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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I know two people that have the Pnuma heated vests and LOVE them. 3 heat settings and carbon fiber heating elements. Lifetime warranty except for the battery. One year on the battery.
  2. Wow!! great job. Those are memories and traditions that last a lifetime.
  3. Well I got my wife a 2019 Subaru Forester last year for her birthday. It was just what she wanted BUT I know she did want a remote starter and it wasn't on the one I got. SO that gives me an opportunity for a Birthday or Christmas present. Her BD is the 23rd and Christmas is the 25 and NO I only made the mistake once of giving her a birthday present wrapped in Christmas paper. (You would have thought I had wrapped up a dog turd and gave it to her..lol) So any insight on what you folks have previously done is appreciated. I am concerned about aftermarket effecting the warranty and also about how the stealerships inflate the hell out of everything. I want one that has GREAT range on it. He car does NOT have the Subaru Starlink system so going through that is not an option.
  4. I am also shooting a Steve B string.
  5. I have had miserable experience with them on broadside lung shots. Small hole in and small hole out. Here is how much punch they have though. Last day of ML one year. I had a group of does patterned all week. I snuck in and set up in the hedge row at about 40 yards from where they were coming out. They showed up like clock work. The big one in the lead and I drew on her in a seated rest. Another good doe walked up and was actually standing side by side at 40 yards. They were about touching and lined up perfectly. 2 tags in my pocket I took the shot becasue I knew it was going through the first with ease. I didn't expect to happen what did though. I shot and the one in the back folded in her tracks and the one in front made the 75 yard run to the wood line and disappeared into the woods. I checked on the back one to confirm it was dead and followed the tracks of the first in the snow. A few drops on blood and about 30 yards into the woods she was there dead. Tiny hole in and tiny hole out. The one in the back had a tiny hole in and about a hard ball sized exit.
  6. Honestly if she is that recoil shy of the 12 the 16 will not be a noticeable difference and I would put her in a an auto loading 20 until she gains more experience.
  7. They shoot great and if you like to take them trough the shoulders it will be devastating. If you double lung punch on a broadside I hope you have snow. Not a fan of their expansion on soft tissue. I am making a change to barnes expander over this next summer and changing to 209 powder. (if I don't dump a few guns and buy a custom smokeless ML barrel for my encore)
  8. Actually I prefer that those stands are right up against the Thruway. Only leaves them one way to shoot. It's the ones I see 50-75 yards off the Thruway that give me concern.
  9. Moog put me where I needed to be for form and setup. Great advice. I was able to take two deer with it this year. That first one meant more to me than any I have mounted. It took more practice but I felt confident with the set up and my effective range and stuck to it. One was not the prettiest shot but it worked out after a very long track and drag. Thanks for help on that Moog. The second I felt much more confident. Knew where I wanted the arrow to go and it went there I will say that I got a reality check with penetration compared to what I was use to on my compound
  10. Actually you are not correct. States and even local or associations can have dock rules that add to those of the US. The reason I asked was becasue I did see the palm tree. Much like NY's trespass laws, I think we can all agree that is is unethical to trespass on others land or property even if not posted properly. BUT in SC for example you can NOT have someone arrested to Trespass for being on or using you dock unless the dock is clearly posted with very specific wording.
  11. let me add that if she is considering using it for deer I would certainly stick with the 20 or 12.
  12. Rack hit it on the head. I would evaluate whether she can shoot a 12. 12 gauge target loads do not have a heavy recoil for practice and I'd stick with 2-3/4" for hunting until she is more comfortable before you consider 3". I firmly believe a hunter never really notices the recoil in a situation where they are shooting at game.
  13. Actually apples and oranges. You'd have to trespass to hang the stand. That boater may not have.
  14. I believe it has 10 points up and then if you zoom in there is a small drop tine in front of his left eye.
  15. The participants have been really trying but the stories have been coming a little slow. On the bright side Kate (with mentor Mo Tidball) got it done yesterday late in the afternoon. What a beautiful buck.
  16. She speaks Spanish. You sure you didn’t confuse the words skin and head?
  17. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20191124/b3b9485ba5aeeef1a6436b7e9c588efd.jpg[/img What is the appropriate tag to use when you have to fight off a blind invading mole?
  18. We all have these viruses on us all the time. The physical stresses make you more susceptible to them gaining a foot hold. Do some reading. Even things like our mucus membranes drying because of the cold. That allows a point of entry.
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