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Five Seasons

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. with no intent to start a ruckus, can someone explain why they're regulated at all?
  2. spot on. this debate has been pretty healthy considering some of this boards history. Some strong opinions, facts and ideas without personal attack. There's nothing wrong with discussing a controversial topic.
  3. so because it's really cold it makes it more hunting than early archery in the 70* temp?
  4. Why can't we hunt with what we want? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. But is it not the obsession that combined with the lack of time fueling the need to make it easier? Without the obsession you leave the woods happy to just have unplugged and enjoyed some time in the woods... I'm scouting public land this year for the first time I'm on my own. I have little times and it's been weekends only but I love just hiking with the dog and exploring. If it pays off and I harvest a deer without having been gifted the many proven stands handed down over the years in my family, the sense of accomplishment of shooting any deer, doing it 100% on my own will be worth it. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. I didn't say killing a deer eating isn't fair, I just don't feel that it's natural and sporting. Do I use trail cams to scout? Sure, but more because I think it's fun and lifts my spirits when I'm not seeing deer. But woodsmanship is lost the more and more we rely on technology and the more we push to just get it done is sad. It's why baseball is losing fans. Society wants instant gratification. Hunting and fishing is not for you if that's what you're after. This is just my thoughts and I'm even hypocritical with some of the tech I use. It's funny when I watch naked and afraid and the guy claims he's a hunter and they show pics of him with his rifle or compound. Your trail cams and compound aren't going to do shit for you on a deserted island. I'm not saying we should go all mountain man, but I do have a soft spot for old school hunting. Should I need to feed my family to survive, anything goes, at anytime of year. But that's not reality. Reality is that it's a sport and there needs to be some rules so we can all continue to enjoy it. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. Amen Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. There is a point where you use what nature has given you and when you start putting up fences, placing an unnatural feeder, spotlights etc. where you're altering the rules. Streams, farms, plots that have been in place all year round, funnels etc. do not just appear and alter "nature". I guess I'm struggling with why antler obsession has pushed so many of us to make it easier to hunt. I know we're not all the same and as a family man my time in the woods has diminished so I do not have the time I used to hunt. Hunting to ME is the pursuit of a wild animal. Now all the scent block, camo, weapons etc do increase our odds for success, but I do not see then changing the habits of the deer. But bait does. Again this is just my opinion, but when bait or fences are used you're no longer really "hunting".
  9. Not all food plots are meant to "hunt over" do a little research before you make some of those comments. A lot of plots are meant to hold and grow deer. I realize this could be another hot topic, but to help the deer survive the winter, to grow racks and body is what a food plot CAN do. A bag of apples will not.
  10. Where someone thinks there's money to be made, there will be someone out there trying go make it. That's just business...
  11. Greatest thing in the world but have never used one for deer, just turkey. The radius is more than enough for a lone hunter. I'd say my experience when camping is that it's good for a whole picnic table.
  12. So is baiting the new crossbow debate? Haha. I have always believed hunting should be a challenge. It's what makes it exciting and a huge rush for me. It's also fair chase to me as well. Shooting an animal as it tries to fulfill its natural instinct to survive by eating is not very "fair" to me.
  13. I'll point out though that since urbanization the deer population has exploded. Was like 300k and I think it's something like 3mil. So that statement isn't 100% accurate.
  14. For every 7 or so "gimmicks" or tools I think I need or want, 1 has always panned out. Even website reviews or word or mouth doesn't seems to work. Some stuff really helps with comfort and success and others don't. There's also always the placebo effect. With some expensive cool hunting gear, the newest gun or bow you might feel not confident taking the shot...
  15. usually the publicity with these things are more related to marketing. I'm sure it provides some benefits, but my questions would be if the benefits are worth the price and hassle and even more so the hunter is still washing and practicing scent control, so would it have mattered?
  16. You keep feeding me I'll keep going. I guess you don't understand how forums work. Without opinions there's not much too them. Nobody answered my question about the lack of safety course and a greater setback yet.
  17. keystone light was always my cheap 30 pack of choice. now for everyday drinking it's miller or blue light. My sipping is usually a sierra nevada, sam adams or something local. big fan of HF cadged alpha monkey
  18. I am not. But now I can. Not sure I could hold a cig in my hand and fire a compound off a bipod is all. I'm happy to have this option now.
  19. there have been many nice deer in NY and other states that have come out of public land. Like any property it has to be hunted right. If your goals are for a 3.5+ you really have to find some good spots and that means more work than the average joe. The average joe can also push the deer your way. Private land, as phade is about peace of mind knowing you're the only one and some guy isn't going to ruin your hunt and that possibly based on location there's some older less pressured bucks around. Although my cousin took a real nice buck last year who was very old and probably nocturnal because he was bumped dragging another deer out. doesn't happen as much on private land as it does on public i imagine.
  20. with the earlier opener i'm not sure you're going to miss much other than getting the itch scratched. that said i took my 8 last year the second weekend and saw some good buck go down early.
  21. or you can take it 3 nights broken up... but hey a crossbow is less dangerous so I guess they don't need a proper safety course, just a greater setback... right?
  22. i'm just happy i can smoke a cig and drink a beer now while i pull the trigger tradition can be anything to anyone regardless of length of time. i will continue to hunt with a compound. you can hunt with what you want. the compound is not dying. you will see most records and serious hunters continue to use them.
  23. instead of taking a 3 day course like the rest of the archers do.
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