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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Pav2704

  1. Nice pics!!! Can't wait to get up and check my cameras!!!
  2. Definately cool to see the bear pics. Where is your property? I am in Richmondville and have never seen a bear in the woods or on camera. I believe the bear population is 1 bear per square mile there???
  3. Great story and pictures!!! Congrats on the drop tine deer. Your nephews must have been so excited with their "firsts"!!!!
  4. Woofer I am definately not lacking reading "compression" or did you mean reading comprehension. I definately am familiar with administrators and board of ed members being that I have been teaching for more than ten years. I have been to several board of ed meetings for the district that I am employed in and the district that my children attend and parents have always been vocal with any concerns that they may have. So, I encourage you to be vocal and stand up for your children if you have concerns. I know I would!!! Dont worry the ilk that you speak of hasn't organized the lynch mobs just yet!!!
  5. Sit in Trees Anybody can sit here in front of a computer and debate about politics or taxes/education, however it truly doesn't solve or fix anything. Especially when certain people are too afraid to stand up and speak infront of the public at board of education meetings. Especially, considering how vocal some people have been in this particular forum. Maybe its not the board of ed or teachers they're afraid of. Maybe they realize they wouldn't have the support of their own community members, especially since most school budgets pass every year. No crickets here... maybe at the board of ed meetings those crickets could be heard!!
  6. Great color in the pictures!!
  7. The river in Schoharie county that overflowed last year and destroyed much of the town was also at an all time low. The river had to be had to be a good 15 feet below the water line where I make the turn in Middleburg to head North on rt. 145
  8. Hey Wooly, Your making me want to go out and get a mountain bike. lol Looks like you had an incredible shed season. Are you building a garage this spring to store all those sheds???
  9. Woofer, seems like you only want to hear what you want to hear, so I will say it one more time. Your list of "Top School Salaries" is mostly administration and does not reflect accurately teacher salaries. You keep saying the same things over and over again. With the exception of two or three members. Most people here are seeing the flaws in your arguement and that it's directed in the wrong direction! I hope you are this vocal at board of education meetings. However, you probably don't say a word because I am sure that most tax payers in your district value education and realize that teachers are not the source of the problem!!!
  10. "UPS guys work a mandatory 60 hrs a week." Was that on the back of a snapple lid???
  11. I compared your list with the Locust Valley School District website and the first person you have on this list is Robert Teseo. You have him listed as a math teacher. He is actually a coordinator who does not teach students. Like I said, if you go through your list, you would realize that most people making those salaries are not teachers but administration. You are averaging administration salaries with those of teachers to get that outlandish $107,000 average. Truth is, most teaching salaries average around $78,000 on Long Island which is right on par with what most people make. In fact, I have a friend that did not go to college and works at UPS. He makes around $65,000 a year for dropping off some packages. He also gets incredible hunting spots as a perk!!! Not to bad and not to far off from teacher salaries.
  12. Hey Virgil, I found this website that talks about the German Health Care and the big issue that I can see is that most working people would have to pay a lot more for their health care. If this site is correct, all working people pay a flat 8% based on their salary. Based on that statistic, its great if your unemployed, work off the books, or don't really make much money; but if you have two working members in your household it seems like your footing the bill for others. Here's the site if anyone wants to take a look. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=91971406
  13. Real nice work John!!!! The white risers on the steps make it look real sharp!! Bathroom tiles look excellent as well!!! The deck should be no problem.
  14. Nice!!! I put my cameras out last weekend as well. Can't wait to get back upstate to see what i got!
  15. Anybody have any idea what the latest date should be to plant whitetail institutes clover. They reccomend april 1 to june 1. I was planning on planting around may 1st. Will the clover take if planted then??? Thanks
  16. I checked out the top salaries you posted in your school district because I knew that there was no way the salaries that you keep referring to belong to teachers. If you go to the Locust Valley School District website you can see that the top 20 salaries on your list belong to superintendants, asst. superintendants, principals, asst. principals, and coordinators. None of those positions in the top 20 - 25 are actual teaching positions.
  17. Woofer "What do you call teachers in my school district making an average salary of $107K a year for part-time work?" I think they're pretty smart people that went to college, obtained a masters degree, went through a tough interview process, took many inservices classes, and work very hard with your children. They are also probably enjoying their week off right now!!! I know I am!!!!!!!
  18. Hey Woofer, When you provide so called facts, at least explain fully. When you and I took regents years ago, we did receive a percentage grade. However, the grading was much easier. For example, the algebra regents only had two parts - multiple choice and a part 2. There were 6 part 2 questions. We got to choose four of those to answer and they were worth a total of 10 points a piece. You could make small mistakes and still get close to full credit. Today's regents include four sections. The most points students could earn for any particular section is four points. They could make the same minor mistakes and lose much more credit. For that reason, it gets graded on a scale. You also stated, "if the class gets a 50% it will be curved up to a passing grade and everyone eventually receives a Regents diploma." That's a JOKE and couldn't be further from the truth. Does all of NYS school districts use this same curve that you talk about and does it change from year to year??? Sounds like your really stretching on that one to fit your agenda!!! Your so quick to talk about our salaries, you still havn't mentioned what you do for a living???
  19. Woofer As usual, you are presenting data that is incorrect. Regents are NOT graded on a curve. Never were! However, it is true that when we graduated from school, you did not have pass all Regent exams. Those that did not pass all Regents exams received a Local Diploma. Those that did pass all Regents exams received a Regents Diploma and also had the regents endorsing on their diploma as well. Most students today (with the exeception of some special education students) cannot graduate withoutout Regents diploma. Here's a link to show how grading of a Regents Exam is actually created and scored. http://www.p12.nysed.gov/apda/concht/scoring-regents.html
  20. Not really sure where that fact is coming from??? Most Long Island school have graduation rates / students receiving regents diplomas at percentages well above 90%. Where did you get that info from or was it a number that just sounded good? Check out accurate Long Island Graduation Rates here: http://longisland.newsday.com/templates/simpleDB/?pid=388
  21. Never get tired of seeing trail cam pictures. Do you guys run your cameras all year for deer or start putting them out mid summer?
  22. Looks great!!! the turkey prints definately make it. How cool would it be to call in bird this year using your own box call!!!
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