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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by erussell

  1. Ive only come close to shooting a bear twice. One was a small one that was following me around the woods while I was bow hunting on the ground. It kept false charging me, but everytime I would draw my bow back it would run off. I started walking back to my car and looking over my shoulder and it followed me to within 100 yrds of my car where I lost sight of it. It was a little nerve racking. The other one was last yr when I was sitting on the ground. had a massive bear come right up to within 15 yrds of me. Had my hammer cocked and the cross hairs on his head. But it decided I wasn't worth the trouble and turned around and slowly walked the other way. Good thing for him to because just as he was turning I was tightening my finger on the trigger. If he had come 5 more steps I don't think I would have had a choice, He probably would had died on top of me. A bit nerve racking also. Especially since I was yelling at him the whole time
  2. I'm kind of glad I did watch it though because now I know what kind of raucous a bear that is shot makes. I guess they call it a death bawl, which is the most awe full sound I have ever heard. I was planning on shooting a bear this yr since I see them all the time and there is at least 8 different bear where I hunt but now thats out. I'm not against shooting them, just don't think its for me. Also what are there sponsers thinking? Do these companies actually screen what they are putting there name on?
  3. Saw another one today that pi---d me off. This goober shoots a bear out of a stand with a muzzleloader over bait. It drops and start rolling around bawling out with the most pittifull sound you ever heard. This went on for about 30 seconds before the bear let out one last wimper and expired. The whole time he's laughing his stupid head off and giving high fives to the camera man. They even put a a disclaimer at the bottom of the screen that he was not laughing at the bear but he was excited he had just shot the bear. The whole time im like man is PETA going to have a ball with this one, and Im glad my daughter wasn't here to see that. My daughter likes to watch hunting shows with me but I think after that stupid show she would have been bawling like a baby at this bear rolling around screaming at the top of his lungs. What a bunch of douche bags.
  4. I messed up though, my Turnips are getting good leaves but the bulbs are not forming. I planted it a little thick and crowded it with the canola. Oh well live and learn next yr I will do it a little different, I honestly didn't think it would do as good as it has. It has def. brought in the deer. There are trails coming into the area that were not there before. Hope the Rye comes in good, Deer will massacre the brassicas if it doesn't. Though I think they just might once they learn they like it anyhow
  5. Its k mere deer put out for wild horses and cows and the deer found it
  6. no sabot, not as accurate as a sabot bullet. Good enough to kill deer just dont shoot well out of my Gun. Try Hornady pistol bullets and sabots there cheap and will def do the job on deer size animals and your groups will be tighter.
  7. Brassicas looking good, deer are starting to nibble them. Planted 30 lbs of winter rye in the open spots. Hope we get a little rain soon to get them going.
  8. Down in Alabama the state knows how to manage state land. Lumber companies come in and log off huge tracks of the land and replant trees. These cut overs are full of wildlife. Tons of deer, Quail, Pigs, coyotes and other things including some nasty snakes. After they cut and before they plant they do a controlled burn on the area and the next spring its greener than ever. To bad NY doesn't doesn't manage this way, they could make some money and make the land better for wildlife. A mature forest is terrible for animals, no food. They also do a better job of controlling the amount of animals that are taken. Much of the deer season is bow only with gun hunts set up through out Nov through the end on January. You can pick a colored ball out of a bucket to get a doe tag and depending on how many doe they want removed your chances of drawing a tag is pretty good. There are check stations at every area along with camping sites with facilities. Every deer shot need to be checked and if its a good one they put up a photo on the wall at the check station and there were a lot of them. Also they plant a lot of food plots for deer and turkey. Because of there efforts to provide good game management, at the time I was hunting there you could kill 1 buck a day, though I think they have lowered that to 5 in a season or something like that now. Though it was a little annoying when you would scout an area all summer and think you had it in the bag only to come back in Oct an there wouldn't be a tree left standing in the area you scouted for 1/2 mile in every direction. Learned to check what areas were going to be logged real quick.
  9. saw a nice 8 cross the road just up the road from my house last night. This season is starting to look promising. ;D
  10. here's another spin on it. Say you have an apple tree that doesn't have any fruit on it but the same kind of tree down the road is loaded. Is it illegal to transport apples from that tree and spread them around under the none productive tree? I would say yes. Also how bought filling bags with acorns from one tree and spreading them around under an acorn tree in front of your stand? would these be illegal baiting also?
