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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. Props for not taking a less then ideal shot, i get tired of the " i made what i think was a good shot and now i can't find my deer " threads
  2. Do they leak anything? Came across some egg shaped melted snow spots (deer beds) last weekend and one of them had an orangish tint in the snow next to it.
  3. Im in the middle of finishing my garage walls and my snowmobile is the center piece of the giant pile of items under the blue tarp in my driveway.
  4. Nothing brings the community together like a good lake effect storm.
  5. My sled is still out of commision or i would be there checking on stranded motorist right now. It still amazes me all the idiots that try and drive a front wheel drive car with summer tires through 12+ inches of snow .
  6. They only have 1-2 inches of snow at UB .
  7. Leaving the scene charges instead dwi charges is my guess.
  8. They should make his name public so people know to keep away from him.
  9. We got a 90 acre plot to hunt , between my dad and I last night we saw over 30 doe,and 2 of the smallest bucks you'll ever see past buttons. No doe tags issued this year again. I think its time for us go head to our back up spot.
  10. My dad and I heard one last night at 5:25 , hopefully they were just discharging a front stuffer.
  11. I have never seen so many deer in one sit in the last 23 years, all doe except 2 tiny bucks, I sure wish someone get on the ball and issue some doe tags for this area.
  12. 6:45 first shot I heard, no shots nearby though.
  13. Passed on the second glass of apple shine last night so I would make sure I was good to go this morning ,good luck people.
  14. We got about 4 inches of snow , just got the thermals on and enjoying a nice bowl of Captain crunch. Good luck everyone.
  15. After reading the OP I see where I screwed up, my lack of reading comprehension strikes again
  16. I cant even imagine hunting without my dad, its all ive ever known when it come to hunting . It sure will be a bummer the first time he isnt there to meet up at the pond for the walk out.
  17. Because the barrel was loaded up with crap after a single shot.
  18. My CVA was acting the same way until i ditched those pathetic pellets and switched to blackhorn 209.
  19. I just found my new excuse when my jar head brother grabs my firearm for inspection and gives me shit about it being dirty, now I can say it's more accurate when its dirty.
  20. I was headed back to my buddys house when i saw some black marks in the field about 600 yards away,i put my phone up to my monarch 3s and snaped a photo of about a dozen turkey doing their thing.
  21. So the 8 pointer that jumped out of the corn in front of me stopped and stared me down, we had a good game of who can flinch first , he took 2 small steps in my direction at which time i said to myself " If you're just gonna stand there then i'm gonna shoot you" I pulled an arrow from my quiver and just hooked up the release to start to draw when he finally boogied into the woods.
  22. Was nearly run over by an 8 pointer coming out of the corn, just got a text from my buddy that 3 doe are across the field from me.
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