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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. very nice shot and a great doe. Hoping to give pistol hunting a run next year.
  2. http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/jazz/53137467-77/lesnar-meat-alberta-deer.html.csp http://www.edmontonjournal.com/news/fighter+Brock+Lesnar+faces+illegal+hunting+charges/5871623/story.html Lesnar, along with a guide he had hired, have each been charged by Alberta Fish and Wildlife officers with three counts of unlawful possession of wildlife (a whitetail deer), wastage of edible flesh (of a mule deer) and failure to immediately affix a tag to an animal. The incident happened on Nov. 19, 2010.
  3. I actualy saw a show on the outdoor channel this weekend. I have no idea if this is true or what the guys backs his claims up with but here goes..... He said in an area with a very high doe population the testosterone level will stay up and the bucks will keep their antlers longer. when the does are breed the level falls ans the antlers come off. This made sense and I have heard this before. what I had never heard before is this. He said in areas with high doe population and the antlers staying on longer there is some type of calcification of the peticles and it could actually effect thte horn development the following year. The bucks in a situation like this could have a rack that is inferior to his previous years rack. Anyone ever hear this theory before?
  4. Well my one hunting partner doesn't no hunt. His ml license gave him and either sex tag that said bow ml
  5. But it is valid for either. Remember there is a ml season up north at the becoming of rifle. If anyone buys the privilege separatelyand at different time that tag would need to be still valid. I think we should be aware of the privileges we purchased.
  6. Gotta call BS on that post. I am not convinced whitetails in the wild have the same diet as pen raised.....not many wild whitetails have the perfect levels of all the nutrients they ne.....medicines.....no stress from predators.....oh yeah...and vet care. Come on
  7. Yes you can. And your brother didn't have a bow tag so his first special season is an either sex
  8. I think it gives a false sense of what can be expected to occur naturally.
  9. If it were me I would just check the Bow box ....since it IS a bow...lol
  10. this is kind of fun found a list that made me remember a few mor weid ones from upstate Rochester area Chili... (CHYE-lye) Riga... (RYE-ga) Charlotte... (shar-LOT) Genesee... (jenna-SEE) rhymes exactly with Tennessee Finger Lakes area Ithaca... (ITH-a-ka) Keuka... (KYOO-ka) Cayuga... two pronunciations are common... (KAY-yoo-ga) or (KYE-yoo-ga) Canandaigua... (cannon-DAY-gwa) or (canna-DAY-gwa) Penn Yan... the Yan rhymes with "Ann" Honeoye... (HONEY-oy) Syracuse area Skaneateles... (skinny-ATLAS) or less commonly (skanny-ATLAS) Brewerton... (BRUR-'n) if you want to sound like a real native Chittenango... (chit-NANG-go) Oswego... (ah-SWEE-go) Schroeppel... (SCREW-pull)... just like the word "scruple" Pompey... (POM-pee) Constantia... (kun-STAN-sha) Albany area Greenwich... (GREEN-wich) Colonie... (kah-la-NEE)... like "colony" but with stress on last syllable Rensselaer... (ren-sa-LEER) North Country Lowville... (LAOW-ville) rhymes with "ow" Pulaski... (pull-ASK-eye) Southern Tier Olean... (OH-lee-ann) Binghamton... (BING-m-ton) - it's not one of "The Hamptons"! Mohawk Valley Canajoharie... (canna-jo-HARRY) Utica... (YOU-tick-a) Ilion... (ILL-ee-un) Herkimer... (HER-k'm-er) ... seems easy but can be confusing... Oneida... (oh-NIGH-da) Schenectady... (skeh-NECK-ta-dee) Schuyler ....sky---ler Chenango Valley Chenango... (sheh-NANG-go) Oneonta... (oh-nee-ON-ta)
  11. My friend did the exact same thing least year. if you buy them at different times the first special season you purchase will come with an either sex. the second one you purchase will come with an antlerless only tag. both of his tags said bow/muzzleloader on them . even the first one he bought which was his bow tag.
