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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by irish_redneck

  1. was it supposed to be a real gun? or just them using an actual airgun?
  2. Wish i'd seen this at 49. Still not bad at 89 tho Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  3. Grow, where'd you find those stands at that price?
  4. On android I've used backcountry tracker, works well.
  5. From a bench / Sandbags I can accurately shoot 300 with my Omega. Off Hand I'm very comfortable at ~100 , but would certainly be able to put it in to a target as large as a deers boiler room at 150. My Renegade.. open sights, Keep it 100 yards and under. I have an old Target underhammer 54 cal octagon barrel (unknown maker) that off hand is a tack driver... but it is VERY long and not a great hunting setup.
  6. I love my TC Omega... Got it new for just over $250 at the local gun dealer.
  7. I'm your long lost cousin John, Thanks for the invite! Cya there!
  8. I own my own web server, so may be able to help him reduce / eliminate some of that overhead, if you wanna send him my way
  9. done, pending site admin follow through.
  10. where is the link for site donations, can't seem to find it thanks
  11. A bets a bet. The cash is yours. Can either srnd it to you or I guess if you want I can donate it to the site.. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  12. Pm me your email or physical address. I owe ya $10. He said so long as you don't pile it up, it's legal. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  13. nah, just a snippet from my original email to them, she didn't even forward the whole email , just that snip
  14. local eco didn't know for certain, but was leaning with the idea it was legal. He's getting back to me with a final answer, but sounds like I'm probably out $10.00
  15. Useless as ever... Please find the regulations on feeding deer at http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/7197.html or call our Law Enforcement Dispatch (877)457-5680 and we will put you in touch with a local officer to discuss your questions. Dispatcher 18 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Office of Public Protection Central Dispatch 1-800-457-5680 www.dec.ny.gov This e-mail, including any attachments, may contain highly sensitive and confidential information. It is intended only for the recipients named. If you receive this e-mail in error or from someone who was not authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments. Please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete e-mail from your system. >>> Marie McCullough 12/11/2012 12:31 PM >>> Please respond. Thanks, Marie Marie A. McCullough Secretary to the Director NYSDEC Law Enforcement 625 Broadway, 3rd Floor Albany, NY 12233-2500 phone: 518-402-8829 fax: 518-402-8830 email: [email protected] >>> "John 12/7/12 8:59 PM >>> corn.. I perfectly legal in its standing state, however if you brush hog it down, now it is illegal and classified as bait.
  16. The use of corn was just for an example. I believe it included all crops just specifying that they shouldn't be manipulated after growth. No answer yet but I'll forward it when I do. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  17. Probably more accurate wording and not running away, more following a hot doe, or trying to sneak along a ridge/hegerow
  18. If the deer is calm and not alert , I'll aim at deer and wait for opportunity (most common). If deer is running, I'll aim at an opening and time my shot for placement of vitals in said opening. I'm trying to train myself to keep both eyes open, really helps in the latter case.
  19. 870 supermag 12ga for deer / turkey / geese charles daly sa for skeet / ducks / grouse
  20. I also had a kid born during Hunting season... I'm a glutton for punishment.
  21. I know of my two ir4's one started take dark shots at night, on sinspection the ir was triggering about 1.5 secs before the camera. they replaced it with a refurbished unit that seems fine. My bushnell gives me far more pictures of deer, and also has given me pics of rabbits and squirrels, something I never saw with my wildgames.
  22. 12 year wedding anniversary for me, my freezers pretty full so making the wife happy and hanging with her today. Will be out for m/l
  23. I believe it's illegal to drop and not tag. If the deer is unfit for consumption, a replacement tag will be issued.
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