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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. the use of paragraphs, punctuation, a thought that doesn't branch off into many directions all at once make reading and understanding easier.
  2. I agree with your point, and i bet it always works out. I often wonder though what would happen with a 160 class buck. It's easy to say one thing online, and another when it really happens.
  3. not too bad either but for the money i'll probably just bring my pole http://www.homedepot.com/p/Fiskars-54-in-EZ-Reach-Stik-Tree-Pruner-92347935/100041609
  4. this might work? http://www.amazon.com/Fiskars-Compact-Extending-Pruner-8-Inch/dp/B00AT83LKY/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1443117305&sr=8-2&keywords=extendable+tree+saw
  5. I have a 14' polesaw/pruner combo. You know the big ones you get at lowes. http://www.lowes.com/pd_86252-63731-TP+3714___?productId=3044609&pl=1&Ntt=corona I have a spot I picked out for my climber this year but didn't bring it while scouting. It's 1 30 minute drive to get there. My intentions are to trim a few branches quickly and quietly on my way in to hunt. With a climber and other crap I was hoping for something a little more mobile and the Hooyman's are just straight up robbery. Anyone use anything compact/smaller for cheaper?
  6. when you say "deer" I'm assuming you're meaning doe and younger deer though... I wouldn't expect an old whiley buck to get that curious.
  7. i'm with you. i dislike some of the stands that are closer to the interstate. The sound of a super highway is not what I'm looking for in a hunt, although I'll still sit them a few times a year because some monsters have been shot there.
  8. bought one of these a few years ago on end of season clerance http://www.cabelas.com/product/home/miscellaneous-camo-clothing/scent-lok-early-season|/pc/105625080/c/105823980/sc/833141880/scentlok-reg-men-s-savanna-ultimate-lightweight-headcover/1978077.uts?destination=%2Fbrowse.cmd%3FcategoryId%3D833141880 great for early season, the ears are mesh to keep your hearing good. I've always been a facemask guy. I do subscribe to some of the scent control stuff as well and your head is the biggest generator. Winter is a must for wind protection in my opinion.
  9. you put air fresheners out in the woods?
  10. i have daytime pics, but not on this pc. the answer is 5.
  11. it's just good hygiene. that's all it boils down too. You're sticking your hands in the body cavity of a dead animal. If nothing else it makes the cleanup easier. It's not "unmanly" to wear gloves. That's the comment that bothers me.
  12. probably around the same time we realized that washing your hands kept you healthier, not breathing in coal dust was good for your health, that smoking caused cancer and having to clean dried blood off your steering wheel and antlers could be easily and cheaply avoided.
  13. there's something to be said for documenting your issues as well, some day you may need to defend yourself and the paper trail will help your cause. i'd also recommend putting a trail cam or 2 in a conspicuous location to get plates.
  14. that's pretty solid... but i like my orange so i can mark my dead deer haha.
  15. well i don't live there anymore so that's not a worry. I still feel like you guys owe an explanation before trashing a business.
  16. what's the hate on traditions? I've only used them for a drop away and restringing my compound, but both were done well and timely.
  17. most of it is labeled as forever wild. mean no man interference at all. even some of the lakes/ponds dont allow motor boats. It's pretty cool on one hand, but detrimental on the other because they also don't let mother nature control it.
  18. some of the biggest deer my family has taken have been not too far off of interstate 81. it doesn't make for a peaceful hunt, but the hunting is good.
  19. is this a real question? should i call the police after being robbed twice? btw, your insurance should cover your losses, but not without a police report.
  20. I've used both guar n teed archery in marion and traditions in henrietta and both did good work.
  21. I have zero problem with someone "locking up their land". Some guys spend thousands on taxes, food plots and countless hours scouting, trimming etc. For any hunter to criticize another (not saying you're doing that) for keeping his land to himself is just silly. It's liberal logic really. Hey I want what you have and worked hard for... "just because". Now losing land to build homes is capitalism at its finest and I still believe a lot of that is to do with how hard it is to make a living farming and the ever growing increase in population, urban sprawl etc. But those are things hunters really cant change... in fact i'd argue purchasing land solely to hunt (even if it's a select few with the privileged) is better than that land being turned into a walmart.
  22. lot of variables. thick is hard to get too and shooting lanes are tough, but will hold bigger deer especially around heavily pressured land. That said, hunting the transition to it can be just as successful and easier to hunt.
  23. I like to keep my arms clean, call me what you want. They're good hear/liver bags too.
  24. I hate when I have to pay money for someone else to do all the satisfying parts of deer hunting, when I should have been taking classes at the local adult education center so I can learn to write like an intelligent human.
  25. the use of "their" incorrectly really changes the meaning of your post haha.
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