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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. Chef, I appreciate your question. I'm not against progress and eliminating fossil fuel. I once had a lease signed with a wind farm company. I was going to do it but my area was protected and it was canceled. In the end I thanked my lucky stars because they wanted my property for a laydown area. Trailers, porta poties and equipment. Why doesn't NYS put the turbines on State property? I'm seeing rural areas being divided, once friend now enemies, in the name of greed. These new turbines are 650' tall. What a great way to ruin rural life. These are 6.5 MW turbines. Leases usually pay 4k per 2.5 MW. These turbines are just too big for my backyard!
  2. So my Town of Howard has a 27 turbine wind farm existing right now. Prattsburgh wind (Terra-Gen) whats to bring it a step further. They are proposing 32 wind turbines for the the towns of Howard, Prattsburgh, Avoca, Cohocton and Wheeler. Now the existing turbines in NYS are 350' foot tall. You all have seen them. Terra-Gen is bringing in 650' turbines. NYS is going to allow this. My property is in the middle of protected wetlands where in the past NYS would not allow drilling or such. My neighbors aren't that lucky. Could you imagine a 650' turbine 2500' from your house? I can't. I am including a link to howardlandowners.org. If you are against this type of development please sign the petition. Thank you, First Light (Burt) Howardlandowners.org (please copy and paste)
  3. 100 bucks what you driving. I have a Tahoe to fill it up was $65...........
  4. I went to urgent care twice never was billed.
  5. Mod's political section please. I like this site and exclude the political section completely. Fast Eddie where are you....lol
  6. Here on the Island people always bitch about people walking on their beach getting to and from fishing spots. They own up to the high water mark. So when the tied is out you legally walk all you want.
  7. I have to check OnX out. Last survey I purchased they did 4 points thats it and it was expensive.
  8. I have about 7 acres that is full of Poplar and pine trees. The pine trees have mostly died out because of the real big poplar trees. This acreage is a mess because of a lot of fallen trees. Deer love to bed in it. I was thinking of cutting them all down and letting that area start over. Geno you would leave some up?
  9. Received the shot no problems at all. Stony brook University it ran like clockwork. Great job!
  10. Have a great time.....I cleaned out the garage! lol
  11. Sorry to hear about your dog. Never easy....
  12. Yup I'm from those days. Eddie was to blame lol. Look things change and so has this forum. I've noticed some of the old guard not posting anymore. I'll probably follow suit. The good old days.........
  13. Too bad he was a super guy and great Moderator. By the way you guys sound like a bunch of wet hens! Get over it and move on......
  14. Rob I've had something like that for years. Does a good job. Weight it down and watch those roots! That thing snags a root watch out! lol Mine is still in good shape after many years of use. GL
  15. No such thing as flounder anymore! LOL you know we would catch 20 flounder off the local dock in Northport. Not anymore they just went away. It was big for the local fleet but wit the lobster that is gone. It's a shame on the North Fork of LI. I can a s a kid remembering riding my bike down to the dock. Stoping at the local bait and tackle buying a dozen sand worms and catching so much flounder. Those times will never come back.
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