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Everything posted by Nomad

  1. The gym had a good crowd , only two ,kids with a mask on , it was awesome ! Only downside ,is I have to trim my nose hair and brush my teeth again .
  2. I’ve only had one sealer, a Toyuug . Ah don’t buy one ! I just did 18 pork chops today, 3 pre bag , so 6 bags I’d like to say it sucks , but it doesn’t that well . Also after a few bags it shuts down for a bit . Bjs had boneless chops 1 1/2 thick 9 per package for about $9, we got three packages all together .
  3. Ya , Left Fields post was a good one and one that eased our minds a bit . We’re going camping next week with him M-Th. But reality is we’ll be tethered to the campsite, as a couple hundred yards is about his max walk anymore , and you can’t leave them alone at the site . My biggest concern is he doesn’t poop in the truck, he only did that once, and we have a gore Tex hammock, but that and he needed washing . It’s only a 80 mile drive and I’ll stop a couple times .
  4. Well my youngest , was told her checked suitcase was to heavy, so,she pulled out her packed day pack and brought it on broad . Inside it was a Spyderco Delica ( 3 inch blade ) and a can of pepper spray , no problem boarding . Places that use hand held wands Ive beat every time , I put my phone and keys in an outstretched arm , with my Spyderco behind the phone . I’ve also put it in my shoe if I’m wearing shorts , most guards are to old , lazy ,busy to wand feet, especially with low top shoes, it’s about keeping the line moving . Walk troughs I put it in a bag, which goes around the walk through and they do a “ bag check “ which is mostly holding it in an outstretched arm ( looking for weight of a gun ) and a quick look inside . Knife is in a collapsible umbrella. Yes it’s a game with me . I know a former TSA guy , he loved Christmas time , people would bring expensive perfumes that were over the ounce limit . Easy Christmas shopping ....
  5. Ya well this is a picture the realestate agent took ,when he listed the house nextdoor . That is the side of my house with I don’t know what walking by . I ain’t a scared !
  6. We just returned from voting on the school budget and school broad candidates . We arrived as this high school was letting out , in the parking lot we didn’t have masks on, some of these kids had looks of terror in their eyes and gave us a wide birth . One guy drove up in a mini copper top down and wearing a mask . Good news is half our street was there to vote against the lady on our street who’s running . She’s had half a dozen Biden ,critical race ,there are no broaders signs up since early Fall . A few of us have never voted for school broad prior .
  7. So this is skull rock , a rock in the corner of my backyard that I put deadheads that I find on . The squirrels eat the antlers and knock the skulls off the rock from time to time the other day I was placing them back on the rock . Yet there sits a fresh antler , not a cast one either as you can see a piece of broken skull attached to it . Neither of my two neighbors hunt , idk perhaps a passing Indian tribe placed it there out of respect ?
  8. We don’t shop at Wegmans much even though there’s two right near us , but Mrs nomad does like Aldis for some things , she’ll be pissed !
  9. They do make it hard though with metal detectors and so many venues . Hats off to the St. Louis Cardinals , you can bring in up to a 4 inch blade . The Gateway Arch, which is a National Park, with an entrance with screening that revivals any airport , same thing. Guard told me “ nice Spyderco ! “
  10. This was me a few years back ! I went to a fishing / bait place , told them what I planned on doing fishing wise, and they swapped it out .
  11. Now that covid is winding down and life returning to normal , maybe someone can start a global warming thread ..... Actually I’m going to try and stay away from these types of discussions , I’m too easily sucked in farther then I wish , and there’s many here I’d rather share our commonalities with , like idk crossbows ?
  12. I guess I know as I went from causally saying, “ this will be his last summer, “ to crying in my coffee .
  13. The PayPal is not necessary,but thank you . I was going to hunt that morning, but passed to help find your buck , and the next day I shot this Six Pt .So that worked out well for all parties .
