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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by ants

  1. I've had that since I was 14 or 15….It's not curable but you can live with it. ……Actually its pretty easy to deal with….
  2. Very good video. At 86 the man can still outshoot most!!
  3. I had to have my knee done a while back & they had to take stuff out of my good leg to use to fix the bad one. Ever since then I wake up to screaming leg cramps (both legs) a couple times a week. The Doc says vitamin D and lots of fluids. It seems to help a little.
  4. "Lets get back to the posted property and stay there!. These damn cameras freak me right the hell out!"
  5. Who has one and how does it shoot. Im in the market for a 1911 and I really like the looks & feel of this one. Any thoughts??
  6. There was a news report, just this morning, saying that the stuff is on the rise in my area and to report id to the DEC. I've never seen it though….at least not that I know of. Damn nasty stuff. They should rename it "Ex wife weed"
  7. I have had pretty good luck with the 2 blade Rage. I have never had one come apart and if they rattle, then the O-ring probably has to be replaced. That being said; there are a ton of good broad heads out there and Im sure that the Killzone is one of them. So use what you have confidence in.
  8. The old timer, I use to hunt with, never covered his face and always hunted in gray or green wool during bow and red and black wool, with a cheap orange vest over it during gun season. He did just fine.
  9. Do they grow on trees or thorny bushes like blackberry.
  10. I went back to paint, a couple years ago. Just a few smears on both cheeks, enough to break it up. Seems to work. I got sick of masks. I would lose one or two every season, they get sweaty, they fall down over my eyes…..Just got sick of them.
  11. It works a lot better if you at least scratch the soil with a rake. Just scuff up an area before you throw it down. I have used it in the past and it does grow.
  12. Ya got me. I should have left out "naturally"
  13. When is the last time you came across a field of naturally growing, bags of beet powder?
  14. I usually do it a week or so before the season but I have done it the day before the opener (gun and bow) And it didn't seem to bother any thing. Like anything else, don't be grabbing branches and things with your bare hands and wear rubber boots. You will be fine
  15. Loved GI Joe!! I had the Jeep, the trailer, the spot light, the cannon, the helicopter, the (I think it was some kind of Moon vehicle). I had all of them. If I had a crystal ball I would have saved them all and retired early. Instead (like all of my friends) I shot them with B-B guns, blew them up with firecrackers, set them on fire and did a bunch more things that "normal" kids did to them, at the time………..It was fun at the time.
  16. ants


    I had a bow guy tell me that you should wax the string after every time you shoot????? I should have asked Why? but I didn't. I do it When I put my bow up for the season, and right before bow season starts, after I have shot it a bunch practicing. Maybe a quick wax during practicing. I have never had an issue.
  17. Where is your info coming from?……. You??….. Or do have stats to back it?
  18. I think you should have started that statement with the word "Some"
  19. I like that one too… "Come snuggle with mommy"... sounds like my wife talking to our spoiled wuss dog…LOL!
  20. One more climber and maybe a small rangefinder. I've been putting off the range finder for a few years. Other than that just some fresh scents. I say that now…LOL!
  21. A friend of mine used a Marlin lever gun in 44mag. for a few seasons and it worked well. Then he made a bad hit on a buck( maybe 40 yards.) , that we never found. Very little blood that didn't go much farther than where the deer stood when he shot. Of course he blamed the round & sold the rifle. He went to the the 35 Rem. in the same rifle. When we ask him how he can blame the round ,at that range, he never wants to talk about it. LOL!!! The 44 mag. should do fine out to 100 or so yards.
  22. Earlier in the thread, you said that Nugent "looked like one step adove a barbarian" I don't think how a person looks has anything to do with the topic so I sarcastically commented on different features of his appearance. Sarcasm. Sorry….. I thought you would get it.
  23. The thing that gets me is that every time that thing goes off , it most likely will be junk, but it could always be something great. Kind of like deer hunting an area. Does,,,Does,,Scrub buck,, scrub buck. Who knows whats next ? Maybe that 10 point. I want to get into it some day.
  24. What king of luck (longevity wise) has anyone had with self propelled mowers? I have had decent luck with several brands but was looking for something that would really last. Price doesn't really matter.
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