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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Doewhacker

  1. You know, sway back, swollen neck, two axe handles wide....same as deer
  2. It will have to be a overall girth measurement I think, that way the guys that are really full of it will go first!
  3. Well it is easier having a dual income, especially because I married a smart woman with a degree who makes more than I do ! We go back and forth alot...move to a new state and buy land and a house or stay here and buy land for a camp.
  4. We never had a camp so I missed out on all of that stuff, but we did use to hunt as a party. At one time we had quite a group but most of the guys got older or split off so now its just my dad, brother and wife. Some day my kids will join the ranks, I hope. Who knows I may buy land or a camp some day, sounds like fun the way you describe it Culv.
  5. Is any one else getting snow today? We are up in the 6-12 range and I hope they are wrong.
  6. Yes indeed, but freedom of speach should not be hard to defend. You can't limit any of our freedoms reguardless of what they are and how distasteful they might turn out to be. That is the reason that wacko group has been aloud to protest the funerals of our fallen soldiers.
  7. I never cared for either one of the Joe's, I think cause they seemed like cheap Curley knock offs. Shemp was original and different.
  8. "but look at the arrows they are shooting, they are getting lighter as the speeds go up, this in turns leads to less ethical kills in my book as the arrows don't have the energy for clean pass throughs if the shots a little off." Well I agree some arrows are light for my taste but there have been more heavy carbon arrows on the market this last year or two. That was one of the reasons I made the switch last year, still lighter than alluminum but really close. As far as the pass through thing goes, an arrow will do a hell of alot more damage should it stay inside the body cavity and move around as the deer runs. And I would take a new Hoyt too but I will wait until my wife is ready to upgrade a few years from now, my cheap Parker shoots great and I like it.
  9. I see a trend developing here Vjp, all of your insults stem from TV. TV is brainwashing at is best, you of all people should know that.
  10. 5" brace height ought to make for a tough bow to shoot consistently, and a noisy one too. But damn thats fast...
  11. Good point SOB, I use a 5/16 sized peep which is the biggest I could find and that has helped me alot along with smaller sized pins. I figured if there were going to blur up at least the blur would be smaller. I think a light bulb just went off, I couldn't figure out how the hindsight worked and then it popped into my head finally. "I see said the blind man.."
  12. "Don't put any sight magnifying device on your bow. They're illegal for hunting in N.Y.." I think that they are legal actually, of course I can't find it any where. And thanks for the info, have you seen the IQ sight, its kinda in the same vein of stopping hand torque. Pretty neat idea.
  13. Thats much better, we could an senor to the front of our names to keep with the Mexican theme, I am fine with that Senor Curley. Aye Papi!
  14. Yes and the three gay amigos would mean the end of days to him...honestly I still don't know who the other two are as they haven't picked their names yet. Who am I supposed to be siding with? Did I form an alliance some how.. man what happened when did I say I agreed with any one, oh well back to hateing my terrible life of mind oppression.
  15. I know my life is terrible you are right... : Can we pick which member of the three stooges we are cause I wanna be Shemp, he was my favorite. You guys pick one from the remain stooges.
  16. Come on you have to do better than that, you can't try to use my insult back on me..be original, think what the founding fathers would have said since you have a direct line to what was in their heads it shouldn't be to hard. I'm rubber and your'e glue......
  17. Lee Greenwood - god bless the USA is actually playing right now! Too funny! Itunes country station. AH HA! Thats no coincedence my freind!
  18. Any one else hear that music playin while you read his post? It was far off in the distance but I think it was the Battle hymn of the Republic???
  19. I don't get how this thing will make it better for those with poor eyesight, do you guys inderstand how it makes it better? I ask cause I have always had bad eyesight and glasses and will probaly be in the same boat as you some day.
  20. Yes, you might win a Red rider BB gun or a decoder ring or something cool like that!
  21. Now that was funny! lol Am I gonna be introuble for raking the acorns in my yard into a pile, the deer liked them this winter. No I didn't think of them when I was raking, I was thinking, my what a pain in the arse this is I should be out hunting instead of raking.....and then there was a rake laying in the yard and no Doewhacker behind it..haha
  22. Part of their 50 year celebration, plus you get entered to win some prizes when you buy something from them, I think thats how it works anyway.
  23. A Thanks to burmjohn by the way for not only running the site but also busting out the tools to fix it when its broke.
  24. And at the end of the day your opinions and beliefs mean as much as mine or any one else's. Interpret all you wish, you have zero power to change anything in this country as you are but one man. So please, pay your taxes, rant on the internet, point fingers and fall asleep clutching the constitution and a tomorrow life will be the same as it is today.
  25. Vjp, Sure there are documents and quotes but that still does not mean you or any one else can speak like you were there and know the guys that wrote it. Although I'm sure you will argue otherwise.
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