  11. He really shouldn't do his own commercials, Should have hired someone else
  12. I know its not illegal to sell, but it should be, in a state where baiting deer is illegal. But then again you could just go down to your local Agway and probably get the same thing legally and use it illegally. I just find it laughable that GM has signs up stating that there DEER bait is actually for AG use. When there packages disclose how to use the BAIT to attract DEER, and not feed horses and cows. It makes me twitch a little at their dishonesty.
  13. I would really like to try this. Watch the video it shows a guy kill a pig with a slingshot and an arrow.
  14. Would have just shot it again with another arrow, Have had to do it before, and I suspect I will probably have to do it again in the future. It's not pleasant but it probably has happened to everyone some time or another. At least it was more merciful than nature would have been on it. If it had broken its back by being hit by a car and wondered off and the coyotes found it they wouldn't have minded starting to eat before it was dead. Don't get to upset about it, you finished the job and got some meat. If anything it will open your eye's that this hunting thing that we do no matter how we like to trivialize and argue about this tactic and that tactic and whether or not its ok to bait etc, ect. It's not really a game, its life and death, And how the deer meets its end is just as important as what weapon you use. Just try to practice as much as possible so you can make lung shots with your eyes closed, and think before you shoot, its better to let a deer walk if the shot is not right. Done that a lot of times to, it's frustrating to have nice deer so close and not have a good shot but thems the breaks. Better to let them walk if it doesn't feel right, the deer won't suffer and youll sleep better at night.
  15. what annoys me is its illegal to bait in NY right. So why are places like Gander Mnt. allowed to sell it in their stores. Is it because NY hunters are so honest that they would never, ever buy bait and use it to hunt over in NY? I don't think so. Thats why I try to get all my stuff at other Sporting good stores. Not to Mention Gander Mnt is way over priced, You can get guns at Dick's for half the price of GM. And I love there token signs around the bait, about how it's illegal to use bait in NY and there products are for agricultural use only. What a crock of crap, either make it legal, which im against, or close the loop hole so these bone heads can't sell it.
  16. I like to use doe in heat and buck pee with a little rattling to get there attention then when they come in to check it out, use the doe can and they come stumbling right in, sometimes I used a drag rag to my stand one time and had a basket racked 8 come right in on the trail with his nose to the ground right to where I had poured some out on the ground at 15 yrds. He stood there with his nose in it taking these deep breaths and lip curlling. Finally he noticed me sitting above him snickering and left in a hurry.
  17. If you have a hard time finding lead go to the junk yard and look on the rims sometime they leave the lead on them.
  18. lots of cool fossils in NY. Here is one of my favorite fish teeth from the devonian I found in a rock in a local creek.
  19. Yeah, T/C's are over priced but I try to stick to American made products with ease of use. And the triumph is the easiest Muzzleloader to load, shoot, and clean IMO of coarse. Cant beat a hand removable breach plug and break action and they are very acurate. But enough commercials heres an interesting article about primers I found the other day. Lots of good information. http://www.hpmuzzleloading.com/Technical3.html
  20. who needs 1400 acres to hunt? I find the 1400 acres, and get permission to set up in the 20 acres that borders it and shoot deer that walk off it.
  21. Not trying to start any fights just trying to get some info out. A couple of interesting articles written by one of the guys who helped sell the idea of the smokeless powder guns to savage. If you own one you should read it. Once again not trying to start a fight, but the article lets you know what to look for to find out if your gun may explode someday. There not saying the design is bad just some of the modifications savage has made to cut costs are bad ideas. http://www.hpmuzzleloading.com/Alert2.html http://www.hpmuzzleloading.com/Opinions.html http://www.hpmuzzleloading.com/Alert.html
  22. food plots are not baiting. Its planting a gardens in wierd places and controling the deer damage. I have every right to protect the turnips, Acorns, Apples, and grass on the property I hunt. Not to mention the young wrist size trees these brutes brutilize with there antlers. Everytime I find a tree brutilized, and its lifes blood running down its ravaged bark I immediatley set up a stand in hopes of exacting revenge if he should return.
  23. What is this tight bore I keep hearing about in T/C's? I own a triumph and have shot my friends Omega and do not see any diff in the loadability of ethier. The only time I ever have problems is when I load up 150 grains of powder, all the unburned powder crud makes it difficult to load a 2nd slug without swabing. Dropping to 100 grains and getting a hotter 209 primer seems to fix the problem, and I can put down 2 or 3 before swabbing. With a clean barrell slugs go down almost effortlessly and seem a little loose to me so I shoot a few primers down the barrell to " dirty it up" a bit and the sabot grips a little better. As far as price goes, if you think inlines are expensive you should look into having a flintlock built. Most people want up to 1500 for a plain jane flinter.
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