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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. wife loves it almost more than me. haha. bunch of country boys go off and marry a bunch of city girls and this is what you get. yuppy grandkids. the show is very scripted. hate to tell you that. do you honestly belive half of the warehouse stuff would actually happen? Generally these guys probably have antics on a day to day basis, but nothing like what they do for tv. yes and yes. I believe, willie like Phil was an athlete as well.
  2. his character has become to much. not that anyone should believe for a second that it's not scripted, but i liked the first season where we received doses of Si. Now it's just too much over the top. My favorite is Phil. He's not scripted and has classic bits of wisdom.
  3. that was pretty wild. both those guys would be on my wall
  4. i'm not sure anyone knows all there is to know. For example, I'm not sure I agree with hunting 2 or 3 stands a day. You're disturbing the area and your stands. There's nothing like a fresh stand. You know; the one where the deer dont look up because they busted someone there the day before? to each his own. Just like a pissing match, we all prove our worth come picture posting time in the fall. I will add that phade, you've passed on some great info in this thread. That's appreciated. But hunting, like anything will always be "Ford or Chevy"! haha
  5. can you hear me rolling my eyes? at no point did I say that rut hunting is the only way to. I stated my credentials, i've posted pics of the big deer we've scouted and shot near our stands. We know what we're doing. Everything you're saying i'm agreeing with. The whole point of this thread is that there are multiple ways to increase your odds of getting a nice buck, and most of that is with pre-season scouting. The only issue I have with your post was that you should scout buck beds in the spring. And also, I'll be hunting 10/1. But not as much as I'll be hunting around Halloween. That's simply called playing the odds. agreed that scrape hunting has its peak, however i have scrapes still being hit as of April. It all depends and furthers my point of hunting multiple ways and strategies. note the dates. None of these deer were caught on cameras in the fall. And that's 6 cameras on a 60 acre plot
  6. from what i've heard the frost last night shouldn't hurt the apples. only fragile planted vegetables and stuff like apricots that might already be out.
  7. you don't need a doe in heat. but wouldn't you like one? I guess we're not going to see eye to eye on this. But where there are doe, there will be bucks. Same thing goes for turkey. You can kill them off the roost, but you can also imitate a hen and call one in. I've killed my fair share of lone bucks as well. There is no "right way" or "one way" to hunt. It's a mixture of a lot of things.
  8. wow. i've never heard of anything like that. i'd feel horrible.
  9. fences for me too. although I have one that's not fenced from the previous owner that i stumbled upon. It had grown a little raggy and tangled itself in the old fence. I cleared it out, pruned it and mulched around the base. Seems to have blown up the last few weeks and is untouched by the deer. for now... you must have a lack of food for them to destroy a tree, or they're just hanging out locally.
  10. trying really hard not to turn this into a pissing match. I never said anything about completely disregarding them. I wasn't writing an article about beds. I've shot some very nice deer. My family shoots at least one 130 class a year between the 7 of us. We share most stands. I'm not claiming I'm an expert, but over the years I feel I've learned enough to speak on the subject. In fact, We shoot more deer on a 5 acre spot of the 60 acres we hunt in 8f because it's full of thick stuff and the deer (both bucks and doe) come in to bed, find cover and get out of the hardwoods where they're more pressured. the 1000+ acres in 7j generally is harder. But following trail cams in this area for 3 years we always see the same doe. The bucks? they change constantly. A buck will travel miles to chase some tail. All you need is a doe in heat and the horns will be there. this has been my experience as well. I hunt hardwoods/thick sh!t that boarders corn/soy. Traditionally they're morning stands as they come in from the fields to bed.
  11. buck beds will most likely change dramatically come fall. I'd be more on the lookout for the does who tend to stay in one place. and does attract bucks.
  12. wouldn't worry about it that time a year. Especially if it's just once or twice a month. Generally they're more concerned with droppoing their fawns later in spring. But there are turkey hunters, hikers, four wheelers etc. Very few land is safe from the "occasional disturbance" and it's funny how deer react to me during turkey season and how they react during the fall. it's like they know...
  13. ha that's wild. My wife was from a non-hunting family. They never were against it though. I couldn't imagine marrying into an anti family. have you ever probed her on why she's anti? One wrecked car and most people change their minds.
  14. it does look bad a55. but the proof is in the pudding. look for some videos and google the reviews. looks don't mean anything if it's not tried and proven.
  15. nothing can hurt. small plots and a lot of pressure might be destroyed before it benefits you though. If it's not going to take a lot of time and effort clearing out what might be valuable bedding areas I say go for it. Put some trail cams up and see what happens. Add some fruit tress as well.
  16. yep. i get the same. The same guys also shoot the first doe they see never realizing if they could hold off a nice buck might be right behind her. I think I've only shot 2 or 3 bucks that weren't with does. agreed. I hike my land all year long. Late winter with snow on the ground can really give you a better idea of where they will be in the late fall. Also maintaining your runs is often underestimated. If you have a money stand and all the sudden the deer stop showing up. Chances are a tree fell somewhere and the run they were coming in on has been detoured.
  17. congrats. curious when you say anti-hunting family; do you mean truly against hunting or just a family of non-hunters.
  18. i have but it's not what i had hoped for. Because there is no zoom a deer at 15 looks like it's at 50 on the camera. They're better if you want a video of your face or something when hunting. Otherwise to achieve the desired video you really need someone or a setup with an expensive camera to film you. here's a test to give you an idea. target on the left is at 12 yards. deer on the right is at 20 and the last target is at 30. The deer on the second half are at about 20. lost the beginning clip of them being close up.
  19. i thought about doing this but wasn't sure if it'd affect the integrity of the call. no issues though?
  20. would have been a beautiful morning today. but mom and wife got breakfast out instead.
  21. great work Geno. My conditions to my realtor when buying a house was that i would have nobody behind me. couldn't imagine having a fenced in back yard. i have about an acre worth of lawn. much harder to maintain but in pretty good shape. Nothing special. I do scott's 4 step, and will probably aerate this fall.
  22. i got up. looked out the window and said screw it. it's like hunting deer in the rain, riding my motorcycle in the rain or playing golf in the rain. You can do them all but it's just not enjoyable.
  23. while again i recommend doing the best you can in whatever you do, i'm not sure you have to take it to that level wooly! haha.
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