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Everything posted by First-light

  1. Two excellent posts guys, thanks. BTW for me there is no right or wrong to this, just trying to see how others handle it.
  2. for the animal you just killed. The doe I killed this year brought back feelings of compassion for the animal I just killed. A clean shot that kills the animal before I get to it is best for me. I have shot deer in the past and dropped them in their tracks only to have the animal live another 5-10 minutes. These animals as I approached see me and try to run but can't because of the shot placement. At this moment of time when hunter and living animal (for one the outcome is sealed) are so close together brings out compassion on my part. The doe this year was shot in the neck and could not move. She tried to get up but couldn't, her legs moved but couldn't upright herself. Terror was in her eyes as I approached and I couldn't bear to watch this animal suffer. I shot her once again in the neck and walked away. She died in a minute or two, I felt something for the animal. As a hunter this is part of the game. The game has been going on for me for me for 30 years and I'll never get used to the sight or feeling. By the time I'm done gutting the deer and looking at how much this animal will go to feeding the family I feel better. I'm sure we all have a certain tolerance for this type of thing, how about you?
  3. Prime rib, nothing like it! Enjoy.
  4. Bubba, Wearing BO does not give me a false sense of security. I know damn well that another hunter will see me at 100 yards before he would see me wearing camo. Do I have control over that hunter raising his gun and shooting me, no. I do have control over the people that hunt my property and I know they wear BO as I do. In your neck of the woods there are less hunters than the ST. That is why you see less accidents. This is also why I have a huge problem with people trespassing, they are usually not wearing BO and are breaking the law.
  5. Here is a 6 pt that I found. Coyote tracks everywhere. The deer wasn't laying there more than a week.
  6. Have to finish the inside of the addition on the cabin. Move some stands and repost the back of my property. We took a walk and it seems for some reason all my posted signs are missing???? This is the side the "band of brothers" got permission to hunt the 5 acres. Yes they trespassed on me and my neighbor, even went in his stands!
  7. I take down the hang on stands, two at that. The ladder stands stay up but like FSW said loosen the straps.
  8. He still has that recliner on his front porch.........
  9. It's pretty cool to see how excited you are about this. Please post pictures of the mount. I have plenty of bear around my camp just never shot one. When the day comes I want to do the right mount or rug.
  10. Let's just say it's pretty much a perfect habitat do you think the ratio in correct. 1.5 1 fawn 2.5 older 2 fawns?
  11. Very nice, enjoy the Holidays everyone!
  12. There is the right way and the Bubba way, get used to it! lol
  13. Sorry to hear this Paulie. It puts everyone in a bad position. The Dad should know better, especially with his kid in tow. You never can be too safe out there.
  14. Forgot to ad this point about does and fawns. Is it safe ti assume that a 1.5 year old doe will have just one fawn? The first time she is bred I always thought 1 fawn. Now if that's the case the does I see with two and sometimes three fawns are 2.5 and older?
  15. Dave, I should say Gramps-congrats!
  16. Ok- we are all hung up on AR's and deer management. When is the last time you harvested a 3 year old doe? I think I have never gotten one. Most of mine are yearlings or 1.5 year olds. I guess what i"m saying is we don't specifically target does. One would think they would age and we would see an older class of animal. We get our doe permits and fill them when we can. Do you guys understand what I'm getting at??? Why aren't there more 3-4 year old does running around.
  17. I'm over in 8P. I think the deer heard is in decline. The boys next to me did not see, and this goes for last year, the deer they used to see. This is 12 guys hunting 190 acres. My property did not see the level of does this year. We did manage to harvest 3 deer that go a long way to feeding our families. Better luck next year I guess.
  18. I just have to say one more thing. Last year I stated that I don't bring my girls 12 and 7 to camp during gun season. This was for safety reasons, some guys gave me a bad time about it, over reacting. This accident and the one where a rifle was fired at 500 yards from the bus only only to hit it full of children put my reasons to rest.
  19. This is horrible. I was walking in with my gun this weekend and said lets shoot to clear the rounds. My brother in law said no way just take the primer out and push it through. That's what I did. God bless that little girl.
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