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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. that about sums it up. there's really no need to keep going. We beat it to death in the offseason. For me it's time to focus on my stick and string and forget that this state went full blown retard.
  2. my top 3. largest size at 185 i think? This must have been 2000 or so during gun. 7J 2011 thanksgiving morning. 7J 2009. best rack and my only mount. Amazingly he only weighed like 130 during bow. amazing freaking genetics. 8F
  3. interesting topic. We have a split g2 monster on cams last year in February and none during the season. Pretty sure he's hanging out on some land that nobody can hunt that is in the vicinity of our property and is probably going on 7 and maybe even starting to decline. However, given the time I have to hunt and the decent amount of other nice deer in the woods it'd be hard for me to pass up nice sized 8's or better. Obviously where we're at in the archery season depends too. I might hold out on a smaller 8 if it's the first few weeks. I have more time on my hands this year than last so I'd like to shoot a nice buck and if all else fails I'll smoke some doe with the shotgun and MZ for the meat.
  4. saw this in a cabelas add. never tried it, i'd rather just shoot by bow. but just passing it along. http://www.amazon.com/Bow-Trainer-Strength-Training-Archers/dp/B00B7PFG38
  5. some pretty wild storms driving home yesterday. definitely added some time to the trek. still amazes me how many people drive with their headlights off in an utter monsoon.
  6. a whole new level achieved by for grow!
  7. i take jabs very well from people i know. and like you know, it's hard to decipher insult from joke through type. other than a few trolls I've felt very few "beatings" for privacy reasons i'm not going to mention the company. However, I do not interface with "the public" or work in retail. and a quick google search shows i'm now in the top 10. we've been booted haha http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/ this.
  8. this gun sounded like the gun for me. all the right specs and features on paper. The gun however is horribly reviewed on almost every sight i've looked at. I don't remember the specifics or if it's just that the 870 was so good people couldn't adopt the change but like Danny said I think there are better guns. I own 2 brownings. A side by side and my semi 12 gauge. Both are phenomenal build, but they aren't cheap and the barrels due to their quality are expensive. For his price, i'd try to find a good used deal or go with an 870 or a 5 or 8 series mossberg.
  9. you posted 3 times since i left work. asking me to relax each time... I don't get it. Was I secretly still posting and being upset? Were you not busy enough being published and credited? Were not enough people hanging from your nuts for your literary prowess? so chilax with your "googled rural jokes" I'm sorry that I took your "joke" out context, I do feel like you and I are mostly on the same page but read that joke wrong and again was a little put off that you slammed me for "trying to help another member out". So please forgive me oh holy one for not being able to tell when someone switches from angry to joking. But it's clear that you have small penis disease as well as you felt the need to post your "credentials". We need to all agree sometimes that every hunter has different things that work for him or her and there not all cookie cuter methods. I believe we dove into this a little with hunting buck beds? So we can agree that we're both successful hicks and call it a day?
  10. i had only a few pumpkins (but plenty of flowers) and very late blooming sunflowers and peppers as well. Didn't hae any issues with cucumbers though. tons of those bastards haha.
  11. i wish i could remember to get my bow tuned in June. never fails though and i forget till late august. ...
  12. if that's the case, this is what i bought. 835 with 2 barrels for under $600 brand new (looks like prices went up) http://www.gandermountain.com/modperl/product/details.cgi?pdesc=Mossberg-835-Ulti-Mag-Turkey/Waterfowl-Shotgun-Combo&i=613933
  13. that's all i needed to read to know more about my buddy phade. what are you even talking about? Where did I say I did any of those things? is reading really that hard for you? I clearly stated my friends father several times... And yes, I'm impressed with myself thank you very much. And yes the "hick" bashing is a touchy spot for me. I grew up in the sticks, proud of it, made something of myself and don't take a dime from the government. intelligence and hard work comes from all walks of life and all the crevices of the country. oh and you left your webcam on. i took this screenshot of you reading
  14. so funny you mention peppers. i wrote mine off a month ago and now they're rocking out hardcore.
  15. I'm a Rage leg humper. never lost a deer even with 2 not so great shots. the new chisel tip and hypo's are even better. If cost is an issue you can buy replacement blades for a little less than new packs. They've come a long way with their recent releases in terms of reliability.
  16. it's why they want crossbows. they want to shoot out to 70 without all the practice it took for the marksman you're referring to
  17. i do not take offense to your advise and I agree with it. I take offense in how you jumped down my throat when I felt like I was helping a fellow hunter with some advise. You had previously given your advise and I gave mine. Perhaps I should join shawn and just start bashing fellow hunters instead of offering advice... thanks for the jab at wayne county btw. I do have a BS in engineering, all my teeth and a senior leadership role with a 120million dollar business that is part of a top 5 fortune 100 company.
  18. i'm not reading all that. generally an older farmer is not going to respond to emails or take the time to write a letter back to you. i'm 29 and email like a fiend and i'd never let someone on my land without meeting htem. whatever works man. you can write a bible to my response. i was simply trying to give some advise. sue me.
  19. 1. face to face goes over better than anything else. although most people with land don't get a lot of door to door visits so it can be a little intimidating. Choose the right time, so long as its not late or dinner. 2. after being shot down offer venison or ask their price to lease. this is assuming you're not competing with other hunters, to which money most likely wont get you in. 3. if it's a "gun thing" offer to only bowhunt. 4. still not getting in, ask to maybe just turkey hunt the spring and build the relationship and then maybe they will be ok with deer.
  20. i very purposely included the word average kid doesn't phase me. My opinion was made and set in stone based off his "destroying of deer" thread. anything else he has to say about anything else holds no water with me. And I'm sure he doesn't care what I think of him. So it's a mutual understanding
  21. geez that took me a few seconds to even see him. i get hundreds of pics on my cams and of course the common "blanks" i might have skimmed right past that one! haha.
  22. fair enough. i have not bought a bow, just accessories and tuning. They are a little family run shop so i tend to give them some slack on staffing.
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