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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. Rochester folks, Jeremy Newman is one of the host of a local country station's morning show. He's also an avid outdoorsman and gun rights supporter for context. I have a speaker system in my bathroom and listen to the show while getting ready for work and I never caught what the controversy was about and what he said, but apparently some listener lost their shit over something. Does anyone know? Also, if you dislike cancel culture, please sign https://www.change.org/p/keep-jeremy-newman-keep-newman-on-wbee-and?source_location=petitions_browse
  2. bought one of these a few months ago. Super simple install and my whole family loves it. The wife was skeptic at first, but all we need is a few squares to dry off. The great Belo saw the toilet paper shortage coming in January! https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00A0RHSJO/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  3. you took a loan out on your 401k? I think we all now know all we need to know about Paul.
  4. there isn't politics. Only those who want to make it about politics. For the love of God, even Donald J. Trump, the great divider avoided politics in his address. Our issue is very real right now. We have an opportunity to limit the spread and death rate. If we can work together as a country and as a people. Yet there are several on here blaming the democrats, and others blaming the POTUS. And then not shockingly, others are posting pictures of ammunition!?!? Like are you all so ignorant that you believe you can just shoot this microscopic virus away?
  5. lowering my head to my stock to aim. that's all it takes folks haha
  6. same. not even in their other depts. All my kids sporting goods and sneakers are now coming from other retailers. Hope they're still happy with their move.
  7. paul is off his meds I think. he's even contradicted himself a few times.
  8. i'm not sure how much credence i'd put in the Chinese numbers, several business calls the last few days with senior leaders are hearing through their supply chain channels that it's a lot, lot worse then some think. Possibly could affect the Olympics.
  9. I think that's a good common sense approach, nothing to be scared about, doesn't cost anything just take another hour or 2 to pack to be prepared.
  10. that's not a guarantee, there's that 32 year old healthy doctor in jersey who has 1 lung working right now. Not saying everyone is going to die, but I wouldn't go around licking subway seats like you've got the infinity stone gauntlet.
  11. i love the character, wouldn't fix it if i could.
  12. it is a bigger issue. But just not as big as some make it out to seem.
  13. that f'n moron also said to "take the next train, if the one you're about to get on is full". Shows again how out of touch with reality he is.
  14. what's most concerning to me is that we always buy these things lol. So I'm over here like "did you not have soap and cleaning supplies in your house before"?
  15. we are "checking" all visitors. Which security and EHS have no idea how to actually act on lol. But hey, looks good in an email doesn't it?
  16. well said. I "shed hunt" while i'm walking around looking for squirrels, which I'm hunting while pulling cams and scouting for next year. It's just part of the excuse to get in the woods, which even during hunting season is my reward and my main goal.
  17. I hope you're right. I really do, but this isn't the flu, there is no indication that it will die out with warmer air and yes we don't know what the mortality rate truly is, but experts, not facebook believe it's higher. At least we can all agree that the panic isn't helpful for anyone, especially those in healthcare that will face the real brunt of this.
  18. just salty that i'm not going to hawaii. ignore me for the week
  19. very narrow minded and ignorant viewpoint. Our society relies on interaction with people. There are many elderly and less fortunate that need services, most of our populations live in cities and take mass transit, our entire global supply chain requires human to human interaction. Sure some of us live in a cabin in the middle of nowhere and live off deer and squirrel meat, but that's not how society works in 2020. "simply avoiding people" is not an option for all of 1% of people. Papist finally got his wish.
  20. Just got the notification that all non-essential business trips are canceled. So much for Hawaii, at least for now
  21. these always makes me laugh. Someone goes through all the effort to make a good joke and then use the wrong version of Your, or Their etc.
  22. just when i've been busy enough to have the bug leave the system...thanks m00g haha.
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