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Jeremy K

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. If we get together and shoot this year ,I'll let you try my wise guy. It's advertised as zero travel trigger release .
  2. I'm gonna need a review after you get some shots through it , I might be making the switch to prime
  3. My doctor asked me if I wanted one ,I asked him what he thought ,he said don't bother. I'e gotten them in the past and can' remember if they worked or not. Someone was just saying this year's flu vaccine is way off from the strain going around.
  4. What a cute dog , love the name too.
  5. It's a polaris ,it's probably still on the trail .
  6. I don't have enough stuff to sell to fund that kind of build, LOL . It will be another 3 pin HHA
  7. I shoot 2 different HHA ,one is a single pin and one is multi pin. Very nice sight. My single pin is probably on the list of things to sell to finance a new build if I like shooting that new prime.
  8. A friend of the family has a Honda side by side , granted they are hard on their toys but that Honda has been in the shop a few times for trans issues. Polaris has always been the leader when it comes to cvt, no way anyone can dispute that.
  9. Been there before , i center punched a tree with my 04 proX 2 . I jumped off and rolled and heard the crash while rolling across the ground . In true polaris fashion ,i was still able to ride it back (slowly) , the exhaust was almost completely pinched off .
  10. I feel your pain , I have a 1 7/8 deep lug with 2 inch picks . With mods and the gearing it' still the fastest sled to 90 I've ever owned but it requires more snow then normal. It worked great when we all rode our MX track in the winter.
  11. Jeremy K


    God damn ! Thats how you build a turd !
  12. Jeremy K


    The things I eat will really start to change once I start exercising more. It' like I don't want to do the work and ruin the benefits of working out. I just got to a point where so many things I wanted to accomplish were being held back by not getting in better shape . I also don't want my son to have the big dad ,kids are brutal ,I don't want my son to have to show someone what an ankle pick is because they picked on his fat ass dad.
  13. Jeremy K


    Pop! I love pop. I haven' had one in probably a week . Seems like I can get through the week ok with out any lately ,but on the weekend when watching the race ,I want a pop. My wife turned me on to those sparkling waters from wegmans ,they really help when I want a carbonated drink. I've been running the stairs 3-4 times a week since November ,excersise usually helps me stick to a better eating schedule.
  14. I was just assuming only the best for you ,went with the higher priced one.
  15. That will be 1000 dollars plus tax please
  16. Sounds like that boy has a horseshoe up his butt.
  17. Is the same deer that got missed twice during archery the one that took the bad shot with the .270?
  18. I'm sponsored by Ford now . My next truck will be an early 90s something from the big 3 ,I think those were the last real trucks before they tried getting real fancy.
  19. Thats true but sure beats the heck out of the whole bed side falling off a dodge.
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