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Everything posted by ants

  1. Biggest lying scum bag to come around in decades!! Any organization , with even an ounce of honesty, would laugh at the thought of having this lying scum represent them.. I think she even edges out Harry Reed as #1 dishonest lying scum bag on the planet!!!! Says a lot..
  2. Wasserman Schultz is a pathetic, corrupt ,lying despicable human being. If two minutes after making her anti gun comments, it was politically in her best interest to make pro gun statements,,,she would have. She will say ANYTHING if it is in her best interest at that moment. She will lie, then lie about lying, then lie about lying about lying….How she has any credibility at all amazes me!! She is at the top of the scum bag list.
  3. My first gun was a Mossy 500. The gun snobs can say what they want, but 37 years later, it still works 100%. I have long since converted it to my home protection long gun and I would trust my life to it. Been using the same Mossberg 835, 3.5" as my turkey gun since about 1992. Its a great gun and shoots an amazing pattern. I could buy a more expensive gun , if I wanted to, but why mess with a good thing??
  4. Sorry to hear but, It happens…Almost the exact same thing happened to me 2 years ago with a nice 8. Everything seemed right, clean shot…..Like I said it happens
  5. I find that the safety, on the compliant jokes, are much harder to engage…much longer reach. Its actually easier for me at least, to operate the safety left handed, rather than right.. Im talking about the AR's with the goofy looking stock. Some compliant models like the Aires rifles have a monte Carlo style stock. They're not as bad….Still goofy looking..
  6. 7F.. Between Wed. and yesterday I saw 2 small bucks, a thin racked 8 and several does. They were all just milling around, feeding and occasionally sniffing. Wed. I took the long way out and cut through a small apple/pear orchard that borders 2 of my stands. I counted 6 very fresh scrapes and I wasn't really looking that hard!! The top dirt was still loose and the hoof prints were clean and sharp. Hoping that this weekend turns them on. Good luck to all. BTW hunted in just a T-shirt and light pants last night….WTH???
  7. Agree 100%..But the "Compliant" AR's are so ugly and their intended function has been effected enough, that I would take a Mini 14 over one any day..Thats just me of course.
  8. If your 37 is in nice condition I would say,leave it home and maybe borrow a gun. If its an old beater then go for it. I remember, way back, seeing older shotgun barrels with long, deep grooves worn into the bores from shooting steel shot.
  9. The Mossberg 500 is a decent, reliable gun and inexpensive enough..Don't go over the top cheap and get a less expensive version of an already inexpensive gun. The Maverick has a cheesy, plastic safety that is located on the bottom of the trigger guard as apposed to the Mossberg top safety. The sights on the Maverick are equally as cheesy. Spend the extra 50 bucks, or so, and get the Mossberg.
  10. Sounds good to me…Sat for the last 3 hrs. tonight..Saw 2 does and some turkey but man…Too warm. Jut wore a T-shirt.
  11. Very sharp!! I love good wood work…A friend just made himself a bar top out of black walnut…gorgeous!
  12. Don't get me going…..My grandfather had a push mower that he had when we were kids..You have to spin the crank by hand, no pull string. A little handle unfolds from the top of the engine. My brother still uses it , at his camp, and it runs fine. It must be from the 60's or early 70's. The deck is thick and heavy and you can tell its well made.
  13. Yup.. my grand mother and great grandmother both had ancient appliances that lasted from when I was a little kid until they passed away…..30 plus years.. They both had basement kitchens (Italian thing) and their stoves/ovens and fridges, down there, were from the early 60's. at least... Hell ..for all I know those things are still running.. We sold them with their houses...
  14. Fortunately I have a fridge/freezer in the basement, that I just moved everything to. Don't know whether to call a repairman or just bite the bullet and buy a new one…Im so pissed right now I can't decide…. I would like to leave it on the hood of the Mercedes of GE's CEO!!! LOL!!! That would make him/her care!!!!! LOL!!
  15. Yup…All of them….at Lowes…I can't help but think that they intentionally build these pieces of crap to break just outside of warranty….
  16. Turns out that my fridge/freezer crapped out last night. GE profile that is maybe 5 years old on the long side.. In the past 5 years I have had to replace my ., dishwasher, dryer, washing machine, stove and now refrigerator. I bought them all new…… My old washing machine ($1000) lasted a whole 2.5 years, dryer ($900) 4 years, dishwasher( $800) about 3years, stove ($1100) about 3 years and now a 5 year old fridge..($1200) ..All different top end brands!! What a bunch of $h!t that is sold to us now. My mom passed away a couple years ago, and in her house were the same washer & dryer she had since I was in my early 20's,(long time ago folks) and the same fridge, basement freezer and stove that she had since not long after that. They all worked 100% . BUNCH OF B.S.
  17. I passed on a scrawny spike this morning…10 yards??…..I would have run your "little guy" through LOL!!!
  18. ants


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  19. I use one that clamps to the base of my summit. It looks like an elongated "S" The bottom limb goes into the S, All you do is reach forward and grab the bow. Its very secure and quiet, but you have to play with it a bit, when you install it, to get the right angle for your bow. I have one on each of my climbers. I think they were about 20 bucks.
  20. Mostly mornings, before 10. I have seen very few deer in the afternoon. Its like that every year, where I hunt. Once gun season gets going, from 2pm on will be more productive.
  21. 95% of the time my bow is in a bow holder, that is attached to the base of my climber.
  22. 95% of the time my bow is in a bow holder, that is attached to the base of my climber.
  23. Get well and good luck..
  24. Been dead here (7F) for the past few days. A few small bucks just milling around. Had a spike rubbing on a little sapling this morning. Thats been it. Had a big buck shagging does last Fri. and a basket rack nose to the ground, but since then nothing?? Thought this morning would be hot. Still early
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