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Five Seasons

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. My neighbors did their typical clown hunter push and shot at least a dozen or more times. It's a wonder any deer ever come back or one of them doesn't shoot another. Our property is to small to push but they do it anyhow...
  2. Oh wow a recurve? And you were holding it at draw? That's tough man... Especially for a rookie. Keep practicing.
  3. Sounds like you 2 should right a book with your stories! Haha
  4. Son of a... My damn iPhone bites me again haha. Guess I deserve it.
  5. Saw her too. Theses always a few there and I can never figure it out. Both sides are fenced and heavily populated...
  6. Gun season is just too long. Most states have a 7 or 10 day season. You get it all in and don't feel beaten down. Them you back to bow or mz and hunt with less pressure...
  7. I have a stand infested with them. Never thought about shooting one. Figured they might shoot back.
  8. Killing an albino is bad jew jew. You'll pay for it
  9. I had the same. 14 at once. Then 9 the other night. Then I decided I was going to shoot one and none showed up haha.
  10. Sometimes the best remedy is a few days off and doing anything but hunt or even think about it. Then turn the outdoor channel on or read a mag and the itch will come back.
  11. Ditto. Even when I know there SHOULD be nobody. I have at least a hat on when approaching or leaving. And a vest when tracking.
  12. There's no reason not to put AT LEAST an orange hat when bird hunting. I even put a brush guard orange vest in my dog. Especially during deer season. I also wear a pheasant game vest that has orange on it.
  13. It's a ball game now. Looks like the redskins are mimicking my bills and letting he g-men back in it.
  14. Sleds in the snow all day! I too have a bag with zip ties, pen and gloves. Congrats.
  15. Very cool. Congrats. I'd take a piebald. Probably pass an albino.
  16. Punctuation my friend. Helps is all understand what you're trying to say.
  17. Agreed, but in his case it seems the deer traveled a long distance and that is not typical. It's not like he was hunting the edge of his land. Regardless, to your point having a notepad with neighbors numbers may have granted you permission. Seems that deer was traveling though. Not sure it would have mattered.
  18. The correlation is probably the hunter to land ratio. More state land, less development and less people. Down south good land is hard to come by.
  19. Shooting the biggest doe isn't a mistake. You simply need to pick the right time to draw. Preferably with her looking the other way or head down
  20. Pink sky at night, sailors delight
  21. Best camera I own. Great pics. Trigger speed could be a little better but no complaints for the price point.
  22. Deer search is really great. Sorry to hear you lost the deer. I can relate. I fatal gut shot my first bow kill and I also was too eager to wait. But after 300 and a diminishing trail I did back out. 4 hours later I was lucky to get back in and recover him. Single lung hits are fatal but they'll go a long way if you don't slice something else too. Keep at it brother, it only makes the next one sweeter.
  23. You don't want to be around other hunters with guns?
  24. Ummm most trespassers don't wear a back tag...
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