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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. You seem to be hung on the term advantage". I would propose that they do provide and advantage and to those that do have a disability this "advantage" would act as a equalizing feature allowing many to enjoy the sport we/they love. For your sake I hope you are never afflicted with a condition of live through an accident that puts you in a position of this need.
  2. Went out on Coneseus yesterday. there wasn't another guy ont he ice that we could see. Had one really nice pike or Tiger on that bit through the line at the hole. one walleye that cane off at the hole as well. couldn't even jig up a single panfish. had tipups from 5 to 25' of water ont eh west side drop off.
  3. Arrow, and why must any condition like you propose be used to further inhibit the participation of the physically challenged. I would think as hunters we would do what ever it took to make the season available to them.
  4. Let me know. I have a 12 ga. laser bore sighter you can borrow if you want. It really makes a difference. It gose in the chamber like a shell...not a muzzle mounted one
  5. you dont' have to be poor to get broke firing those slugs. last time I bought sabots they were almost $19 a box. I can put a lot of rounds out of my ML with that...lol
  6. Then you will have to wait for next years tax return to be able to feed it with slugs...lol
  7. Rear tine is really the only way to go. I have only used troybuilt but it worked very well. that said it still is quite a wrestling match when you encounter a big root or a large rock. It is a huge benefit to be able to adjust the travel speed as opposed to the front tine models that use the tines to move forward. the weight of the machine and the tires actually provide resistence and short of a machine mounted one that goes behind a garden tractor or 4 wheeler is probably the next best option....My best suggestion is Craigslist. I see them there all the time and it is a good time of year to pick one up....better than the spring when everyone wants them
  8. Welcome and glad you found us and decided to join in
  9. I don't think its which species is more important than another. Its which species can F up my deer hunting worse than the other. If we get wolves, Bears, Mountain lions, and coyotes in NY you can count on thier being a shorter deer season or not one at all ( hope you like bear meat ). Which I think in the big picture is the plan and why all these crazy wildlife re-introducers are happy about the population explosions of wolves and cougars, but I won't get into that. And yes if I can prove that the Bears in my areas are having an impact on the venison in my freezer than I will make up for the loss of said venison with bear meat. Why wait...lol. Bear meat is worth the effort. stack 'em up.
  10. Didn't think of that. Great point. Since it isn't using a base it might have to be one of the cross lock type rings
  11. I love them. they are rock solid. Get yourself a good 1" hardwood dowel. really helps twist them in and get everything straight before you drop the scope in and risk tweaking the tube. I have never looked through one of those scopes but I think I will check them out when I get the new barrel for the encore
  12. Both are pressurized inert gases. I can't imagine anyone would perform better than the other under the uses we would have. Both are designed to keep air...hence moisture out. I had a nitrogen filled divers watch my wife got me for Christmas one year. the battery went dead and to send it in to get a new one was over $50 bucks. The place at the mall would do it for $8 but the girl was concerned it would not be as waterproof. I asked her how water proof it would be. She said probably tight to 50' as opposed to the 200 meeters it was rated for. My response..."Dear, if I am down over 50' I am not going to care what time it is"...lol. Point is ...I don't think you would ever notice a difference.
  13. I have hunted with a scope for so many years that picking up a moving target has never been a problem for me. With the gun you are getting the 2 power advantage on the upper end would outweigh the 1 power disadvantage on the lower end IMO. the only gun I hae that is less than a 3-9 is on my 22 and that is a 2-7. 100 yards a 9 power will serve you well. To steal a line from the movie the patriot. aim small ...miss small.
  14. I think the focus on legal gun ownership is wrong. I hate to over simplify things but our punishments are no deterent anymore. If you are convicted of a violent cime.......using a gun. you die....no passing go,.....no collecting $200 or getting a free tax payer education. ...just a good bye flip of the switch.
  15. Morals have no place in law because of the extreme subjectivity of morality. What is moral to you may not be to me and vice versa as evidenced by the general tone of this thread. And yes you are correct on the wording of the 1st amendment. That shows that you took and successfully completed a high school government class. However you also seem to forget a concept known as the separation of church and state. In case you're not familiar with this one it's the idea that the government should not be imposing any sort of religious views on the public. I won't go as far as to say that "under God"should be removed from the pledge, however we do need to keep a watchful eye that our government remains a secular one. As for your moral views you're certainly entitled to them, just don't make the dangerous assertion that yours is the only correct line of thought. I just read you plan on going into law. I find it odd that you think morals have no place in laws. I really think that by definition laws are legislatied morals. They are beliefs imposed on society based on the moral view of the majority. Since we do not live in a Democracy,and we are turning over the development of our laws over to our represtatives, It is important to understand their moral positions. Our country was founded on Christian beliefs and the majority of the laws (until recently) have been framed in those moral guidelines. I agree with out founders that there should not be a state sponsored religion but when we are asked to vote for a candidate I think it is important to understand their moral convictions. Their religion and their view of it can speak volumes to their general orientation and voting tendencies. I would probably be aligned more consistently with a Christian based candidate because of some common moral ground. I would be lease likely be aligned with a strict Muslimm candidate or others. Will I agree with every moral view, hence voting tendency, of a Christian candidate...no... but it sure can be used as an evaluating basis. If someone that we are trusting to do as they say they will frames themselves as one religious leaning or another and then lives their life contrary to that same religion.....are we suppose to believe they would hold true to any promises made on a self serving campaign trail. As for the shot on my high school knowledge...The first ammendment IS part of our legal and binding founding documents. With your vastly superior knowledge, could you point me the that "concept of separation of Church and State" in any of our founding doucuments. I mean other than a ruling that ...to use your words is subject to "extreme subjectivity"
  16. Morals have no place in law?...reread what you wrote....and there is a perfect example of why our society has gone down the tubes....as for religion having no place....I believe it is phrased as freedom OF religion....not freedom FROM religion. If someone practices any belief and then sets out to pick and choose the ones that are convenient for them....that sounds like a character trait that could very easily spill into other aspects of their life. I think you are wrong wildcat...it is about the money ....and morals....and character....but not about religion
  17. There is fraud in every law....welfare...so let's dump the whole system...even for those actually in need because of a few...or since some illegally take game...let's not allow any taking of game. Doesn't make sense to me. Be honest guys...is it the issue with a crossbow....or truly a worry about a doctor fraudulently certifying a person as not capable of drawing a bow?
  18. I am not sure...the only ones I have ever seen were for farms, nurseries, orchards and timber lots (over browsing damage)
  19. I think it was a solution to a problem that doesn't exist...a extra gimmick to cater to the "I got the newest and best" crowd. The same guy that buys the V10 pickup but doesn't tow anything would buy this...lol
  20. Tio...to be fair you can't compare a 270 in a bolt gun to the others in a pump....I would be willing to bet those rounds all in a 700 would perform near each other
  21. I am holding out for the clip fed auto loader...Do you think I could get a 30 round banana clip? 2 second cocking.....that is 30 rounds a minute ;D
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