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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. and aging hunters...say 60 or older in the bow season. Yup...all that is fine by me. As long as we are al filling out our wish list (since it is mostly out of out immediate control...lol). Do you want the crossbow season prior to or after the regular bow season.
  2. Had me fooled on that one....don't know how I missed that
  3. I know, right? Calling for the banning of a perfectly legal hunting practice....that's antihunting. Its a lot worse than preventing someone from legalizing a controversial and questionable method. different destination.....same highway
  4. Shame on them to impose their views on others to remove their choice
  5. So let's say the cost to the state for the feed is 6/bag/ that is 4 /bag "profit" that woudl be 6.2 million to implement and enforce and monitor 10,000 sites
  6. I have put in some plots on our lease. ..clover ...seems to be the only crap that grows due to poor clayey soil. Probably ran me $800/acre. not counting putting it in and Maintenance. $800....how much feed would that buy....i just looked up and sounds like corn goes for $7-8/ 50 lb bag. that is about 5,000 pounds of corn for a year. ...just trying to see how much your feeder plan would cost and how much revenue would be left for the monitoring and enforcement effort? Detail what you are thinking
  7. Good thing there wasn't an enimal called a "Tallie" that you were hunting......you would be talleywacker Mine is just becasue we needed a "club" name for the leas my father and I have.....and you guessed it....it is near Culver Creek
  8. How much would you be willing to pay for the annual permit and feed?
  9. I just did a google search....I think the guys last name was Dorver
  10. Hope you get over it brother. Best I can tel you is this.....of the folks I know that have gotten the flu, seems like two types. the high fever that takes a week to bust out of....and one with a much lowere and sporatic fever....but seems to drag on for ever. I am glad I got the high fever quick one shoot... i have the lower fever one lol seems to be kicking but this cough is rough. just getting my rest and taking some meds. but your right, there are deff some flus going around at the moment. Call your Doc.....codine cough syrup....really helped me sleep. If you can take codine.
  11. LMAO....and foot drawn, and crank drawn. Dishonest post. > Well to he "honest" theyare not foot drawn. the foot anchors and the hands draw them ....and the crank is hand operated.
  12. https://forums.cabelas.com/showthread.php?t=533 hate to cut my finger setting up one of those rigs....
  13. Arrow, I am really trying to understand the opposition you voice here. I know you said it is based on principal and that you don't feel that a crossbow is archery equipment. Is that any other reason you oppose the inclusion? I think most of the guys you are labeling as "pushers" are simply asking those who oppose it to give a substantial reason. Maybe that it would drastically increase the deer take.....would put people in the woods that are not suitable for archery hunting.......would increas pressure and ruin the normal activity at that time of the year......just a reason.....back up by cases and fact. I don't know of any state that included them and then pulled them back out of the season due to the adverse effect it had on the season. There seems to be more instances that the inclusion works without adverse effects than the opposite view
  14. In the context of deer hunting I don't view those as fair chase....and not hunting. For my own info...what is a poison pod?
  15. A+---the world didn't fall apart when they opened up areas to rifle....allowed optics for ML...changed the definition of shotgun to allow rifled barrels....relaxed rifle caliber to allow smaller than .25 calliber...allowed sign over of Doe tags....went to a computerized licesne system.....welll that on I didn't like....I ust to look forward to seeing the stamp art and saved my old licenses...lol
  16. I really dont' want to see any changes that could have a negataive effect on our hunters experiences......reducing their opportunity to get out there and enjoy it and harvest a deer. The loss of season for those who gun hunt would reduce their experience....possibility to take. It really doesn't seem like a big problem to come up with a solution passify any reasonable hunter with this crossbow topic. I would love to see them move the bow season date to the October 1st....allow inclusion for all disabled with the crossbow. split the bow season in two and allow full inclusion for half of the now longer bow season....everybody reasonable gets tossed a bone....minus the purest...(try to stay awy from the term elite just for you Arrow...lol)
  17. as a thickener for the stew I have had great luck with instant mashed potatoes. works great for a set up where you may be limited on ingredients like a remote camp.
  18. The burns are something that does need to take place. nature has evolved to require it and stopping that natural process is harmful. We do it because of the danger to our development but it should continue in a controlled way then. I believe there was a case out west where one type of pine tree started to fall off in numbers because the heat from the fires, normal in the wild, were required to crack open the seeds to allow new growth. We are the top of the food chain, and while we should continue our growth, we need to take steps to try to keep the surroundings in as natural of a condition as possible. there are avenues to accomplish this and as shown her with fire departments using it for training, It can be done. We just need folks in positions of power, willing to think outside the box a bit. On the feeders. I am not sure I would support them. There may be too many willing to utilize them before and in season and not continue. LOL.,....little off topic but it fits I guess. My wife loves to feed the humming birds. I had no idea the harm that can do unless you pay attention to dates. if you provide food and they stay...I guess food pushes their migration.....then the food source has moved further south than they can make if you keep them north too long. I think any supplemental feeding has this potential. if the feeding allows an unnatural popolation size above what the natual food source can maintain....if the supplemental is stopped it could have devestating effects. Is that an extreme example...probably ...but valid in it's context
  19. I don't know about the 750 but I had a 7400 in 30-06 and never had a problem...my fathers 7400 in .270 jammed about every 3rd shot since day one. He finally dropped it off to Remington and they went through it. it was a extractor and spring problem.....changed it at no cost and opperates great now.
  20. It has been all 12 ga for me. Was required by my Father and my uncles to hunt. They were not fans of the 20. When I started we only had pumpkin ball slugs...lol. I remember getting the federals or remingtons on sale to $0.99 per box. Like many said here ...well placed shot will put them down with either...and a misplaced shot will cost you an animal with either. It has been 3 years since I have carried my 12ga. I got my 50 cal ML and have used that whenever I am in shotgun land.
  21. Hope you get over it brother. Best I can tel you is this.....of the folks I know that have gotten the flu, seems like two types. the high fever that takes a week to bust out of....and one with a much lowere and sporatic fever....but seems to drag on for ever. I am glad I got the high fever quick one
  22. My gut just tells me there may be a lot more 2 buck guys than we think...based on reporting
  23. "I have more guns than I need...but I need more guns than I have"
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