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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. your grammar hurts my brain. - I stated 3 times that it doesn't seem to matter as many hunt the lines near me without issue. But I know from talking with guys at RG&E, and perhaps every area and spot is different. But, anything you do, whether it's riding a sled or hunting near a line could land you in hot water if the big bad power company believes it may affect the integrity of their property (powerlines). For example, they're worried you would climb a pole, hit a pole with your atv or hit a pole with a bad shot. If you think you'll win that battle if they choose to fight it, then go ahead.
  2. muzzy's are great. I am not sure I would call a rage a "waste of money" though. although you're entitled to your opinion. i use rage with success. Never lost a deer even with the 1 bad shot I had.
  3. suburban mom - "but deer are so cute and harmless." suburban mom after she totals her minivan, or her garden is destroyed - "why isn't anyone controlling these menaces?"
  4. doe with a big belly dead on 104w this morning. they're moving to find safe spots to drop. seems like this time of the year is almost as bad as the rut sometimes.
  5. liscensed purchased? i've never been yote hunting but correct me if i'm wrong it's part of the sportsman or small game. Having a season or not doesn't change anything. And I do not believe the DEC has any soft spot for the yote. my thoughts are some farmers like them for controlling the deer population, because deer do not exactly help farmers
  6. fwiw, own and lease are essentially the same thing when it comes to hunting. If you leased some land to hunt and were told it was yours only, isn't that you would expect it to be? They maintain the trails and the lines. again, not that it matters
  7. i swore i had a pic of my reticule somewhere, but i guess not.
  8. for what it's worth, a mesh gihle suit at dicks is pretty cheap. Wear something dark underneath and you're good to go. After you purchase a tyvex and all the pain and what not and do the work I'd bet you're not saving much.
  9. my mueller has an auto setting that works great. adjusts to the light conditions or you can manually adjust it.
  10. A lot of us weren't old enough. A country boy finds a way, even if he has to make his own haha
  11. Wine Joe. Even cheap wine and they'll kiss you all over.
  12. this is what's on my 835 http://www.opticsplanet.com/mueller-optical-1x22x-33mm-quick-shot-waterproof-red-dot-scope.html only issue is turning it off or on if you're trying to save the battery and don't want it to die on you during a hunt. It's the only con really, otherwise the dot adjusts to the light conditions and gives you several options for cross hairs.
  13. so your story changes? It used to be that you couldn't use a compound because of your disability... now it's no problem? this is the bow i shoot http://mathewsinc.com/product/switchback/#overview
  14. sometimes in deer hunting you have to sacrifice other outdoor hobbies. Not always, but running quads all summer will certainly affect a would be sanctuary. You have decide what's more important.
  15. can swing a golf club and operate an ancient crossbow, but cant use a vertical bow. classic
  16. i couldn't imagine being anti-gun at a meeting like that. Takes some balls to go up against a bunch of angry guys with guns haha.
  17. i also mentioned this as an option, but at least do your local shop the favor of looking at their used bows. They might not be that much cheaper online and you're going to get better support from them. I always feel bad for the archery shop guys when people show up to try it all out and waste their time, because they buy it elsewhere. heck, I did this with my TV at bestbuy, but for the small guys I say at least give them a shot or else we will all be driving miles to get our bows restringed.
  18. but they do own the poles and the lines. so anything you do on or around them could be considered tampering. Again, I've never seen it enforced and I dont hunt them myself. But there are some heavily hunted ones near me. However, the substation that used to be a heavily used snowmobile trail go by it recently got a huge fence and some big signs. haha.
  19. I heard that crossbow bolts have super sensitive broadheads that actually have super powered magnets in them and will attract themselves to the iron in the deer's blood. How cool is that!?
  20. i agree with all this, but would not discourage you from practicing with your hunting arrows. Maybe you have a reason for this, but I see none. You're not going to "wear out" an arrow.
  21. I'm not sure I'd say 8F is struggling, but i would say it's not what it use to be
  22. gotcha. after seeing that website i'm remembering them being recommended from theoldgobbler forum. If you're looking for a replacement I like the Hevi-13's i shoot. Also expensive though.
  23. haha all i meant is that my bow new with the accessories it had would have been $800+. So you can save a lot of money buying used. I'm sorry I don't know any shops nearby. But it's better than ebay. Google maps search maybe? You need to get him sized and comfortable. If they don't have a good selection of used, don't settle. But you could try some new ones out and then search online for used...
  24. 1. if you're shooting at the same plate and 15 arrows at a time, your chances are greater that you're going to robin hood vs only shooting 1/2 dozen. If you're shooting multiple targets, then I'm not sure how you're going to determine your arrows are the issue or not. Scientific method, only change one variable at a time and everything else remains constant. I simply trying to point out that if you buy a good dozen or half dozen arrow set, that even though you might have to retrieve your arrows more often in one session you might save a few. Plus it's never good to shoot "too much" you want to shoot 2 to 3 dozen and really no more at a time. 2. 10/1 - 11/20 something? Sure there's some warm weather bow days, but plenty of cold, especially when you're not moving. Regardless I'm always in my gilie suit, it's what's underneath that changes with weather. Bow season is a lot about scent and cover. Face paint, jeans and a T may work for you but it's not my choice.
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