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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by greg54

  1. So far so good over here in the Tonawandas....keeping fingers crossed!
  2. Welcome to the site Chris. Hopefully the winter won't be as bad as this past one, it was a very cold, snowy one. Thanks for your service. I served in Marine reserve for 6 years back in the 1980's. Seems so long ago!! Good luck!!
  3. We need more dedicated people like Mike Rossi to help turn the tables for hunters in New York State
  4. greg54


    Welcome to the forum.
  5. Welcome to the site and good luck hunting in New York State
  6. Nice looking salad you have there Grow!!
  7. The nutcase in North Tonawanda never should have been given bail the first time she was arrested....
  8. Good luck and have safe trip!!
  9. I put spare cam up behind my friends trailer in Orleans County, and this doe with fawn had passed by few times in night and this day pic {should be a,m. on info strip not p.m.) I was just wondering if doe is in discomfort, I never seen a doe that has big udder like a cow. It just never saw in all doe pics I have got with cams over the years. Is that normal?
  10. I saw them at Golden Hill State Park in the spring and they were chasing away Canadian geese that were nesting there. They dwarfed the geese, they are huge. Must be a lot of meat on them, but if they taste good is another thing.
  11. I have seen them along 990 after they were hit by semi's and they looked like a tomato exploded, blood all over the place. Not a safe place for the deer to be crossing!!
  12. Have 4 out at my sisters property (had to replace 4 that were stolen by scumbag last year) and I will probably check them next week. Hope to see some nice deer!!
  13. They need to put them on a plane and send them all back, and at the same time build that fence, put National Guard on border and more Border Patrol agents.
  14. My sister leases property to the farmer and this year they planted soybean. My brother in law says deer are out back every morning eating in field. I;m going get my cams up on spots they leave the woods on backside of property, see what's going on back there. Pic is looking across soyfield, with the backside the woods.
  15. Pretty kool pic Grow....hope the bear made a killing swipe on that coyote
  16. Still a lot of summer and fishing to do...got cams up while ago...check them this week see what's out there
  17. Still a lot of summer and fishing to do...got cams up while ago...check them this week see what's out there
  18. Its the dull time of summer not much hunting and more political stuff filling the gap
  19. Summer is moving at a pretty good pace...I hope that the days don't get to hot
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