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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by TeeBugg

  1. Another reason i try an work on my own stuff! Sent from Outer Space
  2. Congrats! Sent from Outer Space
  3. Guess if thats the case we need to all go back to recurves wooden arrows and handmade broadheads Sent from Outer Space
  4. 7 point my buddy shot tonite! Sent from Outer Space
  5. Thats what i do. Normally dont ever move my rest Sent from Outer Space
  6. Some fixed broadheads fly differently. I got lucky with my crimson talons. No adjustment needed Sent from Outer Space
  7. Thought so. And dead yote is the only good kind! Sent from Outer Space
  8. Missed a doe this morning. Hit a limb i couldve sworn was behind her. Well it wasnt lol. Then we got back to our trucks and a doe walked out in the powerline cut....little spot and stalk. Didnt pan out as she went into where i missed my doe literally within feet of my stand. Give this area a rest for a few days Sent from Outer Space
  9. Completely agree. Sent from Outer Space
  10. I dont beleive a bb or pellet gun is considered a firearm. Could be wrong though Sent from Outer Space
  11. Happy birthday! Sent from Outer Space
  12. It is early i know. Just two misses so far. The limb was todays issue. Last miss.....no idea. Still havent found the arrow lol. Was full draw on a button buck last night at 8 steps, but couldnt pull the trigger. My buddy an i were talking and weve both seen a good number of deer for it being early and warm. 2 spikes, 1 button buck, 1 really tall 8 and a bunch of does. Having fun just wish i was eating some venison! Sent from Outer Space
  13. Had the same two does i went full draw on yesterday morning come back in. This time they came from my right. First one i thought had disappeared until she showed up in front of me. She went into some thick stuff to my left and i assumed she went out into the powerline cut. 2 minutes later her counterpart showed up in front of me. But she actually came into my shooting zone. Went full draw and as i was putting the pin on her...i noticed a limb. But it appeared to me the limb was behind her. Release the arrow....smack!ting ting ting as my arrow goes off in the woods. The first one was still in the thick stuff and i had no idea. They both bolted. Now ive got a bent arrow and some crap luck! Sent from Outer Space
  14. I went through that the other night. It sucks. Try an catch some rest so youll be in good shape for tracking tomorow Sent from Outer Space
  15. Keep after him! Let us know how you make out. Good luck finding him! Sent from Outer Space
  16. TeeBugg

    Doe Down!!

    Congrats! Sent from Outer Space
  17. Oct 5 evening. Had a button buck the size of a dog at 8 steps tonite. Tasty but not tonite. Back in the morning for another chance! Sent from Outer Space
  18. 4-6 hours? Not with a good shot!Sent from Outer Space
  19. Hogwash! Sent from Outer Space
  20. Had a buttonbuck about the size of a dog 8 yards behind me. Wouldve been tasty but not today! Sent from Outer Space
  21. View til dark! Sent from Outer Space
  22. Oct 5. Had two does pinch me right after shooting light. They finally got behind some trees and i went full draw...15 yards...cakewalk right? Not! One busted me and bounded off. The other actually came towards me even closer. But she got behind a tree and probably wondered why her friend was gone. She trotted off. Then 20 mins later....i get a deer about 40 yards into some thick stuff just blowing....20-30 times. Couldnt have winded me and i never moved at all. Funny thing is about an hour later my buddy had the same thing happen to him. We have a big momma doe with fawns around and man is she mouthy. Three out of the four of us hunting there she has blown at. Think her blow valve is malfunctioning! Back in the stand around 4pm til dark! Sent from Outer Space
  23. Ebay? Worth a shot Sent from Outer Space
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