  12. Grew up in the Mowhawk Valley and fished the West Canada CRICK. Moved to Rochester and found out the village to the south Avon is not pronounced like the Cosmetic company name. and the village of CHILI is not pronounced like the warm bowl of food. Really makes folks from around here stick out...lol
  13. http://www.eregulations.com/newyork/hunting/deer-hunting-tag-descriptions/ Antlered Deer Only Except: May be used for Antlered or Antlerless Deer as follows: In Westchester County (WMU 3S). In Suffolk County (WMU 1C). In areas restricted to bowhunting only. (WMUs 4J and 8C) In late seasons (with bowhunting or muzzleloading privilege). Next Fall, September 27–30, 2012 in the Northern Zone bowhunting season with 2011/12 bowhunting privilege
  14. Regular season tag is for either sex in the late season.
  15. It might increase the license sales though, Doc. Think of all the wives and girlfriends and lids that would be buying them th give Dad the tag. Lol. I know its an stretch of an example but it will happen. It happens now. That is why I don't buy the 5% stat about two bucks taken. I wonder if they could ever study the start of the license sales drop and compare it to the end of multiple people on doe tags. We used to do it. Grandpa got his license and a friend of his. It was four people on a n application and dad and I would go onto the lottery with them. We were the only two that hunted. I am not sure how any of these plans could be managed. Statewide is not the answer to any of them. Heck even in some of the WMUs there are a wide variety of habitat and herd size variances
  16. Dick's has a special right now. Mossgerg 500. comes with vented ribbed barrel and 3 chokes, also comes with a cantilever slug barrel with rings and a scope (scope is very cheap). $279.00 Th stock alsoo has the raised padded cheek pad that is removable. I went with my daughters boyfriend and his father to get one for him. can't beat a deal like that. i had a 500 years ago and fell in the swamp duck hunting and packed the barrel with mud. I unloaded it, removed barrel and rinsed the barrel and action out with swamp water. reassembled it and finished the day hunting. Never had a problem with that gun. and as a plus. they make a muzzle loading barrel that fits the 500 too
  17. I have not done any backback hunting but I used to guide backpacking trips for a week or 13 day periods. In terms of a stove I have had experience with MSR's but prefer this model. http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&cp=36&gs_id=5d&xhr=t&pq=peakone+stove&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1368&bih=713&wrapid=tljp1323892816031285&q=coleman+backpacking+stoves+dual+fuel&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=2946117582732463755&sa=X&ei=tAHpTtPjHuns0gGMzsXkCQ&sqi=2&ved=0CHgQ8wIwAg# I would opt for a good inflating sleeping pad. Many of the models we used were not full length. They supported you form head to butt, but well worth the cpmfort and the added weight. http://www.amazon.com/ALPS-Mountaineering-Lightweight-Self-Inflating-Air/dp/B001LF3FR8/ref=pd_sbs_sg_or_1 Short style I would choose an external fram pack that could be stripped of the pack itself to use the frame to carry game if you had to. 8 to 10 miles isn't a really big walk in. since you will be hunting out of that "base camp" you can splurge a little on some creature comforts. Like hot sauce to spice up the dreary dehydrated food...lol. I wuld buy the pack early and get used to it. Load it and take if for a local hike to see how much wieght you can comfortably manage on a 10 mile trip. Remember. you will be eating your food hich would be that much of your weight but you will be bringing a MONSTER muley out too. Good luck
  18. Perfect!!..Love it!!. In the WMU's with all these problems....lottery system just like the doe permits.
  19. From scouting through bow season and up to this point in gun. I have seen more bucks in my hunting areas than I have does. Way more. I have not been luck enough to get one close enough yet but I have seen atleast a half dozen that I would have spent the money to mount. So I guess the answer is I don't see the rational to change things where I am and I will never support a measure that takes a hunters choice of harvest away.
  20. Finally!!!. The dam city and long island is our problem in the state. From welfare right down to deer harvest. Maybe AR's aren't needed. Maybe what we need is a wall across the state at Newburg and not let any of them upstate.
  21. So he isn't pulling in any cassh for all the articles he is writing on this? The seminars he is doing for QDMA? Hw has gotten no compensation for it? I think I am going to have to request the QDMA filing of their expenses as a non for profit and take a peek. If these people ar egetting paid their view can hardly be considered unbiased
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