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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. Wecome Hooper, I had a place in Roscoe many years ago. I loved it there it was a real nice town. I am up in the Finger lakes now. Yes this is a real good site!
  2. Thanks guys, I should clarify that the 25 acres is leased to a farmer. It was oats earlier in the year now its clover. The tops of the turnips are still there. I even tasted one and it was not bitter. I check it out as the season moves on. It will be cool to see exactly when the turnips get hit.
  3. Was up last weekend, none of the food plots have been hit by the deer???? Thought they would of been eating the turnips. I guess late season for those. I do have a 25 acre field of clover they are eating, could this be the answer?
  4. Good job Bubba. Used to hunt near Platsburgh over at the minors. Miss it up there.
  5. Last year I took a 14 year old out and he shot his first deer with the bow. It was a small doe. This year he passed up two chip shots at small doe and one at a big doe. He held out for a shot at a buck which he almost got. When he left camp with his dad i asked him if he was upset not shooting at those doe? he told me now way just seeing that buck this year was worth it! There you go. Myself I won't pass on a doe or a 1.5 year old. I travel a great distance to camp and time is limited.
  6. What a piece of ---- scumbag! Pardon my french.
  7. Funny I was just cleaning my place up, girls coming this weekend, was thinking about you talking about the soccer commitments this year. My younger one started it this year and has games every Saturday at 11:45. It's tough but for me knowing that I only get to see them every other weekend it's a must I am there. Good luck this weekend, like you said the mornings will be cold! Get'er done!
  8. Great story! I took my two girls squirrel hunting this fall, they loved it. The basket is to put the squirrels in.lol We didn't shoot any, I think the pink camo gave us away! I love taking kids into the woods-it breaths new life to an old hunting sole!
  9. I believe it was a bit wetter than normal. Lets hunt!
  10. Well a wet spring helps the food deer eat grow faster and they take in more nutrients for antler growth. Makes sense. Here is an article about it. http://nexthunt.com/blog/antler-growth-and-droughts/
  11. Real nice deer. This year was setting up to be a great year for big racked deer. A friend of mine was told by a NYS biologist that the weather in early spring was perfect for antler growth. Whatever that means maybe he was right. I for one have never seen so many big rubs on my property than this year.
  12. Read the posts at the bottom of the video. I can't believe that some people blame us hunters for all this. I'll tell you one thing, if she keeps on bottle feeding that deer some hunter will have some great tasting venison. Sorry, but bringing that deer into your house to feed is sick!
  13. We had bucks chasing does all weekend in Steuben county. 1 big 8pt which I missed was trailing two does and a smaller buck, grunting and crashing through the woods! Exciting times right now!
  14. Zem, Good luck this weekend. Looks to be a bit warm this weekend. Can't believe for me Bow season is done. like you it was tough to get it going this year. My daughters helped me put up the stand that had all the action this year. I even believe they picked the tree for the stand! I am going to build some natural ground blinds next year so they can come out and sit with me. Be well, Burt
  15. 8P had chasing all weekend. Had a small buck chase two doe and 15 minutes later here comes Mr. Big following the trail. The place stunk of musky rutting deer. I missed so the story continues. BTW all the local land owners are saying the buck sign is out-of-hand. My place is torn up, some of the rubs and scrapes are huge!
  16. It was the best and we didn't even harvest a deer!
  17. Hi Guys, Got back late last night. We are in Steuben county. We had a great time. Zach's (15 year old I'm mentoring) goal this year was to see a buck from his stand this year. Sat mornings hunt found three doe by our stand and Zach could of shot a small on but held out. Sat night we saw a number of deer but none were close enough, all doe. Sunday morning we again had deer close but nothing close enough to shoot. Sunday night we saw a 6pt chasing two doe right at us! They came from my brothers stand about 400 yards away. The small 6pt was dogging the does and ran them right under our stand. Zach could of shot the big doe and held out for the buck. He was broadside at 20 yards and I couldn't believe Zach was not shooting. In a low voice I say to him shoot and he replies I can't the tree is in the way, you shoot. I did and grazed the deers back. Clean miss! Zach was so excited that he saw a buck! Monday it was just Jeff and I hunting, I saw 3 doe in the morning and he saw a crotch horn. The wind kicked up Monday night and we saw nothing. I can't believe the amount of scrapes and rubs in my area! Tuesday morning was dead calm, a great day. 7:00 i look towards the field and the same 6pt is chasing the does again. They bust into my woods and skirt me at 35 yards. You could smell the musk in the air. They head off into the woods grunting and crashing as they go. I say to myself boy I wish Zach could of seen this again. I also say that I would of told him that you should always look behind when a small buck is chasing because a big one may not be far behind. 15 minutes later I look over my shoulder and here come a big swamp buck! Two swamps border my property and the older bucks just seem so dark in color. Well this boy is on the same trail but about 10 yards closer to me. He is headed right for me. He stops at 20 yards and sways his head back and forth and decides to quarter away from me. I have to act fast and pull up and let fly an arrow at 25 yards, I miss right under him! The deer doesn't bolt and just walks away following the same trail as the other deer. He was a heavy 8pt with a rack that shot out beyaond the ears and curled around real nice. One side was broken up from fighting, I guess. A real nice 2.5 year old! I go on to see two more smaller bucks an hour later just out of range. They were traveling with each other which I thought was strange. Weather was great, Zach had a great time and I need to pratice some more!!!! What I thought was important was that Zach, at 15, was able to hold out and wait for a buck! He is on his own next year, it was a real pleasure to mentor him!
  18. We are leaving, hope to be at the cabin by 11! GLTA
  19. Had it cloned all over it! Thanks for the update Steve.
  20. Noodle, There are all types in every group, upstate trespassers and down state trespassers. I agree with everything you say except for the 2nd paragraph. 30 years ago I hunted property that was not posted. The owner didn't believe in posting the property but family members always complained about people from town using the land and spoiling the hunt for the family members. It's all over the place and not confined to one group causing the problem. It's unfortunate that some property (that has been used by locals for years) gets bought by someone down state person and gets posted. That's just the way it goes weather it form upstate or downstate.
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