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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by YFKI1983

  1. I bought a summit viper SD last year. Love it. easy to use (once you use it once or twice) and very comfortable.
  2. People are A-holes. I live in Brooklyn and just put a hitch on my suv for a rack. I was going to wrap any deer up but I after reading this post I may just leave it exposed for all the PETA jerks and hypocrites that have no problem buying butchered farm animals to see. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Well, appreciated by me atleast lol
  4. Email the DEC. They answer pretty quick
  5. Correction. 10lbs of the clover and 4 of Brassica. 20 and was how much we were supposed to use if it was an acre each
  6. Someone did the plot for me. Dirt wasn't fluffed up a lot. Ph was low so put out a ton of lime (as recommended) and fertilizer. 20 lbs of clover mix ( 45% ladino clover, 25% wildcat red clover, 20% ivory 2 white clover 10% six point chicory) About 8 lbs of brassica (kale, rape, turnip. I can't remember if it rained much after we planted. I live 3 hours away in Broome country so it's a hike and I forgot to check the weather the days after to see if it rained. It did seem dry tho. The plot gets plenty of sun. That's definitely not an issue
  7. I had a 1 acre plot planted of 1/2 clover, the other brassica. It was fertilized, lime etc. this was done around the end of July 29/30. I went up to my property yesterday and there was very minimal growth. Is this normal? How long should it take to start growing?
  8. Agreed but everyone keeps the difference between a plot and a pile is that 1 is legal and 1 isn't.
  9. Is everybody's problem with baiting just that it's illegal?? That's what I keep reading. So if they legalize it next year everyone will think it's ethical all of a sudden? I'm not for it, I just started doing food plots on my prop. But. Either way ur doing something to attact the deer.
  10. YFKI1983

    Bow blind

    I just put in a food plot. There isn't many good trees for my climber or a ladder stand near where I want to set up. Does anyone here have success bowhunting from the ground? If so Should I go with a bought ground blind? I was thinking of making one with a few downed trees and maybe a couple of bails of hay. Any thoughts and opinions would be appreciated. Thanks
  11. I don't understand how a bowhunter is so different than a gun hunter that you wouldnt like them?? I do both. Im assuming you've never tried it or don't like the challenge?
  12. FYI. Some credit/debit cards require zip code to be processed if you're purchasing more than X amount.
  13. This stuff being allowed to be sold in stores in NY almost makes me feel like the DEC wants people to bait so they can write more fines out.. who knows. You know cops need to meet a quota, maybe they do too.
  14. If you're buying used I'd recommend buying used from a shop or looking at older bows the shop may have left over. Even if you save $50-100 buying online as opposed to a shop, you'll have to pay that much to get it set up and tuned anyway. This way atleast you'll be able to touch what you're paying for. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. That's crazy and sad but your reply and your sons are awesome lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. No you didn't sound snarky at all. I'm just saying it's frustrating for me that whenever I want to do something I basically have to plan it weeks ahead of time because of the travel time Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. i I wish I could do my own work but when you live 3 hours away it's tough Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. This looks good...if I do an acre will it last into hunting season?? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Hey I have a couple Of questions. I am having someone who does food plots come check out a field I've been wanting to plant to see if it's doable and how much it would cost on June 21. 1- Is that too late? I can't really get up to my property before then. 2- Does anyone know what someone might charge for a plot about an acre in size 3- what should I plant 4- can more than 1 thing be planted in the same field. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Would never with a bow. I don't mind if someone tries one with a gun tho as long as it's close range Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. What the hell did he take. It looks like the whole deer is there chopped up Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Bread them with seasoned bread crumbs and fry the cutlets. parsley and Parmesan cheese in the egg (or whatever you like to put in it, im sure any way is good) Chop up plum tomatoes, white onion, garlic, basil. Mix with salt, pepper and olive oil. Put it right on top of the cutlets, cold as is. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Venison cutlets topped with Bruschetta Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. The question was if you can see the deer and actually take a shot. If you try it with a gut shot deer youll keep bumping it and be walking around the woods all night
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