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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I have the email on my work computer. I will post the ad with the ones included in the morning. The free 22 is over a 400 value
  2. I seem to recall the un-Safe Act says they can not be held accountable criminally or civilly for not reporting
  3. I was speaking to your statement that it was in their 5 year plan, why would they not implement it. What I was trying to convey is just because it is in their plan is no guarantee it will be implemented or how widely it will be implemented. The justification used to push it forward that I keep hearing is about how it is needed to control the suburban high density areas. I would find it consistent that they would use it in areas as I described and as mentioned in the 5 year plan. I could see them using it in say 8C and 8H but not in 8M or 8N and possibly even into smaller regions like specific towns.
  4. the ones on the special were 1911's and MSRP was from 850-1050
  5. Thanks. That actually goes back to my other comment then, in that I wish they had been more descript in what justified that. I hate the "in their judgment "part. As we all know Judgment and common sense is about as common as cheap gas lately.
  6. Not just Gander. It is a Sig promotion. I got an email from them.
  7. Boy if only they made them in 5 rounders so they would be legal to deer hunt with...lol
  8. They want the ability to have the set back rule as a tool. I don't see how that is inconsistent. As far as the bears go. In the Northern zone you can shoot a bear from a group now, just not in SZ. Would love to see spring hunts and if you are baiting it isn't hard to select bait that would not be utilized for deer. Also the method used to place the bait will keep deer from getting it. In Ontario the guide I hunted with put the bait (meat) in a 5 gallon bucket with small holes drilled in it. the open end of the bucket was slide into a milk crate and the entire thing was laid on its side and covered with logs and rocks. Even the coyotes couldn't get in to the bait. Only a bear had the strength to rip the bait station open to get at it. I have also seen bait hung and also 55 gallon barrels used.
  9. Correct me if I am wrong. This will only give the DEC the ability to implement as they see for. Still no guarantee the 150' will be utilized state wide.
  10. ,"in the exercise of reasonable professional judgment, that such person is likely to engage in conduct that would result in serious harm to self or others," I would actually feel more comfortable with your wording. In the legal wording there is judgment involved. Not as clear cut as an overt threat. I believe they included the section for just the reason you stated but, as with much of the law they did a piss poor job. It could be in the judgment of that health care professional that the conduct of having a loaded weapon in the house would result in serious harm to self or others. It should have been written around an actual threat, suicidal comments and illegal activity with the weapon. IMO
  11. A couple months ago I was at the reloading bench and had a dud 22. I pulled it apart. Like many cartridges, I was surprised at how little powder there was in a standard 22LR. I wonder how many hit the market?
  12. I wasn't trying to stretch anything. It was truthfully a question. I am not overly concerned about the profession as a whole but, as in anything, there may be some that are over zealous. I do have concerns that there are not more defined guidelines guarding against this though. I think the perceived threats should be more defined. And I would love to have a lawyer on this site that deals in this to answer if that type of information is protected under HIPPA or since it isn't medical if is free to disclose. As I said earlier I left the section blank and didn't fill out the firearms question.
  13. §_9.46_Reports_of_substantial_risk_or_threat_of_harm__by__mental__health 12 professionals. 13 (a)__For__purposes__of__this__section,_the_term_"mental_health_profes- 14 sional"_shall_include_a_physician,__psychologist,__registered__nurse__or 15 licensed_clinical_social_worker. 16 (__Notwithstanding__any__other__law__to__the_contrary,_when_a_mental 17 health_professional_currently_providing_treatment_services_to__a__person 18 determines,__in__the__exercise_of_reasonable_professional_judgment,_that 19 such_person_is_likely_to_engage_in_conduct_that_would_result_in__serious 20 harm__to__self_or_others,_he_or_she_shall_be_required_to_report,_as_soon 21 as_practicable,_to_the_director_of_community_services,_or_the_director's 22 designee,_who_shall_report_to_the_division_of_criminal_justice__services 23 whenever__he__or__she_agrees_that_the_person_is_likely_to_engage_in_such 24 conduct.__Information_transmitted_to_the_division__of__criminal__justice 25 services__shall__be__limited_to_names_and_other_non-clinical_identifying 26 information,_which_may_only_be_used_for_determining__whether__a__license 27 issued__pursuant__to_section_400.00_of_the_penal_law_should_be_suspended 28 or_revoked,_or_for_determining_whether_a__person__is__ineligible__for__a 29 license__issued__pursuant__to__section_400.00_of_the_penal_law,_or_is_no 30 longer_permitted_under_state_or_federal_law_to_possess_a_firearm. This is from the safe act. If in their judgment (which could be molded by their personal views) they see a loaded weapon in the home as a danger and conduct that posed a threat to others, it appears they can report this? They start out with the legal jargon about other laws to the contrary so that is where I formed my question about HIPPA.
  14. I would love a follow up from the OP. On a more legal note concerning HIPPA. Let's say a child is at their Doctor's office and tells the Doctor that their parents has firearms and are loaded at all times. Would that info really be covered by HIPPA? It isn't of a medical nature. Are discussion or disclosed information that isn't medical covered?
  15. That is BS. Everyone knows the message from God was found on the moon
  16. I have had both sides of the spectrum with teachers that my daughter had through school. a couple were a little too vocal about being anti hunting and guns for my taste and it was addressed. There were also two that because they found out I hunted they would ask her before class every Monday during the season, how I made out. But that wasn't done during class time to the entire class.
  17. My doctor had a form that was new information questionnaire. I think it was about 18 months ago or so. It had a section about gun ownership. I left it blank. He asked me to fill it out. I declined.
  18. Just a reminder. Only a couple weeks away. Great speakers and for anyone interested forms will be available to purchase your banquet tickets and raffle ticket packages. March 1st is the deadline to get in the early bird banquet drawing. The banquet tickets are selling fast, don't wait.
  19. Some of the reading I did on this refers to the mil spec having thicker brass to support the pressure and allow for a more "loose" chamber. Must be to avoid feeding issues.
  20. I think Ruger makes one similar for the 10-22 that is 3 10 round mags.
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