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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by YFKI1983

  1. Oh trust me my land is not a place I see a deer all the time. I just meant that it may be easier to wait it out than risk doing something like that. And personally, I could care less if you shoot a buck and your dad is willing to tag it.. Just My opinion.
  2. You can take a buck during bow AND regular season
  3. [emoji106][emoji106][emoji106]
  4. Much easier to just shoot a doe and then a buck as opposed to shooting a small buck, have someone tag it and then go hunting again. Seems lotd of people do the latter though. I was watching "north woods law" last night, family of four hunting. 1 shot a deer and the cousin tagged it, you would think that they all had the same story but none of them did and they were all fined lol I don't think it's right but I don't know how you could ever call authorities on someone for doing that. What kind of proof could you possibly have? I hunt with a guy sometimes in northern zone that will complain about other hunters doing illegal things while he's smoking a joint. Nothing against smoking but illegal is illegal no?? If I called the authorities for everything I saw that's illegal I would have them on speed dial by now. Especially here in the city. There's a small picture right inside my mothers door that reads in Italian- "My grandfather lived 100 years because he minded his own f***king business" -words to live by [emoji1]
  5. I was going to say this but since you did I'll let you take the heat. How dare you!! A law is a law.
  6. http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php?/topic/25811-Can%27t-close-the-deal I posted last week, easier than typing it all again lol
  7. I put a lot of effort in. More than I can afford too lol but everyone I hunt with is in the category you describe.
  8. I keep seeing people write that they hope the "weekend warriors" stay home or out of the woods.. Would this be people that work during the week? What's the issue with people who hunt on weekends
  9. Wildcat I hunt 3 hours away from where I live. With family stuff and schedule just can't make it out again
  10. Thanks everyone. I guess that's why it's called hunting! Til next year..
  11. Thats what I was thinking. Don't know if I can make it up there again.
  12. Normally I would be happy with the season I had. I hunted 21 days between bow and gun which i think is alot for someone who lives in NYC. I saw a ton of game. Turkeys all over the place, Doe or small bucks (spikes, 5 point, 4 point) and 1 day had an encounter with a monster on my property but it was during bow season and he stayed 40 yards out, never in a clear enough spot for me to shoot. I ended up taking doe and filling the freezer which im happy about but I feel that since I can't get a buck on the wall that I just suck. Been deer hunting since Im 17, Im 31 and still dont have 1 on the wall. My first year I had someone trespass and take a big 8 from the stand I was hunting, my father didnt let me hunt from a stand that day because it was about 40 mph wind. Next day I see a guy pile and a DEC officer on the property because our neighbor called them when he saw someone drag the deer out. nothing good for about 6 or 7 years after that (shot smaller bucks and does) which I was happy with at the time. I have seen 3 beauties the last 4 years but always bow season and never in range. Its like they know when I have my gun in my hand. I put in an acre food plot on the property or brassica/clover. They were hitting it hard in early October, then dissappeared and then started using it again last week when the snow and ice came. I hunted the plot last saturday evening and then Friday evening, saw 3 does and a 5 point on saturday and a 3 point the next friday. Saturday night I was going to hunt it but decided to go try out another property instead and my uncle ends up seeing an 8 point in the plot. (didnt shoot because the shot was a bit far for him as he doesn't use a scope). I think he hunted about 150 hours less than me this season and saw an 8 point lol Not mad that he saw one, I wish he would of gotten it but I cant believe how much luck is involved. Im excited for next year and depressed at the same time.. OK. sorry for whining like a 12 year old girl. Im done. Good day
  13. YFKI1983


    Age anyone. This buck is driving me crazy.
  14. Doe down Now just praying this guy shows his face
  15. I hunt 4o. They put the restriction in about 3 years ago and the last 2 years I've seen some pretty nice bucks. A bunch on camera and a couple while hunting. Before that, all spikes and small bucks. I don't know if it's antler restrictions, me getting a little better or just getting luckier. My problem with it is (as someone mentioned before). I love the meat but I can only get a doe tag every 2-3 years. So i have to let whatever smaller bucks pass and all the does...too much tag soup. I think if they do go with statewide restrictions they should start opening up the doe permits more. I don't have a son yet but when I do id love for him to get into hunting. I don't know if a kid could get excited knowing they have to let every deer walk.
  16. o ok. Misunderstood. I didn't realize all that from the original post
  17. I'm not in any clubs but I thought you can sit in any stand as long as the owners not using it. No??
  18. 3 days of hunting. Yesterday morning I had a doe come in with the biggest buck I've seen in person 40 yards behind her. Was waiting for him to keep coming but she turned and saw him and took off. Watched him sprinting after her back and forth a couple of times. Went from that excitement to most likely tag soup, unless I get lucky in the AM. Sigh....
  19. Guys get tortured on this site for taking a shot at a deer at a bad angle lmao.. I cant believe theres actually someone out there that didnt even wait to see if the deer had 4 legs
  20. YFKI1983


    Does peeing really bother deer. I've read that it does and read that it's an urban legend
  21. I was actually going to ask this. Mine is from foodsaver, are all the bags the same quality. Can i just buy for value
  22. Hey anyone hunt 4O? Going up this weekend. Want to know if they're chasing yet
  23. Great. I guess that makes my decision easy
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