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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. I love my Irish setters . The only problem with a heavily insulated hiking/hunting boot is they make slow walk/stalking impossible ,the bottoms are so big and cover so much area that they are incredibly loud .
  2. My next project is to get the chop saw so that it can be mounted to the T track and make the holders for the arrow to spin on while cutting to length. The T track will be the center of the work station and then I'll be able to swap out components depending if I'm checking spine or cutting to length.
  3. I knocked out a quick weight for the spine tester today at work (boss is on vacation) I'll get one of my indicators later and see how it works . You can actually feel it when you spin the arrow when it hits the spine plane ,pretty cool.
  4. I put all my climbing sticks and ladder stands together with security bolts and all metal lock nuts , i wrap the cable lock around the stand and top ladder rung really tight , it might be enough to make a wouldbe thief decide its to much work to carry a 20foot climbing stick out in one piece with a stand lashed to the end of it with a cable lock.
  5. I had one show on the DVR that I liked to show people when they stopped over ,there was a buck and doe ,the hunter shot the buck and dropped him, while he was kneeling over the buck talking about what an amazing hunter he is and a great shot he made ,the whole time the doe was still in the background just over his shoulder about 60 yards away.
  6. This topic brings back memories, my dad used to make our treestands when I first started . I'll never forget the morning he decided he was gonna make it easier for me to get in my stand and built me a rope ladder , well, there i am 12 feet off the ground completely horizontal wondering just how in the heck I'm supposed to actually get into the tree off of this rope ladder . He forgot to realize I didn't know the proper way to climb a rope ladder at the time.
  7. I popped one in the shoulder knuckle last year . 65 pound bow shooting a 400g expandable. Luckily we had him on a camera a few weeks later with almost no sign of damage . I was sick for days after that shot.
  8. I tried shooting my 400 spine (400g weight)Axis out of my impulse 31 and they sprayed like crazy . I'm waiting to get 6 easton hexx (330 spine) back from the shop ,I had 3 done with brass and 3 done with aluminum, I'll switch to either all brass or aluminum once I figure out which one I like better.
  9. ? Did you throw the book out of the stand to distract him and then get the shot ?
  10. Hopefully ill get in on the fun before the season starts . I placed an order for 6 Hexx 330s ,3 with aluminium and 3 with brass ,hopefully i can get the Impulse dialed in or at some point i need to commit to the Z28 and start shooting that.
  11. I've always believed that if enough people stood in front of their homes and hit themselves in the head with a hammer that NYS would make you get a permit to do it.
  12. Good work Grow ,that should bring your venison bill to around 937 dollars a pound . Good luck this season ,seems like you're gonna have some serious activity at your place.
  13. Did you guys ever noticed in most farm fields there is always one or two mature trees ? Someone once told me that's where the farmers would toss the field stones they didn't want to hit while working the fields.
  14. Never anything useful, it's TV and all TV shows are an extension of reality. Who would sit and watch a guy in the treestand for 8 hours only to see a couple squirrel scoot by.
  15. I was able to find a half hour at work to knock out the lugs that locate the uprights in the slot, just got them squared up and screwed down,should work nicely. I gotta get back over to the mill hopefully soon and make the weight next.
  16. Wrap some chicken breast in bacon, grilled with asparagus and Biz's sprout instructions and my all time favorite,tots.
  17. Someone forgot to tell mother nature that fall is almost here because Ive had my coveralls drenched since 8 this morning.
  18. If the state had anybody with half a brain working ,they could look at numbers from the different stamps sold and figure who is hunting what and with what Instruments. Besides that ,why should a guy that only hunts gun have to pay more to incluse a bow stamp that he does this use.
  19. I stop at McDonalds every morning in Cuba when we go hunting and it ain't to eat the food !
  20. The fire chief on the news said its the 4th time that he has been to that location for a fire.
  21. I saw it from the 400 , i thought it was a storm cloud until i realized it was generating from the ground ,the smoke cloud is huge !
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