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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. If that story was true ,it would have ended with me pulling that trigger LOL.
  2. Had a perfect 20 yard shot at a monster 10 when my alarm went off telling me legal hunting was over ,i was just about to apply pressure to the trigger of my release . Oh well ,rules are rules.
  3. I'll go out in almost anything ,there's enough pine trees to stand under . The severity of the weather I am willing to put up with is directly proportional to the number of deer I'm seeing.
  4. Seems to have warmed up a few degrees ,clouds must have thinned out too cause it just got brighter out.
  5. Why hang off stand ,that's why the bottom has holes ,just like the tub drain,you push it through the holes with your heel. Hanging over the side is too dangerous.
  6. I slept horrible last night ,choking down some oatmeal and then heading to plan B spot for the day .
  7. I think im all set . I think my dad is trying to back out ,he keeps texting me about the weather.
  8. I thought maybe you got in another bar fight LOL
  9. Found my quiver mount ,just gotta put my license in a zip lock with a stack of paper towels,pen and rubber gloves.
  10. I still get like that ! I'll know it's time to hang it up when that feeling goes away.
  11. Ok .i saw the fire about middle of the pier . It looked like you guys were talking to some law enforcement when we went by ?
  12. Did you hear him screaming ? It would have been around 8/8:30 . He was at the very end ,east pier ,inland end of the pier.
  13. We had about 100 yards of line still in the water when we pulled the boat out , i wrapped it up to throw away , the kicker was the line wrapped around the impeller was rigged with just a big ol treble hook and one egg.
  14. He probably didn't want to set his beer down .
  15. Coming in from Lake O last night in the dark , my father in law and i went out in his boat and casted just out of the mouth of olcott . Coming back in ,the last guy on the pier didn't bring his line in which caused it to get wrapped around our impeller . This guy swore and screamed at us for as long he was still in eye sight . My father in law is a Gratwick river rat and grew up boating and fishing from boats his whole life . He said" I don't know what he wants me to do about it " . I would have kept going too if i was driving the boat , i'm not sure why this big mouth A-hole though it was ok to fish a channel and not bring his line in when a boat came through .
  16. My hunter safety class was interesting . I got there early like many other people and stood in line . One guy had the idea to pass a notebook down the line so we could sign as we showed up in case there was too many people . Sure enough about twice as many people showed up and instead of going by the notebeook ,they did a drawing with tickets and a bunch of the first comers got burned out the class . That guy running the class damn near got dragged outside and beaten by a mob of angry fathers . Pure butch league that evening.
  17. Plumber sounds good if it's only new builds ,that first emergency call to someone else backed up shitter would gross me out.
  18. I'm looking for some info on doing a hog hunt with the bow . I'm trying to do it as cheap as possible because i plan on using it to fill the freezer and not as a trophy . Trying to keep the price per pound to a number i can justify going forward with. It seems like if you go to Texas you can hunt all you want for free almost and as you travel north the problem isnt as bad so the price starts to increase ,plus i heard that texas hogs taste like hot garbage.
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