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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. I'm only responsible for one of them .
  2. Happy birthday ... if it really is your birthday ... hmmmmm. Hope its a great one.
  3. Probably someone closer but the guy in java center is pretty good . He's on 78 near pit road.
  4. We tried to save money on jizz and you get what you pay for ,next year im buying from 4 seasons.
  5. My first shot at the academy last night ,47 yards. Also the picture of the arrow that sent into the grass and had the arrow I lost 4 or 5 weeks ago attached to it.
  6. Doesn't everyone drive around with it in the trunk of their car ? Or just me
  7. I guess it's always better to fall from a tree when you're ready for it as opposed to when gravity and physics dictates it for you.
  8. Sounds good ,the only thing is that I use the tree strap portion of it when using my climber . I've never researched a replacement option for the tree strap.
  9. I had one of the over the shoulder style and there was times I just wouldn't wear it because it was heavy and uncomfortable, I switched to a rock climbing harness , a shock rated lanyard and hunter safety system prusik lines on all my stands. Edit: Come to think of it ,I should give my gorilla harness away . If someone wants it let me know ,I'm not shipping it though .
  10. The hardest thing for me was staying in the woods past 9 when I first started .
  11. We have those tri-clad pots and pans (SS ,copper,SS) i hate them ,everything sticks to them.
  12. I haven't used it in a while ,I tried all the fancy stuff ,even the frozen stuff and deer just walk right past it. If I see a fresh scrape ,I'll take a leak in it . If it's an active scrape,the buck will tear up the ground big time trying to get your stink out of it.
  13. I just bought one of those enclosed portable closets to zap my hunting clothes before I seal them up.
  14. Not so much work around the house ,with the little guy ,it's nice to get out and be adults with other adults . I try to give my wife some nights off from being mom when her girlfriends are getting together to do something. That's probably the best way right now to get away for hunting on the weekends .
  15. I'm probably gonna spend more time at my secondary spot this year after my dad goes to florida for the winter. I may have a better chance at seeing some action.
  16. I've still never experienced any rut activity in 26 years .
  17. You're excited to cut and haul that out of the woods and split it for firewood ? I think you should sleep on it.
  18. I still remember my first ever bow hunt from 26 years ago , i got a shot at the biggest buck i have ever shot at to date. The first hour of legal light and this absolute monster cruised by , i drew ,aimed and shot one into the dirt about 10 yards too short .
  19. My buddy had a chowder party for the bills slaughtering . Left over chowder for dinner.
  20. The 2 i saw last night up close still had the fuzzy on.
  21. I spent the night at my buddies house in Cuba to get some last minute bait sites filled and what not . I decided to take his 3 wheeler for a ride around his property before he got home from the legion . I got withing 30 yards of 2 of the biggest racked bucks i ever seen in the woods , they gave me a good long look before running away onto the neighbors property and out of sight .
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