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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. Another vote for the G5 , it comes with an extra mounting lug that you can screw in the tree by hand for attaching the quiver to while in the stand.
  2. Netflix has a great selection of documentaries .
  3. It's Christmas time during the movie ,it takes place during a work Christmas party. How much more christmas would you like?
  4. Are the prime bows off the table? I'm an elite guy but that prime centergy or the new logic are really calling my name.
  5. The hill must have had 35 deer on it yesterday when I drove by.
  6. I hope if something fishy is going on that it gets exposed.
  7. DanielT posted on page 2 that bear was legal this year and that he called and confirmed it.
  8. That is just crazy ! I'd rather crawl under an occupied bathroom stall then take my chances on state land without orange on.
  9. I bought the breech plug for Blackhorn and compared it with the stock plug , the flame channel is really short on the Blackhorn compared to the stock one . I never shot the blackhorn with the stock plug so I'm not sure if it's a condition to misfire or not.
  10. Not at all ,i'm sure the punishment i have in mind would be deemed cruel and/or unusual . I'm not a big fan of people who break the law and i'm even less of a fan of the weak punishments to scumbags who break the law.
  11. They'll get a slap on the wrist and be at it again next year.
  12. That was the version i heard as well , trophy items can not be harvested .
  13. Archer and i are splitting a buck steak . It 's his first time eating straight venison (he had a venison hot dog last week) So far ,he's hammering it.
  14. That's very PC of you ,after all ,who are we to decide someones pronoun.
  15. Sounds like the same life our dogs live.
  16. I asked him that ,the cameras don't cover the whole lot and he was in a no coverage zone.
  17. Posting this just to get the word out , it's a long way from our neck of the woods but maybe the jackass will slip up and post it on social media and someone will recognize it.
  18. https://m.ebay.com/itm/8-Point-WHITETAIL-DEER-HORNS-ANTLERS-WITH-SKULL-PLATE-Taxidermy-Man-Cave-Decor/332488789327?hash=item4d69e04d4f:g:4zUAAOSw-olaNC6X 30 bucks buy it now plus 10 bucks shipping ,done.
  19. Nice shooting buddy ! All of your off season hard work paid off.
  20. Uhh ya ... who doesn't draw a hundred pound bow ? What do u think we are , a bunch of sissies?
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