So I can set up a feeder just for the squirrels during deer season and I should be ok? I will even put a sign on it, "squirrels only!"????
Read the original post dumb @ss!!!!!
Maybe... however, business is profiting off of its sale and then the state is profiting when people are given tickets for using it. Doesn't seem fair to me???
I don't have a crossbow but I don't really see the difference between that and a compound bow. If you truly want to leave archery season pure then shoot a recurve!
Still... It would stop a lot of people from saying that they didn't know they couldn't use it. If someone wants to use an attractant out of state, I'm sure that there are plenty of places in PA or NJ to find them.
Great pics as usuall wooly!!! It's tough to believe that there are zero does around with all that corn and clover??? I couldn't imagine that the field would become a ghost town when the rut starts!