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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Here is my concern in a nutshell. Assuming their goal is true and they want to lower murder and crime. They will have no choice but to go after a ban on other weapon types becasue the assault ban will not, has not, achieved the desired effects. THey are focusing on a type of weapon that is 'responsible' and tied to less that 3% of murders. (becasue all rifle types account for less than 3% of murders). So where is an 'acceptabel line to let them walk up to? If they want the lions share of guns that are used it is pistols. But the mjority of the gun crimes and deaths are in cities over 250,000. Whay not a death penalty felony for gun posesson of any type in those cities. African Americans are committing the vast majority of the gun crimes so maybe they should be banned from owning them. What step is too far? Because this first step won't do what they are claiming and they know it.
  2. Steve. I agree with most of you post and posts, However we will just have to agree to disagree. I will never believe that infringing on a freedom of the general population with the hope of saving a life is an acceptable swap.I would remain consistent no matter the right in the discussion.
  3. He is implyinty it at a minimum becasue he is in favor or some form of restrictions to decrease crime. And you are correct. the crack down was across the board, right down to folks sleeping in boxes.
  4. If the murder rate was brought down to 1 in 300,000,000 a person should have the right to protect themselves their family and property.
  5. I agree it is better than it was, but to assert the drop is because fo the gun restricions might be a stretch to prove. There was also a huge clean up effort in crime and organized crime (not counting unions...lol) You have to be very careful when looking at cause and effect. I could make a case that even in the face of any gun restrictions or lack of the casue for the murder rates is the minority, specifically the African American population densities. The majority of the murder in the US are conducted by African Americans (AA's) and if you compare it based on an incident rate to their population they are really reallllly high. If you look at the cities with thei highest % of AA population and then the listing of US cities with the highest violent crimes or murder rates...guess what. There are variances in positoins but many of the citys make up the top on both lists. DOes that mean that AA are the problem and we should restrict or remove them? Of course not. I am sure that while they do conduct the majority of the murders, violent crimes and take up a higher % of prison beds, there is a much deeper issue than race.
  6. I didn't know that crime was only limited to crack houses. OK. Come pick up the guns since I have nothing to worry about. I feel much better with that assurance.
  7. But it does happen every day down there. all to laws haven't changed that. Maybe the odds are lower now but it still does happen every day. I don't want to win that 'lottery'
  8. check your police blotter. You don't need anything to use a car. and you dont need insurance. One good friend jkust had his van totaled by a kid with no insurance.,
  9. Biz, Is'nt a bobcat a simple box score like a bear skull? Length + width? why would hyou need it official until you found out what it scored yourself? If it doesn't make it then don't persue it.
  10. A gun is the easiest tool for me to use to protect myself, family, friends and property though. That is my concern since all the gun control in the world won't be reducing the violence.
  11. Whis is also why they will try other tactics to side step the 2nd. They could never get it through. I would have more respect for them is they used proper channels and failed. It just pisses me off the total waste of time this crap is.
  12. You can on anything any republican said from my areas...lol. And FYI I did say my issue is both parties and their waste of effort and time. They are all worthless.
  13. http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/113/hjres15/text Maybe there should be a more realistic focus in Congress. It isn't just him or his party either. WORTHLESS!!
  14. Geno Geno Geno...wow. What camo pattern does that skirt come in...lol. Just kidding.
  15. Well you know they are nothing specials and only worth a few bucks each....right.....right....
  16. But the same dinks are against a voter registration card becasue is makes it too cumbersome and out of reach to exercise the right to vote. And that ID would probably be a one time $25
  17. Wouldn't be the first chambering that went no where. At least in a centerfire you can reload it. In a rimfire you are stuck with factory.
  18. No but adding range in a rimfire would appeal to some that may yote hunt during deer season where centerfires aren't allowed. In that case it adds to the upper end and does not "fill in" becasue the 223 is not an option then and there.
  19. http://www.midwayusa.com/product/548630/lee-safety-prime-small-and-large-primer-feeder-for-2006-later-reloading-press?cm_vc=OBv1622290 this si the priming tool that works with your press is you ever want it.
  20. all my guns are stored with tension OFF the springs. I either hold my trigger in and slowly lower the bolt as described above or I use snap caps in my autos, pumps and singles/doubles.
  21. all my guns are stored with tension OFF the springs. I either hold my trigger in and slowly lower the bolt as described above or I use snap caps in my autos, pumps and singles/doubles.
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