol) and I don't recall seeing anything in the law that required proof about the guns for ammo purchases.
  5. Yup. starting at $10 and anticipated to move up to $20. Now go to a store that sets a limit of....say 3 boxes. so that is $20 added to every 3 box purchase.
  6. Can't seem to find a clarification on the 4007 in them. Going to have to do a bit of research. I am loading 2 calibers with it currently. Thanks for the heads up
  7. They mentioned it State Owned with management guidelines and privately run. (we all know how well NY does at anything that resembles fiscal ability). It is currently done in NY with some things. They mentioned one high end Golf Course down by the city. I know it is happening in other States, even with facilities like Prisons. They are built and run privately under the guidelines set by the states.
  8. Yeah, between the Depot and Griffas I don't think New Yorkers knew how many Russian missles were aimed at us.
  9. Personally I have no desire to shoot one but I sure would like access in there to see them up close.
  10. one of the topics that was discussed was IF it was taken over and managed there would have to be a limited hunt to maintain acceptable population levels. In the 50's the population soared in the Depot to 2,500 deer (normal phase and white) imagine 2,500 deer on 10,000 acres. That is one deer for every 4 acres. I could see it as a cheap lottery so everyone has a chance. Could have a cheap preference point lottery. Non-refundable that helps pay the costs of the place. Outside of hunting the draw of the deer would be amazing. Check out the site. These guys did tours to see them in (I think) 2006, 2009 and 2012. In 2012 it was unadvertised tours and they did over $100,000 and I think they said 3 weekends.
  11. From what I have read and been told their survival rate is very low in the wild because of their coloration. I know the ones I saw were like neon signs in March with no show and no leaves. Kind of like snowshoe hares that think they are hiding when there is no snow.
  12. Where are you getting this? I see you listed 4007. do you mean 4007 SSC?
  13. Guys and Gals. I sat through a brief presentation last night. I knew the deer existed and have seen a few at the fences but was un aware the property is in danger of being opened and developed. That will mean the end of the largest White whitetail deer herd in the world. I am not sure if all of you even know about the Seneca White Deer. They are products of a recessive gene (not albino). They developed inside a 10,000 acre enclosure at the Seneca Army Depot. The depot was constructed in the 40's and the entire area fenced in. Through the Cold war it housed a large compliment of Nuclear weapons. Fast forward to today. The Army is done with it and clean ups have taken place. It is being turned over to the IDA (Industrial Development Agency) for that county. They want it developed and put on the tax rolls. I feel that if ever there was a area that needed to be managed and preserved it is this one. I am including a link to a groups web site that is trying to gain traction, bring political pressure and find some way to have the State but it and manage it, either through DEC or the Parks Department. I know everyone if focused on the Unsafe act with their letter writing campaigns but this truly is a resource that once it is gone us, our kids and grand kids will never see the likes of it again. It should be maintained, managed and available to the public to view, not only the White deer but the other wildlife that currently calls the Depot home. There are funds available to do this. The same 'Pot" that was used to purchase the 8,000+/- acres from Monroe County surrounding Hemlock and Canadice Lakes. http://senecawhitedeer.org/
  14. That is some damn good editing when she is hit then
  15. They can go very badly. (caution- not for the faint of heart) http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=jUneRv2esM8
  16. I saw the number on the box, (lot numbers that they all have) He made it sound like the clips had a numbering Pistol. I have never used them to speed load a mag. Does it work well? Would almost seem like a 3 hand operation...lol. I guess that little clip he puts on the mag is the key. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=CugXijCx2sc
  17. I haven't seen that with .223 before. The serial number is odd. It makes me wonder (put on the tin foil hats) Part of the ammo registration coming is, during the registration process, any identifying marks or numbers are to be recorded. Wonder if this is preparation.
  18. You are dead on Sits. Many hunters I talk too still think this really has no effect on them. They are astonished once I explain how it does impact what hunters do. The guys that will be tough to reach are the ones that are not big on target practice, the ones that grab their gun fire a shot to check it, go out and take one deer and then the gun goes back on the rack until next year, If you get 5 or 6 years out of a box of shells they probably wont feel the sting until they replace that box. (or can't)
  19. Doc, Try this. After you copy something on the top line of the reply menu there are little buttons that look like a clip board. try the middle on that pastes as plain text. I used to be able to use the mouse menu but no more. I just stumbled on this button working for me.
  20. Let us know how much meat you got off of him. I can't imagine what one of his big western cousins must look like. That one looked like a brown bus parked out there....lol Is that a lottery or an over the counter type of thing?
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