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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. all us inbred cousin f'ers are all amped up about the sophisticated folks comin to our town.
  2. they've been hammering my trees since June as well.
  3. just water and a paper towel for me. The one of the fletchings get a sharpie mark too.
  4. some good info here. but when we say say "most" voted, lets remember that this is NYS. Most assemblyman in most other states (particularly the south) would not have voted. We have a cultural issue as western and upstate new yorkers here. We have very different lifestyles than those in the big city.
  5. how long do radish take to grow to the point that the deer will eat them?
  6. fair enough, but if there is a deer population, they're bedding in some woods somewhere. I doubt they're bedding under the pool decks and in the garden sheds
  7. lets be honest. while the new longer bow season has only 1 season in the books, i didn't enjoy much of the really early days. mosquitos, sweating, the lack of that "fall smell" in the air. And honestly, the last few weeks of October and early November is when i'm going to be using vacation days. If anything, losing that last weekend in november was more hurtful then anything. I guess I just don't see what's so "special" about it, and if someone wanted to try hunting, why the same hunter cant pull him or her in during regular season. Like phade mentioned, I think the attempt to force "quick and easy success" sends the wrong message about what hunting is really all about.
  8. if it failed once, it might just be a matter of time grow, and hopefully it's not when you're out of town. at some point though, an old fridge is costing you more in electricity then buying a new one. I know a few people with really old beer fridges. I'm talking, pre energy star fridges. Those things are energy hogs. One guy turned his off one month and said he saved like $20 a month in electricity. Do the math and a newer cheap fridge pays for itself when replacing an old one.
  9. last weekend of bow? that's prime time Not sure I understand this? So most hunting families wont need the special season? But kids with parents who don't hunt will benefit? How will these kids get into the woods if their parents don't hunt? Why would a friend or family member who hunts not just take them with them opening day like the rest of us started?
  10. while i've grown up with seasons, i can surely relate to shooting barn birds, walking through the woods and plinking stuff at the old dump. It is important that a young hunter have the ability to just simply "hike" in the woods when they're young. That's how I fell in love with nature, the fact that all the male figures in my life didn't hurt to push me towards the sport, but I also fell in love with it on my own. I have a friend that I think would love hunting, and I've taken him out a few times. But his father didn't hunt and he had nobody to draw him to the sport when he was younger. Again, I'll contest that it's less about the temperature, the season etc. And more about who is around you when you're young and impressionable. But that's also what's wrong with a lot of society. Poor parenting, both parents working and latchkey kids. I hope and pray to not be that kind of parent.
  11. My son has already grown out of 3 sets of realtree cammo outfits. a version of this also sits above his crib
  12. that's the same argument i've used before, only to be told it was a beautiful weekend... so it depends on the part of the state i guess.
  13. i agree, but somehow you have to admit that they do know when there's shooting, and whne they're being shot at. big noise, no stink in the woods? no bid deal.
  14. against. like doc said, crossbows aren't that big a deal. It's more or less a fun topic to debate and kill time. The second amendment is a far bigger deal. that and the liberal tax agenda.
  15. it's honestly why we should do away with the party system. As a democrat who voted for the safe act I certainly do not side with him on many subjects, but I do appreciate what he has done for my archery season.
  16. agreed. I would also imagine if some of the neighboring properties where you archery hunt had heavy participation it wouldn't be very good for your bow season. We all know what happens when the guns go off. I would agree that a few bangs wouldn't be much of an influence though.
  17. maytag? lol... i sold appliance at sears in college. best refrigerators: whirlpool (prefer gold if you can swing it) fridgidare kenmore (made by either whirlpool or kenmore) GE (no frills kind only, their fancy stuff isn't very good) I'll add that everyone has had good and bad with every company. Maytag is actually now owned by whirlpool, but when they weren't maytag was to be avoided. I'd avoid the new guys to the game like LG and others because they tend to focus on gizmos and not reliability.
  18. agreed. And the younger generations fascination with shooter videogames will certainly appeal to the youth. I first started at 16 with my gun. Honestly I'm not sure there's a big deal to hunt during regular season with your dad, uncles and friends scattered throughout the woods, and at that time we were talking back and forth with 2-way radios. It was fun and cool to be part of it. I ride the fence on this one. Like others said, i'm not sure a specials season will make or break someone from entering the sport.
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