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Five Seasons

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. Yet there's no summary or points for consideration to put any meaning to the numbers. For example, if Fox News ran a pole for next president then it's not going to be accurate given their audience. The dec survey targets license holders, this survey targeted hunters on a forum. What about hunters who participate in a forum gives us such different results? I know many really good New York hunters not on this site. So what does that say for all of us? Those are the conclusions we should think about, not getting offended because of our thin skin.
  2. I do an egg and 20%pork. never had an issue with dryness, but always cook them medium rare. Still can't get them to hold together great though.
  3. Just curious. What did you achieve with this survey?
  4. I start every season reminding myself I have everything from last year needed to kill a turkey or deer. I know I might need some new soap, lure, gut out bags etc. and that's it. Inevitably I spend 2 or 3 hundred on stuff. Some gimmicky, but most of it just to make my life easier.
  5. I'm just happy to get a shot and usually don't have the patience lol.
  6. I never got critiqued for my one plum colored dress shirt, just get my balls busted. To your point, results trump most of everything else, but it's important to portray a professional image if you want to be taken seriously.
  7. I'm not in full disagreement, I'm just saying there are disadvantages too. Honestly I haven't put much thought into how I would achieve a mass killing. In close quarters a shotgun with 00 will always rain supreme. anything of distance or spread out would be better suited for a carbine.
  8. I'll let this one rest gjs4. I understand both doe and I gave you unsolicited feedback. I'm doing pretty darn well too, but I'm always am open to constructive criticism. Our comments come from a good place. If you were trying to achieve a goal with your survey and were to share it with legislators or a special interest group, you're not going to get far. I've sat with executives who have dismissed a whole powerpoint presentation because the bullet formatting wasn't consistent. Just my .02.
  9. the big guys don't film here so much. I did catch a show on the sportsman channel and I wish I remembered the name, but they put on some drives up in the Adirondacks. About a dozen guys pushed a few MOUNTAINS! The main guy didn't get a deer but one of the kids shot a small 6 and they all celebrated it. It was cool to see "normal" hunting. Additionally I do watch deer and deer hunting tv. And try to catch heartland bowhunters and buck commander for entertainment. Sometimes we assume every new hunter might think these shows reality but I'm not sure that many actually do. Most of us had a mentor, and someone going in blind is hopefully doing a little more research on websites like this than just watching the outdoor channel. I didn't have a mentor for turkey and gained a lot of knowledge watching some shows, the Drury brothers in particular had a show where they competed and scored based on different types of turkey hunts.
  10. The right shotgun with a drum mag would be ideal, but only 3 or 4 shells in a pump needing to be reloaded would not
  11. Carbontv has some lower budget shows that do a good job too. Typically I only watch shows a month or so the season start to quench the thirst
  12. You know when sometimes little bits of poop and toilet paper get stuck in your butt crack hair?
  13. MeatEater. I'm convinced Rinella can see into my soul.
  14. I don't know how old you are, why you made it or what you made it for. But learn to take criticism as good feedback and not an insult. It's an excellent way to get ahead in life and especially in your career.
  15. It's hard to not see someone's agenda when half their posts include the words "Muslim, blacks or Mexicans" no?
  16. unfortunately those guys earn their money through sponsors. no different than nascar or bass fishing.
  17. I'm not sure anyone should be shamed for not recruiting new hunters. I'll raise my 2 boys in the sport and if they take to it, then great. If it's not their thing then I wont pressure them. If they have a friend or 2 who wants to learn I'll be glad to help. Selfishly we all live some pretty demanding and busy lives and I wouldn't look down my nose at someone who isn't out there "recruiting". We should all be advocates and correct and educate the misinformed.
  18. This is a privately owned website. Why you can't seem to understand that "free speech" doesn't apply here really adds to your lack of credibility. As the all knowledgeable, well versed in the constitution being you come across I would have thought for sure you understood that. You could be banned tomorrow and there's no court that is going to hear your case. So anyhow, yes Ants I don't read the extremist nonsense. But I do enjoy messing with the bigots and nut jobs that have taken up residence here. I'm sure this will get locked soon enough and I will just chuckle.
  19. I didn't even catch the girl comment. Honestly, I have thick skin and I don't even take more than a brief glance at what you or the 3 musketeers type. I thought I was pretty clear that my mission is just to mess with you guys. btw, I'm not sure being a "cling on" is an insult or personal attack. When you and the 3 musketeers are all liking each others posts, that is what you are.
  20. agreed. some of the old timers have this mentality that it's one or the other. I have a ps4, computer, ipad etc. My kids use the ipad. They also will spend all day outside. You can play videogames and also love to hunt.
  21. I've never once pm'd a mod about the political stuff, I'm out and open about it. My intentions were to improve the quality of the site (have you noticed a lot of contributing members go silent lately? I have). The owner has made it clear that he doesn't mind a few members posting 3 or 4 non-hunting related political topics a day with some pretty strongly worded headlines. So, like I said, if you can't beat them I'll join them and continue to troll you and your buddies. There's no rule against it. Game on.
  22. it's funny, down south a 4 year old can pull a trigger. Why the government feels they need to regulate the piss out of everything because they know what's best for us and our children because 1 out of every 100k hunters is an idiot is still beyond me.
  23. interesting to hear your comments on how it shoots. I have an lcp with a laser attachment. I don't "hate" the way she shoots as I didn't buy her for a range gun, but as a nice, easy to conceal pocket pistol. It's very snappy and not comfortable but at under $300 I can't complain.
  24. Please don't take this personal, but you may want to be more consistent with your polls formatting. There's a few questions where you have strongly dissatisfied at the top but the majority of the questions have that choice at the bottom. Keep your questions capitalized and make sure the questions aren't crossing pages. It'll help drive the validity of your survey. Otherwise, I think the participation you got was what I'd expect on this site at this time a year.
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