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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. which was exactly his point. They just don't do that down here. Not used to it and it's not normal. The funny part that got me is that I told him I'd pay for it. That I fully understood the labor involved. That was what got me. Back home they take the truck and do it. Charge me the labor and i cry and move on. Down here technique isn't probably as good but the labor rate is less so it's probably a wash. idk...
  2. born and raised an every Sunday going catholic. I still go as an adult but not as much as I should. I've always believed personally, and still do that religion of any kind is about being a good person. And I would absolutely agree with your priest that spending time with your father and alone with your thought in nature will absolutely do wonders for a child's sole.
  3. Bought my used 2003 silverado 3 years ago. First truck and didn't do a great inspection and it was cheap. It seems to just be one thing after another. It'll run good for a while then something new pops up. I only drive during the cold winter days and deer hunting. Right now she's at 130k but a northern rust bucket. She is not without her problems, but gets me where I'm going. My abs has been kicking in at slow stops for about 4k miles. I've assumed this to be a speed sensor in one of the hubs but just dealt with it. Still stopped just fine. Both rear calipers, pads and rotors are only about 6k old, front I do not know. Well 2 weekends ago i lost power steering. I find my cooler has rusted. A $25 part and an hour to get her fixed in my garage. no problem. Then last weekend I start to lose brake pedal pressure. I don't want to mess with it so I take it to a local mechanic. Keep in mind I live in Mississippi now, but this truck spent 10 years in Buffalo NY. The guy calls and tells me a rear brake line is rusted but he's not sure he even wants to work on the truck because everything's so rusted. Could get real pricey if he has rusted on lines to the abs or sized bleeder valves and everything he touches might break he says. I finally convince him to at least please give it a try. I don't really know what to think... I'm wanting to pay the guy because I don't have a lift, tools or time to do it myself. He says really nobody down south will want to touch it. /end of rant about rusty trucks and southerns just not understanding our frustrations.
  4. like humans they're curious. you never know what might get their attention. I told a story last year on here about dragging out a dead doe breaking branches and talking only to have an 8 point creep up on us not 10 yards away on our trail.
  5. no worries. i have heard that you've got to be careful with any jig really. the glue can mess them up. Now i'm reading aoubt helix and degrees and my mind is partially blown haha.
  6. I've never had a problem with anyone who doesn't want to hunt or even isn't a big fan of hunting. I become quickly annoyed and agitated when someone wants to change what I believe in and what I'm legally allowed to do. Religion will always be used as a puppet and here is a classic example of it being used to push an agenda.
  7. money talks and it pisses people off. Mostly it pisses people off because they don't have it. It does not buy happiness, but it sure does make life easier. If you buy a 1/4 lot and someone clears the woods behind you to put in a development you're SOL. Unless you own it, anything is game. Even leases aren't forever. Neighbor lets you hunt his land, then his daughter marries a hunter. You're SOL. Old lady sells her land to a hunter? You're SOL. Pony up and pay to play or hunt some public land.
  8. interesting and thanks for the feedback. seemed the mini got really good reviews so that's discouraging.
  9. i find the closest open flat spot and a tree. gut it there, kick some leaves and crap on the pile just for the principal of it. Never saw any reason to get cute or be crazy about it. You've really sort of disturbed that area for a few days anyhow.
  10. Speak to my friend whose land I'm hunting. It's his neighbor and his call in my opinion.
  11. I feel like the expensive ass carbon arrows I have should be fine, just curious what you guys did to inspect your arrows. I think I'm going to pony up and buy the Arizona mini.
  12. This got boring quick. OP needs to come back and entertain.
  13. I believe you're missing the point. Nobody is "upset" at his opinion, it's how he presented it. By calling names first. Or did you miss that part?
  14. fair point lol. but if you want to have an intelligent discussion you need to back it up with some credibility and some common courtesy to discuss it civilly. Starting out that way just makes you sound like an ignorant d-bag troll.
  15. every time you post you make your area sound more and more like a bandit, poacher infested war zone. I have no doubt you have your issues, but I always get this image of you standing in your yard just looking for something that pisses you off.
  16. anyone recommend one of these? http://www.cabelas.com/product/hunting/archery/arrows-shafts/arrow-building-accessories|/pc/104791680/c/104693580/sc/104192280/i/103858380/pine-ridge-arrow-inspector/745488.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Farrow-building-accessories%2F_%2FN-1100024%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_103858380
  17. I love the new member posts this time of year. "Hi, I'm a deer hunter and would like to be a part of your community, I'll probably just post a few times in the fall and then go dormant. However I'd like to introduce myself by telling half of you that you're idiots and TGFY" lol
  18. I don't consider 20 arrows excessive.
  19. Classic NY hunter logic. Takes own personal experiences and decides on what's fact instead of actual statistical data. Ranking 28th does not mean we don't still have a problem. It just means that more states have it worse, and less states have it better.
  20. i've got plenty of arrows, just like to have enough to make my trips down range less frequent. I see the recommend jigs do go for around $50. i guess that's not too bad considering the local shop dinged me $12 for the glue. Robin hooded another vane off last night so I might just bite the bullet.
  21. there are indeed moose there, but this was not an adirondak moose.
  22. none really. But it's sort of in the same category of "starting a war/feud". Bad neighbors and trespassers seeking revenge can ruin your season. Even if they're in the wrong.
  23. reminds me of the post I saw about a giant moose in the adirondaks. turns out it's a pic from Maine.
  24. Muck boots. Solid for hiking decent distances. Knee height and the woodymax will cover you for all but the coldest days where a good pair of pack boots is really what you need. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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