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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. It depends on what size turbine goes up. $4,000 per/MW. Most turbines are 2.5 MW so you are correct $10,000 per turbine. I guess I'm just used to the tall skyscrapers of NYC and the many thousands of utility poles out in the burbs, the turbines don't bother me one bit. I bought my land in 2007. It has a million $ view. In the view now is 27 turbines, they are at a distance of about 7 miles. It was interesting seeing them go up and really for me it doesn't deter from the view. This is my opinion and my cabin is my second home, then again most of the people that are signing are locals. Our tax money subsidizes the oil business to the tune of 4.8 billion a year.
  2. http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2014/08/25/3475348/bird-death-comparison-chart/
  3. I signed a few years ago along with my neighbors. My current view has 27 wind turbines in it. They are about 5-7 miles away as the crow flies. They are unique and I have gotten used to them. They blend in pretty well with the sky. Actually they are most noticeable at night with the blinking red lights. The Town of Howard and the surrounding areas are doing quite well with the investment in wind power. I'm not here to debate it and won't get involved. I made my decision after thoroughly researching the Power company and its past projects. Right down to visiting a wind farm in all type of wether conditions.
  4. I have a lease with Everpower. http://everpower.com/baron-winds-wind-project-steuben-county-ny/ https://www.facebook.com/BaronWindsWindFarm
  5. Halak looked great. Rangers played ok but that won't beat the Islanders.
  6. In my new house about 21/2 months. I have nice neighbors, the guy next door a has two snow blowers. He gave me the code to the garage so I can get in to use them. Got out there at 10 this morning and had both driveways done in 1/2 hour. He came out and did the cars and walkways. It's a big machine that ate through the snow. I think this deal will work out fine, who said Long Islanders weren't friendly……lol
  7. That is great, just one more reason to stay in shape. You have to chase those little buggers!
  8. We are in the low teens in Northport. LIRR shut down so I aint budging, dog will be lucky to take a piss today! lol
  9. because we are so diverse in the way we hunt and the end game is for each individual is different.
  10. Now we have a Copy Desk……lol
  11. There is a few places at Cornell you can do this!! lol
  12. You mean there is a science to all this crap we are debating??? lol
  13. I'm out of the city by 2-3pm. Cant trust the LIRR with a storm like this. Right now just flurries in the city.
  14. My brother in law has gone to Ohio for the last 10 years. Deer numbers way down since he started going. In the beginning they were giving out so many doe permits it was crazy. Now not that much. He still goes looking for that big buck. He feels the longer bow season gives you more opportunity to hunt.
  15. I saw the same thing. Gas stations have lines and the super market is crazy. 2 feet of snow will suck, no way around that. I will be leaving the city early tomorrow. Last thing I want is to get stranded on the LIRR.
  16. Yes that is what they are saying at Ridge. Rough winter last year and they did some deer culling. I haven't seen as much this year as the past 2. That also could just be luck. Some guys are doing a number on them this year. It was still a great morning out in the woods.
  17. We just got back in, very slow. We hunted from 7 until 1. I saw a glimpse of a small deer early on that was it. We had spot 10. Most tracks were from the north east section of the property. We walked all that time nothing to show for it.
  18. Last year we let guys come in with dogs. They took about 20. They were back last week but I didn't get an update.
  19. Headed out tomorrow with my brother and niece. FYI Sunday starts the no reservation system for the last week. They said to be there by 6 to get your name in the lottery. I'll report back in.
  20. We are so diverse in our end goal. Here is a little slice of the property that borders me. How could the DEC make everyone happy?? My property is 6 hours from home. We hunt bow and gun. We take our share, some years 4 deer this year 2. Time and travel are a factor. If its late or your last hunt a yearling or fawn will do. My neighbor 200 acres. 80% of them come from out of state. They shoot any buck walking. Only the land owners get doe permits (3). My neighbor to the north 400 acres. They practice QDM. Only mature bucks and does get harvested. 5 people in this group, 2 are kids. This property gets lightly hunted. One of the reasons I see a lot of deer. To my west 100 acres. 3 people hunt this and will shoot any deer that comes by. Diversity for sure…...
  21. Hell Steve, that not true for everyone. You would still need a gun at my camp. lol
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