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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. This was our first year with Crossbow, it was a lo9t of fun. I'm not putting it down but it offered my kid a hunt when she came up Veterans day weekend. She picked it up and no time was putting the arrows right in the eye of the bull! We have a HYP Killerinstict 425. Seems nice but no crank on it. I cocked it once with wet boots on. Thing slipped out half way and got me in the nuts! lol Brother inlaw just got a 10 pt (think that is the name) it has a crank and the thing is balanced real nice. I hear it was about $1500. That is pricey for me. Good luck I think it will take over Compound bows just like they did with the recurve. Sure Compounds will still be around but more and more Hunters are going to kill big bucks with these things and the masses will join in. It's ok it's the way things work. I'll be getting one this year for sure.
  2. Nope never. What keeps me from the woods is a nice warm bed on a nasty day. I have never thought the task at hand harvesting a deer to keep me out of the woods.
  3. Had a good feeling about today. Light west winds low 30's saw a Donkey of a doe with two yearlings. Did not offer me a shot. This was morning. Had to go in deep to a stand that I just love. West wind is best and it paid off. I was in by 2 and heard deer around 3:45. Got up and got ready and a big doe headed right to me. Shot through shoulder she went 20 yards. I'm very hyappy!
  4. Was invited to hunt my neighbors property. There will be three of us. They will be in stand by 6:30 I'll still hunt my way down through them. Haven't seen a deer in a week. If nothing this morning I'm going in deep to a stand that borders a big bedding area made up mostly of pine. GL
  5. After this season I think we will have a few crossbows in the field. They are fast, accurate and deadly. Easy to use also. You still have to be in the right place at the right time to kill a giant.
  6. Haven't seen a deer in a week. Something got to give!
  7. I have a dead ash on the side of my corn field that is cracked towards the bottom. If its not down by tomorrow i'll cut it.
  8. I believe that area has antler restrictions? I had a place in Roscoe many years ago. My Father inlaw and his brothers would hunt the state land there on Morton Hill road. A lot of history there. So when I had my place there which was on that road I met two late season hunters from PA. They had two bucks in the truck. One was huge! We talked and of course the question I raise is where you get him. That area has like 15000 acres of state land. He told me they dont camp right off the road they hike it in. All predetermined by using Topo maps. Then he says we hunt the shelves off of the mountain sides. A place where no one else goes. Give them credit!
  9. I've seen this done in England it was a big practice and looked like a lot of fun for the dogs!
  10. I have seen nothing this week. Plenty of tracks but no day time sightings. I was hoping the guys behind me would be in this weekend but no. Nothing out there to push them.
  11. Spot on. The hunters that come to my place this year for the first time passed on small bucks. After seeing what is around on trail cameras they have "been there done that " with the small ones. Each hunter could of tagged a buck opening weekend.
  12. 8S is way up and I'm living in 8P. I have yet to go to the processor but my friend usually keeps check on buck Doe kills. I think we are on par with last few years.
  13. I just pulled my cards today. Have a lot of nice Bucks and Does. This 10 pt is lucky! This was Veterans weekend and my two Daughters came up. Teddi and I crossbow hunted together. I remember Saturday morning she missed a small buck and we hung around. I looked at my phone saw it was 9:30 and said to her another half hour? OK dad. We left and look what showed up! I went to shoot at this buck days earlier but my release failed. As far as I know he is still out there.
  14. I actually love the taxes I pay. I have property that gets me into the AG program that brings down my taxes. I came from Long Island where having a lot of 150x300 would cost you 12k a year. This is great. To each his own and what you pay taxes on.
  15. There is zero pressure right now around my place. 4 owners close to a thousand acres. This will be my first time seeing what happens last week. I tell you being full time you see things in a time frame like no other.
  16. walking in had one broadside but a bit too small. Saw nothing else. He saw 6 but had no shot. Tomorrow should be a washout getting the truck serviced and may try to hunt the afternoon.
  17. Some but not many. Some mature pine for sure.
  18. 8P Steuben county. 68 acres all timber, small cabin no utilities on seasonal road. I tried to buy this a short time ago. Sold for $125000. 18 and change per acre.
  19. Saw 1 get up from its bed when I walked to stand. Nothing else for the afternoon. Headed to my brother inlaws tomorrow for an afternoon hunt. I have a doe permit for his area. 1 st adult gets it!
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