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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by JALA RUT

  1. That'll look real sharp in a cabin...Nice!!!
  2. Cool...Looking forward to seeing the completed pics!
  3. Does that work better on a fresh kill or after it's been hung a couple days?
  4. G, that is a GREAT organization and they do have a good mag...I was just partial to the Turkey & Turkey Hunting magazine....sure miss it. Hope to find one of same quality to ease the time waiting till May!
  5. Definitely would be on the wall! Did they age him...I'd like to know how old he is
  6. With Turkey and Turkey Hunting Magazine being out of print what other good turkey hunting magazines are out there? I would read that thing from cover to cover waiting on May to get here!
  7. Mike, That's interesting...I never knew that was allowed in NY. I don't have a dog for that but still good to know...Thanks!
  8. Nice...Those would make a great find! Good Luck!
  9. Well pulled mine out to see what brand it is...It's an Avery Neobottle from Avery Outdoors. The make up seems similar to the Thermos brand but not sure if it's the same quality makeup. I called Avery Outdoors and spoke to a guy in Customer Service explaining that the thermos wasn't keeping liquids warm even after prepping with boiling water. I inquired about exchanging it for another Neobottle as the one I have may be defective but was a no go...said that I had it for more than a year and I didn't have a receipt for proof of purchase. I had it for about 15-16 months and it was a gift, so no receipt...I was advised there was nothing he could do and to have a good day....WOW, not impressed with the customer service at Avery Outdooors!
  10. Yeah, I was thinking Stanley too but the reviews are indicating that unless you can find one of the old thermoses it won't be as good, since Stanley started sourcing out and having them built in China the quality and performance has gone way down. Lawdwaz...It does look like the Nissan's have some really good reviews on Cabelas. Thanks all for the input so far!
  11. I like to do all day sits on stand during the rut and late season but sometimes the weather can be brutally cold. I put hot chocolate in a thermos to get through the really cold days but it seemed like by 9:30 the hot chocolate was already too cold to drink. I would go through the steps of warming up the thermos first with boiling water for about 5 minutes before I dump that out and add piping hot, hot chocolate... still cold by 9:30. I know this year we had some really cold temps but a thermos should still be better than that. Are any of you familiar with a good quality thermos that keeps liquid hot in the cold temps?
  12. WNY...sweet looking gun and good choices on the glass...Best of Luck with it! Looking forward to seeing pics of a nice downed buck with her next season!
  13. Not really a sandwich but try peanut butter and chocolate syrup on graham crackers...careful it's addicting
  14. WNY I got the Remington 700 SPS in 30-06 this past fall...Great gun, smooth shooting, easy to sight in, and is a tack driver! I used the Remington Core-Lokt bullets in 165 grain & loved it! First year that I ever deer hunted with a rifle and I broke her in on an 11 point the last day of gun season! I'm sure in the .308 that you're looking for you won't be disappointed with the performance of the gun! Good Luck
  15. Used to do peanut butter and mayonnaise on toast when I was a kid but now even the thought of that combo makes me sick...
  16. Nice pics...It is a scavenger yet looks so graceful and majestic
  17. Congrats on the future hunting partner!
  18. Congrats Biz...Looking forward to reading the article!
  19. That seems like a pretty easy and convenient set up...How long do you have to keep the skull in the water and do you have to do anything to prevent discoloration to the part of the antlers near the skull that are submerged in the water
  20. 12 seconds into the game was all Seattle. Then 12 seconds into the half...the butt kicking continued.....I really expected it to be a good close game but at least it was good for my squares!!!
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