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Jeremy K

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. I i rubbed it all over my face and lips , that's just how i roll though.
  2. My current bow ( Elite Pure) and my bow from last year (Elite Synergy) shot a fixed blade muzzy in the same spot as a field point with no adjustments . I think i learned a valuable lesson at the range today about a properly spined arrow and plenty of FOC . The arrows i had good luck with is around 17 percent FOC with the 50g brass insert.
  3. My bow is sighted in using a 400 Axis with 100g field points ,i tried shooting a muzzy fixed blade and they were 6 inches low and 2 inches left. Tonight at the club i shot my 330 hexx with 50g of brass in the business end . My first shot with a field was dead nuts at 20 yards ,my second shot was with a muzzy and it was also dead nuts . I went to 30 and 40 and was withing an inch of the 10 spot at both distances . I'm more then happy and now have an arrow with more weight up front for hunting.
  4. Just got mine in the mail yesterday , the stuff kicks butt. I tried the stuff last year with vag secretions but didn't notice anything.
  5. Jeremy K

    New PSE

    I always seem to put on 10 pounds every season .its those damn subs from miller and brandes in cuba .they're like 20 inches long
  6. I'm gonna try the arrows from last year and see how they do.
  7. What else did he buy other other then arrows and a sack of feed for his bird feeder? I can't make out the black box.
  8. My 3 blade muzzy shot very close to my field points last year . This year with a different set up ,they are way off .
  9. Why not stay and talk about hunting instead of pushing this garbage on people who know it's not true?
  10. One of those should count for something.
  11. That's the reason I was told also , we could argue that it's possible to exchange saliva off crops as well . Either way,I'm to lazy to do either .
  12. I always thought it was odd that you could plant food plots but not just pile the food on the ground for them to eat. You can't even rake apples on the ground into a pile.
  13. We should start a thread about creative ways you've gotten a bow into your stand with out a hoist line.
  14. Gotta have lumpy potatoes ,more lumps the better . My FIL makes his so smooth it's like eating wall paper paste.
  15. Are you trying to tell me that a guy who makes money off writing books about Bigfoot says Bigfoot is real!? Now that is shocking.
  16. We had a fallow deer a few years ago where we hunt in Cuba, my buddy had pictures of it in his driveway.
  17. I've had a countdown on my phone that started over 200 days ago. I'm only going out if the weather is colder ,otherwise I'll bomb out to a spot afterwork for the last few hours of the day.
  18. The wife finally told me to just take her somewhere for dinner ,her headache was manageable ,a quick drive in the car landed us at the yelling goat . We didn't even place our order and had to leave ,took a couple sips of my drink and the waitress said the drinks were on her . We threw down a few bucks for her trouble and ended up getting texas road house take out . What an event.
  19. Same here ,i have enough rope to lower my bow from the treestand while sitting in my living room.
  20. Havent really talked about because she isnt in the mood to talk about food . She's got all kinds of stuff from the doctors to take when she gets a migraine. I'm a big fan of advil cold and sinus ,i get nasty sinus headaches when the seasons change.
  21. Supposed to take the wife out for her birthday tonight , she's going on day 3 of a migraine ,not so sure anymore.
  22. I used copper for the couple jobs i did on our house but only because it was already copper .
  23. Do any professionals still use copper on new builds ? I talked to a few and they said it's always pex now.
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