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Everything posted by moog5050

  1. Why sex organs with head? Anterless and antlered not male and female. Rack determines which tag.
  2. Great pics. How did you get her to sit so still? lol
  3. Gotta love it when you tie your own hands and no FSW, that isn't what really matters. In fact its not even close. But speaks volumes about you. As stated by Joe Pesci - "I am done with this one."
  4. haha - you see where this going and cant answer. This getting comical. 1. Either you did kill some wallhangers on your many free trips which in most people's opinion diminishes the accomplishment (apparently even in your own eyes as you won't answer). Or 2. you didn't kill a buck on your many farm hunts which suggests your skills as a hunter are not what you perceive them to be. Or 3. one more option, you kill farm raised deer and don't value the hunt enough to actually mount them, which confirms that even you, a person in the business, doesn't view a harvest on the farm as an accomplishment. Lots of options but none that support your position.
  5. Free high fence hunts .... many .... hmmm. How many of your wall full of 170" bucks came from high fence hunts? Or did they hand you your a$$ as you put it?
  6. Geeze, I said I would no longer post, but you are just begging this question: Do you hunt high fence? If not, why not? Pretty sure Letchworth ain't high fence. Lack of funds or desire to hunt farm raised deer that push you there?
  7. They just changed recommended age from 50 to 45. I am still waiting until 50 to be violated, I mean checked.
  8. 272 on the NFAA blue face today. 91-90-91. Happy with the shooting right now. Determined to break 280 with my hunting rig.
  9. Yes I got on FSWs case yesterday. To be clear, I am not criticizing his home or his skills as a hunter. It just gets under my skin when someone runs their mouth, especially one prone to criticize others, without ever demonstrating a basis for doing so. Generally those that have a basis to do so don’t need to run their mouth. I will leave it at that and stop posting on this thread.
  10. You may now have the last futile word.
  11. You are a joke and I am done responding. That mythical wall of giants in the mansion you paid for with buck sperm must be an awesome vision in your mind. And by the way, congratulate whoever shot the buck you posted. He is a decent one not 170 plus but still nice. Didn’t make that wall I assume.
  12. Wall of bucks photo ...... chirp chirp FSW changing subject again. Shoot you must be sitting in your trophy room now snap a photo champ and it’s comical that you claim to be a Deer expert and apparently can’t score a buck. I could care less what the buck scores. I didn’t kill him but I guarantee you haven’t killed a single buck as big as him let alone a “wall full”. Simply a false claim by you. And I doubt it’s the only one.
  13. Thank you for your sage advice. Out.
  14. Oh I have no problem posting pics of the deer I kill with me in them. You? And I don’t have 900 acres to play with but do just fine. Soooo getting back to your claims ........ hmmm changing subject is a constant theme for you.
  15. Still waiting......... and by the way, photo don’t count without YOU in it. We all know the less scrupulous could post a photo of someone else’s deer.
  16. Changing subject again when called out? You seem to find plenty of time to post but I have never seen a single pic of YOU WITH A BUCK let alone a wall full of big boys. Is it a really small wall? Still waiting big guy You remind of the gym rats that claim to bench or squat xxxx but never want to do it when I am around. Lots of talk no proof but OK Enjoy riding your tractor.
  17. Meaning what? I never said I killed him. And in your expert opinion please score him. Love to hear this one. More importantly, Please post photos of your wall full just like him FSW whatever he scores. Heck they are on your wall right? You are real good at changing subject when called to back up your facts! Tell us your income from the Deer farm and post photos of your wall full. Prove what you claim. Lol literallly. Look up Dan Infalt. He has no fear of posting photos of his real collection of free ranging studs and yet remains humble and helpful. Filthy rich with the greatest collection of free ranging NY bucks. FSW you are the man. Thank God you let us all know. You are something.
  18. I don’t have it. Killed by neighbor who said he measured at 172. Now post a photo of your wall full. Heck within 20” of 170 would count.
  19. Looks good. My brother used to grow those and black berries. Pretty easy I think. My son is growing blue berries. They look good already. Enjoy the fruits of your labor!
  20. You have a wall full of 170” plus free range NY whitetail. That I would like to see even more so than the farm Deer. Please post.
  21. Are you saying I am missing the next bitcoin? Lol. I am content with my current profession but I hope you do well.
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