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Everything posted by Lawdwaz

  1. Bummer.......hopefully your wife is OK? What's a "ST"?
  2. It was a nice morning to get out, glad you and your daughter had fun. I went to Silver Lake today with a buddy (friend of Lee's) and although we got a very late start, we had fun too. Only got a pile of small perch, a couple rockies and a couple largemouth. No keepers as they would have been poached in my live well by the time we pulled the plug. 79 degrees on Silver Lake too.........lots of jet skis, pontoon boats and regular old power boats to get the boat rocking like my old p/u truck Friday nights at the drive-in years ago.
  3. Tried saving that reply above and it didn't work 5-6 times. Had to copy/paste and open a new window.........
  4. The site is wonky tonight........I keep getting logged out and I went to "LIKE" a post and it said "oops" or something to that effect. Maybe it was "sorry"? I don't recall......................... Some wiring in the Home Base Server is frayed, me thinks.
  5. I love the side shot! Great buck, good luck.....
  6. Here we go; I finally have an answer to a question........ No, they're not from pheasant releases. That type of box looks nothing like that. And, they aren't left behind for any reason. I would think that if left by biologist type researchers, they would leave some pretty noticeable and prominent identification on them.
  7. Box it up now, address it and have GF mail it...............
  8. I saw the video of the hit. He's lucky that's all he busted up. Ugly..........
  9. I had a gift card I was going to burn............takes the sting away. When I'm ready, I'll check in with you.
  10. I got there at 4pm and they were sold out. The Man said they started the day with 50 and they were history............ I forgot about the 1pm thing, seemed like they'd have given me the deal regardless of the time though??? I was hoping they'd offer me a higher priced Browning camera in lieu of the sale cam but....NO DICE !!!
  11. Dandy news on the much anticipated arrival of your new baby! Luck to you in the quest for that stud buck above, he looks worthy.
  12. Maybe the perp had a trail cam or treestand stolen and wanted to teach a lesson? If so, he took it to another level. Regardless of his motive the good news is he is worm food. Sick bastid.......
  13. I should have added that my Browning cam is limited to a 10 second NIGHT video clip. I'd rather have the 20 second clip......
  14. The answer to the question is Mary Ann.
  15. I'd like to pounce on that cam deal too.......we'll see how the day goes.
  16. Alloutdoors.............. Bon anniversaire Happy Birthday sir!
  17. Jay..........The cart could be your huckleberry if there's no snow. If there is snow, a plastic sled is the nuts. I've never used a cart but seen them in action. I have used a sled and it worked great. Sometimes it'll roll but lash them on TIGHT and it should work out fine. I've been fortunate to have either a machine to use or a friend within 20 minutes to help with the yankage........ Last year after I shot the 200+ pound archery buck I knew I was in trouble. No wait, I was F#*%$!, big time. I made a quick call to a friend who I thought might be home and he came from Hamburg to East Aurora and brought his 20 something step son along. The kid was strong as an ox! Two years ago I killed a decent 8pt with the bow and he was no light weight either. I don't recall the weight off hand (and don't feel like searching my posts or going upstairs to review my diary) but IIRC was in the 160lbs range. For some reason I decided to bring that buck out the shorter way which was UPHILL but much shorter than the downhill option. I drug that buck almost no stop for 30 plus minutes like SuperFreakingMan. Dumb move Larry...........you can't believe how much Makers Mark it took to heal my joints. Big bucks are great until it's time to drag, load, butcher etc.
  18. Damnitall..........Somebody dropped the ball on this one. I guess I'm somewhat to blame as i didn't send out the memo to my peeps. I hope it was a great day Elmo. Belated Happy Birthday!!
  19. Wow, that's the most I've seen at one time!
  20. What is the bow and what do you need to shorten the DL? Maybe somebody can scare up what you need.................talk to me Goose.
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