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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I have one similar. I love it, but it is a heavy tote with 2 scoped rifles and a few boxes of ammo in it.
  2. The only thing I wouldn't mind seeing on his buddies is about 6' of earth.
  3. A+ on the taste of bear if they aren't taken near dumps and areas like that. I have 5 jars that I canned left and I guard it like gold.
  4. Love pickled pigs feet and pig hocks.(HAD TO REALLY MAKE SURE I DIDN'T GET A TYPO ON THAT ONE...LOL)
  5. Scouting and find travel routes from bedding to food source. Scent "baiting" from an upwind location from the bedding area. Honey burns seem to be popular and I took one using it. Also drives are a popular method. I know a group of 12 guys that go to PA to do them during their bear season.
  6. I would like to see him at about 4.5 years old.
  7. I can't even begin to tell you how disappointed I was when I opened the thread. I had much different hopes from the title....
  8. I think I have to hit a few garage sales. Maybe I can fram3 3 together and put a hitch to pull with the wheeler.
  9. Mutes have an orange bill with the black bump. Trumpeters have a black bill. Body size is similar but the postures are different. And the Trumpeter Swans have a bit of a more gamey taste.
  10. So you would have to re sight in when switching quarry and rounds.
  11. Just for the record. Anyone can just pick up a rifle and go deer hunting, just as the can with a bow. Carrying either weapon or any other isn't hunting. The actual shot is an important but very small part of getting it done. IMO
  12. Personally (and I hunt with a compound and a modern inline ML) I think there should be separate traditional seasons. The inline ML should be in gun season and the compounds should be in a section of archery with the crossbows.
  13. Ok, I guess I can see those points. If I started running near of at the load limits it would be a good investment. I am curious where you guys normally sit in terms of accurate loads. For example. Out of all the loads I have done for the 5 calibers. it seems as though the most accurate seem to be in the 60-75% range between the starting loads and the maximums. Have you guys found any loads at the limits that were the most accurate? And since I never ventured up that high once I hit a good load. is it possible as you increase the charge to have the groups tighten then open up, then tighten up again? I hope that question made sense?
  14. I don't get the whole Chrono thing. The manual is going to give you an approximation of the velocities you will get. As hunters as long as we are putting a round down range with adequate killing power and doing it accurately, why would we care how fast it gets there? lol
  15. Question, Mowing. For small plots. under 6"? all I have access to is a residential mower. I have 2 woodland plots we are planting this year. we only get to camp about once a month in the summer. how do you guy mow the small one? and how short. I seem to recall to not cut them under 8" (which gives me issues with a residential mower
  16. I searches pages and pages. Seems to be the same one over and over. The only black assailant is the Barry guy from Brooklyn and the hate crime charge he was held on was never made, only the assaults. Sure would seem to me that if anything his actions, since they were multiethnic assaults would have really fit the hate crime definition. I don't know and the media only hints that his victims were Jewish. They kept talking about how he focused on a predominant my Jewish section but never tell that they all were actually Jewish. Obviously someone has removed the blindfold from Lady Justice's eyes. Doesn't seem to be fair and equal under the law anymore. ( for many many things)
  17. I would love for someone to actually point to a case. I knew of the one black in Brooklyn that was held but not charged with a hate crime. Can anyone show me one with charges being placed? I am not trying to be difficult. I can't find any even though the vast majority of these have been black on white crime.
  18. But from the count on the number of incidents it sure seems to be race related. (Why I think the hate crime statute should be applied to these cases more). We can sit here and say it isn't about race but the fact remains that, to the people committing these crimes it IS about race. Not all blacks want to sucker punch and old white guy and not every white guy wants to do the same to an elderly black person. But the ones that are doing this sure seem to be a different race for the assailant and the victims. (I am speaking only of this knockout game thing). With that I have still only seen one report of a charge of hate crime and that was against a white assailant, and rightfully so. I wish the door swung both ways.
  19. Virgil. I know we but heads and disagree on many social issues. I can't help but believe that as society turns their backs on these and many other "antiquated ideals", the further down we slide.
  20. My Brother in Law has an Remington 870 with a very old Hastings bull barrels (12 ga). it has a forward mounted scope base just like the scout guns. it looks odd as hell but it shoots great. I tried it a couple times and it really opens up your peripheral vision. (Many here should turn away from the screen for just a minute) It is a fantastic set up for deer drives and shots on moving deer.
  21. I have seen assaults charged as such this punch and run crap (knock out game) seems to only swing one way. The only one I know of being charged in these events with a hate crime was the guy in Texas. (An I think he should have been) Seriously, Have you seen any hate crime charges with minorities as the assailants?
  22. Really? Can you point one out besides the white kids that hit the black? It originated with African-American youth and was originally called "polar bear hunting". You are right. they weren't targeting other groups, except polar bears. Maybe we should be focusing on getting PETA in this fight...lol
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