  14. I’m asking as a few here have posted about it and I’m sure many more have done it . So our Beagle Gus ,is 15 years old and over the last year or so many issues have presented or worsened. Normal old age stuff, like diminished eye sight and hearing , but he also has kidney and liver disease, and an enlarged liver , his rear legs are messed up . He walks like a person with drop foot and scrapes the top of his back feet as we walks , they also will slide out to the side at times , the Vet thinks there’s a spinal issue , he has trouble with the two steps coming in/out , and will sometimes fall . He would poop in the house if we left , and I sleep on the couch to let him out 2-3 times a night , the last few days he’s not making it to the door in time at night, and this morning went in the kitchen , a couple steps inside of the door when I let him in . Last week I took him to the Vet, but he seemed , “ well he’s eating normal , and going to the bathroom normal .” The inside pooping ramped up the last few days . His walks are down to a few houses down and back and it’s very slow at that, he mostly sleeps , eats and sh!ts , he doesn’t know when I walk into the room most times . This morning I came to the realization it’s time I guess but idk If the vet feels that way , I plan on talking to him again today if possible. Thanks
  15. I’d do that ! Looks cool . This is the one that pulled me out, a couple weeks back .
  16. Nice find . Here’s one off the farm I hunt ,he was happy to find it not in his tire . I Didn’t realize they are weeks behind due to wet ground , they wanted to plant 1400 acres of beans and 800 of corn, but will fall far short !
  17. Ha I’m not sure he could afford a Barrett 50 cal, and dozens upon dozens AK, AR, Thomson’s , Uzi, Benelli and well let’s just say enough ammo ,although he’s still buying ten boxes a week .
  18. Actually I’d like a fallout shelter ! I know a guy with an underground 16x16 room ,ten inch reinforced concrete walls, steel ceiling and a vault door, that’s behind a false wall . Im looking at ways to conceal the door to my gun room ,those book shelves that are actually a door, seem like a pain ,unless you attack everything on the shelves . Yep as Rob said above, it’s mostly moot now .
  19. Business wise, I’ve found the small owner operated ones have typically cared the least about masks for some time , he cares if I walkout . The guy at the corporate box store, could give two sh!ts if I leave without buying anything . A health food, store and a cigar store I go to often , are two such examples where for months they didn’t care . Yes I know health food and cigars ? Well I’m a complex man , with faults and weaknesses .
  20. Andy’s , blessing , luckily his daughters wedding is coming up . Went to a local festival today, much scaled down ,with some areas of it controlled entry, so you have to wear a mask inside that part. Everywhere else less then 50% had one on, but then there were guys in dresses and girls dressed as what I can only describe as cartoon characters. Cat women Id be ok with but most were like Little Orphan Annie ,or that Bo Peep gal .
  21. Yes but three classics ! Opinel, a SAK and either a Buck 110 or perhaps Schrade lb7 on top . That’s a solid rotation .
  22. If anyone’s interested , there’s a guy at the public market on Saturdays selling , organic Turkey meat .....
  23. I think it’s the African trophy hunters ,that make us look bad . Now those who ,live and make their living off the land have been SSS for generations , which the masses never know about , unlike lion and elephant hunters .
  24. My experience with being mask free and businesses over the past few months, is , some will ask you, but that’s it ,many won’t confront a maskless person, I believe Wegmans has that policy , very few will refuse to severe you . Yesterday , I went to the gym, two stores and one restaurant mask free , one store wouldn’t ring me up , and I believe that was just a kid on a power trip . The guy nextdoor hasn’t worn one yet, he looks like he’s still eating ok .....
  25. Ya at the same point, if I’m a ,kid working at a gas station, I’d ask then forget about it . I was in three business today maskless , only one took a stand , so,I hung a mask off my ears and on my chin . Then only because I had a double stack 9 iwb and didnt want to push it . Its going to get real interesting in a few days . Plus the cops here killed a guy last night , and so far I think 6-8 were shot tonight in our little city ,mask are the least of our worries . Two days to next riot here !
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