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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. Thats a good picture for people to caption. Excuse me sir ,do you have anything in blaze orange.
  2. Jeremy K

    talked into

    Truck is packed ,gotta do 8 hours for the"man" and then I'm out for the weekend.
  3. Seemed like a good bunch of guys , my release broke one year and a guy from the group behind us let me use his back up release for the rest of the day.
  4. As far as i know ,its just for fun . I shot it a couple times at the old location and never even turned in my score card.
  5. The Rinehart R100 will be venturing to Pavilion, New York for its twelfth stop on the 2018 tour! Please join R100 and Pavilion Motocross Park on June 30-July 1 for the worlds most unique 3D archery experience. Who's in ?
  6. I wish they would , anytime I get one of those type phone calls ,they always hang up on me. You can have so much fun with them .
  7. I shoot Blackhorn and use the breech plug soak and barrel foam . The whole process is so simple and enjoyable not having to push a brush every shot and super easy clean up after shooting. Those white hot pellets were absolute garbage and super dirty.
  8. I think they're actually starting to ramp up production as we speak.
  9. Certainly my first thing would be to take up my uncle on his offer to just pay the taxes on his property and he'll just keep it and let us use it, that was some good property. Practice ,practice,practice shooting the bow ,you don't want the big one to get away because the bows operator didn't do his part come crunch time. The other stuff I could see leaving alone and letting that stuff come with time, giving up all the info may make hunting a boring venture.
  10. How long does that way take ? I'm super impatient.
  11. The one on the right in the finished picture was done about 6 years ago ,you can see it is a little more yellow then the new one . My father in law seals his with mop and glow ,I don't like the shiny finish though.
  12. I just cleaned the skull on the deer I shot this year and figured I would post some pics and the way I got it cleaned up. The first thing is to remove as much tissue from the skull as possible with a knife ,I didn't feel like posting a picture of this step because of the public nature of the website. After that I put it in boiling water with a couple shakes of borax , every 30 minutes to an hour I pull it and scrape away at the remaining tissue that is falling off . Keep the water topped off and don't worry about getting water on the antlers during boiling. Once that is done ,you can see the skull is brownish , I included a picture of the peroxide that I use ,i bought it from a beauty salon ,it's for stripping hair of all its color I guess, it's thick like wall paper paste and goes on easily with a paintbrush and is easy to keep off the antlers . I leave it on over night. The last step is to rinse off the peroxide and I finish with a wash with oxyclean ,it takes away a lot of the smell left behind.
  13. I agree ,i'm also doing my homework on state land spots and there is no detailed maps that show roads as well as state land boundaries. They do have a digital version for garmin which i will most certainly be getting once i start hunting on state land , just in case i get a someone trying to shag me away using the trespassing line.
  14. Not a very quick turn around time , looks great though.
  15. I discovered he has hole through the top of his snout through the roof of his mouth . No signs of it while the skin was still on. I first noticed the roof of the mouth was shattered ,now that it's boiling ,I can see the sinus bones are broken as well.
  16. Took a break from preparing deer skull stew to check on the thread and see if biz collected his buck yet.
  17. I'm gonna leave the muzzleloader home this year and use the bow .
  18. Go slow ,he's in the area ,don't let him see you first. Goodluck
  19. Have you decided on a pose yet for picture time tomorrow ?
  20. Rogans bows are built and tuned by John Dudley . Dudley is supposed to be having a video of him building and tuning Joe Rogans new Redwrx Hoyt.
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