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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. Wolc good post. I want to clarify that I love venison from all deer. Fawn chops are by far the best venison I've ever had. I agree with you that a 2.5 is the sweet spot for venison as far as quality and quantity. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Did you trip on a root again? What are you talking about? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Still can't read any of this but if you don't think DHS isn't all over this then I don't know what to tell you. If you believe some radical websites have a leg up on home defense... Good lord I'm out. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. so you felt the need to post this link in 2 threads? Without so much as a reason why?
  5. I can't even read this thread. This is all I picture
  6. that's a nice game room lawdz... for a meat eater
  7. the taste argument started when we started talking about bigger older bucks providing more meat. Which they absolutely do. I just find the meat hunter argument flawed. The extra meat is a bonus. You didn't shoot that big old 200lb. buck because of all the meat. You shot him because he's a hell of a harvest and probably has some nice head gear. I'm sure some dishonest members here will disagree but I don't buy it. I believe in heavily populated areas you're better off with 2 doe than a big ole buck. Especially if you cut it up yourself.
  8. no argument. just a discussion. So I'll counter you. I bet only 10% of this board has even had 4.5 year old buck meat, let along 5.5. You know how rare that is? No pun intended. And I agree with NYAntler, if cooked right you cannot tell. But throw a fawn or yearling doe on the grill unmarinated next to a 3.5 or 4.5 rutted up buck and I just don't think you can argue there isn't a difference. I'm not saying the buck is bad, but that the young doe is better. I think it's less with the backstraps and more in the hind quater steaks and roasts. Even MeatEater has recipes for that "rutted up old buck". And he certainly knows his stuff.
  9. some crisp mornings with great sunsets and some early fall evenings with beautiful sunsets. Pileated woodpeckers, weasels, fox etc. All make some of my favorite sits. But I don't think there's enough there to go out without the chance I might harvest a nice buck too. Otherwise I think a lot of us would sit during the off season. I know of a few photographers but not many of us are sitting in the tree unarmed. So again, nature being a big reason why I hunt it is certainly not the main driver. I'd just as well go for a hike.
  10. My point is that there are a lot of comments when we talk about ARs that trophy hunters are tying the sport and are really bad people. Just read this thread. Yet I don't see any of the trophy hunters putting down the best hunters. It's the pot calling the kettle black. That is what is whack.
  11. Don't mess with panels. Might very well hurt resale. A good paint job will look fine. You're probably the only one who will notice or care anyhow. I'd only say do paneling if you really deck out the room.
  12. Rare. I will state though that a lot has to do with the shot and recovery. I'll eat every ounce don't get me wrong, I just feel I can tell the difference is all.
  13. Thought I saw it all. Now we are talking human equivalents. Good grief.
  14. I cut my own. I'm not saying it's bad but I can tell. Chops are pretty equal but you can tell in the steaks.
  15. Small doses of butter is healthier than margarine
  16. Been at the bars and just got home. Not happy with either game but I'm feeling good just the same
  17. I had a neutral cream and now a neutral tan and the tan looks better. My favorite though is my first house. Big great room with exposed beams and a huge brick fire place. Heads looked great up there.
  18. That had me rolling. Give him credit for trying. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. Let's be honest. A mature rutted buck is not exactly prime venison haha Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. Ditto. I posted one in this very thread. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. Depends on if they go with spread or points. Remember it's not to protect 2.5s Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  22. 1 reply where someone posted a yearling buck they shot and was attacked for it. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  23. I can't even count the hikes I went on with my dog with a .22 at that age. Yeah we live in different times but we've encountered yotes and rabid coons. Picture a young boy hiking the farm across the street with his chocolate lab and his .22 and tell me you'd rather him be inside playing video games. Really picture that young boy and tell me what bothers you about it. Any parent will know if their kid can handle that situation or not. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  24. You realize, while I don't disagree that the problem is you're basically picking and choosing the laws you feel are just. So my opinion is that it's fine for us to discuss it, we don't need the moral police chiming in about how they've never broken a law. And anyone who even thinks a rule is dumb is unethical. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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